Ernst Fritz Fürbringer
Nacimiento : 1900-07-27, Brunswick, Germany
Muerte : 1988-10-30
Herr Bach
Generaloberst v. Bülow
The movie depicts the events from July until September of 1914 which led to the defeat of the German troops at the Marne. While Sebastian Haffner explains and comments on operations and decisions on the basis of situation maps, key scenes are depicted by actors. A main focus is thereby placed by Haffner onto the controversial mission of lieutenant-colonel Richard Hentsch who is said to have, during a war patrol to the various army high commands, contributed to the abortion of the operations significantly.
Dr. Schlünz
Johannes Gander
The second telefilm directed by Michael Haneke.
Alec Warner
The writer Charmain Colson entertains a circle of old friends. One day, when the group receive an anonymous message saying Memento Mori/Remember you must die, they all panic in fear and angst.
Lord Amery
Oberst von Schröten
Professor Schott
Der Inquisitor
Beispiel 1
Staatsanwalt Stenglein
Professor Tavaria
El capitán Tom Rowland y el Comisionado X son enviados a Pakistán con objeto de aniquilar a los miembros de la banda de los Tigres Rojos, responsable del contrabando de drogas entre Afganistán y los Estados Unidos.
Prinz Sergius
In this three-act operetta by Hungarian composer Emmerich Kálmán, a dashing and mysterious circus performer is hired by a disappointed suitor of Princess Fedora Palinska to pose as a nobleman and marry her. This 1969 performance was produced for West German television.
School Director
One day the animals become too colorful: war is constantly going on among the people. When Alois, the lion, learns that the 365th Peace Conference has just failed, the animals decide that it is high time to intervene: they call their own "animal" peace conference. With much courage and even more imagination, they develop a plan so that Frides can finally prevail among the people of the world ...
Dean Acheson
Verteidiger Heine
Segunda Guerra Mundial. Hannibal Brooks, un oficial del ejército británico, es obligado a cuidar a un elefante en un zoo de Munich. Aprovechando esta circunstancia, y en compañía de un compañero americano y otro australiano, se escapa montado en el elefante, con la intención de llegar a la frontera suiza. (FILMAFFINITY)
Portela Valladares
Abgeordneter Philipp Scheidemann
Kardinal Cajetan
Mark Sutherland
Harold Hilliard
When British philosopher Harold Hilliard took off for Warsaw to lecture on the Dysteleological Surd, he had no idea that he would soon become embroiled in international espionage. During the trip he tried to open a suitcase he mistook for his own. When a fellow passenger, a Pole with stainless steel teeth, took umbrage, Hilliard put it down to bad manners, but when the same man saw him pick up the wrong coat in the plane, Hilliard realized that he was suspected of spying. The party at the airport to welcome Hilliard only convinced the Polish agent that the British Secret Service was now picking its men with extraordinary cleverness. Hilliard, whose works were little known in England, was warmed by unaccustomed praise but chilled by the apparent certainty of the counter espionage people that he was a British agent whose code name was Whale.
Herzog von York
Prinz Max von Baden
Dr. Drew
Henry / Lord Loam
Sir Howard Hallam
Staatssekretär von Tschirschky
General von Voineburg
En agosto de 1944, las tropas americanas están a punto de liberar París. Mientras tanto, Hitler ha ordenado a uno de sus generales que mantenga el control sobre la ciudad o que la destruya. Fresco histórico sobre la liberación de París por las fuerzas aliadas. Impresionante reparto con guión de Coppola.
Prof. Akron
A scientist invents a filter that can increase the power of a laser beam, turning it into a death ray! A dangerous crime organization wants the device and will stop at nothing to get it, while murder and violence follow Joe and Tom to Singapore as they try to foil the evil plans.
Guillaume Manchon
Beecham - ihr Butler
Gerichtsrat Walter
School Director
The 13-year-old Ludwig is to have for every joke. At boarding school he cuts his stern teacher, Captain a. D. Semmelmaier, during the nap from the beard. The angry pedagogue then sends the spoiled flail back to his beloved Bavarian village. The long-suffering mother persuades the rector to resume her reforming boy at the Latin school. Everything seems to be working out for the better, but the upcoming marriage of his sister Ännchen with the Berlin beer brewer Karl Schultheiss presents Ludwig with new challenges.
Mr. Peabody
Kaiser Karl V
School Director
Richard Glencannon
Erfolgreicher Mann
Mobsters conspire to loot another criminal's treasure secured in an enormous booby-trapped vault.
Professor Sostlov
Detective C.G. (Klaus-Juergen Wussow) begins to investigate the death of an attractive woman (Heidelinde Weis) whose naked body was found in Beverly Hills. When he recovers her journal, he is taken into her past where he finds that she lead a sexually promiscuous life. Perhaps in the pages of the diary will be a clue to her killer's identity. This thriller was the first German feature to be shot in Hollywood after WWII as well as the first feature for German television director Michael Pfleghar. Based on a bestselling novel by Curt Goetz, Die Tote Von Beverly Hills/The Corpse of Beverly Hills was adapted to the screen only a few short years after his death.
Sir Gerald Blythe
Professor Heberlein
Philipp II
Vater Hartmann
Vierter Geschworener
German television adaptation of 12 Angry Men
Der fremde Herr
A comet drops from the sky and causes a stir in Cadiz, Spain. A nihilistic drunk called Nada announces that very bad things are imminent. A herald gives orders that it is punishable to mention the comet.
Prof. Dr. Babkin
Lord Grenham
Magier Kataster
Graf von Spannheim
Prof. Stieglitz
Dr. Norman Crosby
Geheimrat Dr. Otto Giselius Ernst
James Morland
Von Straaten
A german woman falls in love in Capri.
Monsieur Chauffourier
Feldmarschall Dörfling
Sir Archibald
Un ladrón de bancos, Clay Shelton, es sentenciado a muerte por el asesinato de uno de los policías que le detuvo. Instantes antes de ser ahorcado, profetiza que todos los que tuvieren alguna relación con su muerte serán a su vez ejecutados por él quien llama “El brazo de la Horca”. Nadie se toma en serio sus palabras, pero poco tiempo después se producen varios accidentes mortales, y perecen el fiscal que lo acusó, el juez que le condenó y el verdugo que le ejecutó. Algunos testigos señalan la presencia de un desconocido con la mano alzada en forma de garra, exactamente como Shelton había predicho. Otros afirman haber reconocido al mismo Shelton. ¿Se trata de su fantasma o de un doble? Mientras el pánico se extiende entre el resto de los supervivientes, el inspector Long está seguro de que las muertes tienen un origen racional y no sobrenatural, y para asegurarse abre la tumba de Shelton...
Pastor Hale
Sir Archibald Morton
En la prisión de Toulouse está a punto de ejecutarse una sentencia de muerte, pero la torpeza del verdugo, al dejar un clavo en la guillotina, salva la vida del reo. Once años más tarde, una ola de chantajes asola la ciudad de Londres: ciudadanos de buena posición económica reciben una carta de extorsión en la que aparece impreso un círculo rojo. Todos los que no ceden al chantaje o avisan a la policía son fríamente asesinados, y siempre, junto a cada víctima, se encuentra un trozo de papel con un círculo rojo impreso. El inspector Parr, de Scotland Yard, y un célebre detective privado, Derrick Yale, unen sus esfuerzos en la investigación policial. Los crímenes siguen, pero poco a poco, las sospechas se van concentrando en un número reducido de personajes.
Doctor Ginés de Sepulveda
Mr. Buchsbaum, third class taxes employee, lives a peaceful life until the new chief immediately criticizes his work. His only confort is his stamps collection. Sadly, even this consolation and his peace are threatened by a new, charming, neighbour who teaches piano.
Increasingly infuriated, he discovers accidentally one evening that he has the ability to go through walls. With this power, he decides to settle the scores, firstly with his boss who downgraded him.
Sir Archibald
Una banda de delincuentes tiene atemorizada la ciudad de Londres con sus delitos: tras cada fechoría dejan como señal la marca de una rana, y su misterioso jefe oculta la identidad bajo un grotesco disfraz, en el que destacan unos ojos terroríficos. El inspector Elk, encargado del caso, se enfrenta a un problema insoluble: no hay pistas útiles, y los testigos potenciales guardan silencio por miedo a morir. Richard Gordon, sobrino del jefe de Scotland Yard, inicia su propia investigación, y sus pesquisas le llevan a un club nocturno, el “Lolita”. Varios personajes sospechosos se cruzan en su camino...
Oberschulrat Wagner
Sherlock Holmes
Herzog von Alba
Presiding Judge Dr. Schleffien
Hamburgo, Alemania, 1944, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Un asesino en serie aterroriza la ciudad. Cuando parece claro que la policía local es incapaz de atraparlo, fuerzas tan oscuras y terribles como el propio criminal se hacen cargo del caso.
Lord Horace
London, in 1730. Charly, Jim and Ben work hard, with the brave Maud, in a cotton mill to earn a few shillings. They all dream of the wonderful island told by Daniel Defoe. The latter lives in a miserable room. He is disgraced and rejected by his son Tom, a scoundrel who blames his father for losing his position at the Court ...
Vater Hubert Scharfenberg
Narrator (voice)
Directed by Eugen Schuhmacher
1. General
Minuciosa recreación -en formato casi docudrama- del atentado fallido contra Adolf Hitler en julio de 1944, operación planificada por parte de algunos oficiales del ejército alemán liderados por el coronel Claus Stauffenberg. En el año 2008 se volvió a recrear la historia en "Valkyrie" (Valkiria), con Tom Cruise.
Intelligence Chief
A scientist on the run with a valuable formula is murdered, and the only witnesses are eight blind people.
A man, in need of money and too lazy to work for a living, marries a plain but rich girl in the knowledge that she is ill and has not long to live.
Vorsitzender des Gerichts
Petterson, Bankier
Grenzpolizeiinspektor Hirzinger
Ein undurchsichtiger Herr
Jean, Orliacs Diener
Armande, the wife of surgeon Colbert, has numerous love affairs and pursues Jacques, whom Armande’s girlfriend Liliane has in her sights.
Professor Kalkhoff
Alexander Graf
In the antique shop J.M. Mauritius, there’s astonishment when a young, beautiful woman, Gabriele Euler, inquires about an old fortress crest, which can be seen in the background on an old tapestry --- it’s, in fact, the same crest engraved on an old, silver jar belonging to Gabriele: a family heirloom. She discovers, that the crest is the landmark for Burg Uhlenfels. Determined to find out more about her allegedly noble roots, Gabriele takes off to explore Castle Uhlenfels … unaware it’s haunted.
Advokat Rienösl
Professor Ammerfors
Dr. Max Hoffmann
The actress Julia Bach is married to the famous director, Professor Paulus Allmann; however, no one is to know about the marriage. Julia doesn't want a career simply because she has a famous spouse. For that reason, Paulus always has to go on his concert tours alone. It's no wonder then, that he soon starts to feel neglected. These feelings of neglect are encouraged by his ex-wife Hedi, who's always hanging around. When Paulus one day forgets his wife's birthday, she goes on the rampage in the presence of guests. Wounded, Paulus leaves their home. Julia thinks there's only one way to save their marriage: for one year -- until her next birthday -- they are not to see one another. In that period of time, it should be abundantly clear whether they belong together or not.
Rechtsanwalt Dr. Norbert Hartwig
Sir Joseph Bruce Ismay
La construcción del Titanic, ha sido un esfuerzo enorme para la naviera White Star Line. Su presidente Sir Bruce Ismay, intenta sin atender a razones batir el record de velocidad en el viaje inaugural para obtener la confianza de los inversores. Pronto hay señales de peligro. Film de propaganda nazi que adapta libremente los populares hechos de 1912, en los que el Titanic se hundió en las aguas del Atlántico.
Eveillard, amerikanischer Zahnarzt
Dr. Eveillard
General Jackson
Historical drama portraying the life of German baroque architect Andreas Schlüter.
Prince Metternich
A musical comedy directed by Willi Forst.
Director Gentzmer
Paul Dreysing, Zeichner
A sculptor, an enemy of modern art, sets an example. He sculpts a statue of Venus in the style of the Greek antiquity and buries it in a forest. When it's dug up in 1930, it's considered to be a 2 000 year old, antique statue.
National-Socialist propaganda film that serves to memorialize one of the early representatives of colonialism: the German philologist Carl Peters. He is, at the end of the 1900′s, a noted advocate of the establishment of a German colony. Without support from Germany, he struggles on his own account against the English in East Africa. Later he is named Reichskommissar and promotes the expansion of a German colony. But Jewish and Social-Democrat opponents order him back to Germany and force him to resign.
Von Schornow
Klemens Fürst von Metternich
Direktor Peter Wendland
In the spring of 1905, the water conduit project in the Canadian city of Canitoga is set to be completed. For years, the completion had been marred by sabotage. Engineer Oliver Montstuart commands the last blasting operation. But again, the explosive charge is too large and thus, further construction is forestalled again. When Montstuart confronts foreman Westbrook, the foreman threatens him with a knife. In self-defence, Montstuart shoots him. Now, he has to flee.
Hans Holger
German all-star musical from 1938 that was a big commercial success.
Before the First World War, Dr. Hans Stockmann had a practice in a small town. His powerhungry brother is the mayor of Bad Trimburg, which has developed into a respectable resort. Dr. Stockmann is called in to become the town’s chief physician. He considers the sanitary conditions to be intolerable and insists on a clean-up. His ambitious brother and all those who, till now, have profited well from the corner cutting, are, of course, against that for financial reasons. The doctor is condemned from all sides and the conflict escalates.
Illusionist Garvin
The famous tightrope artist Truxa is drinking at the Artisan bar in New York. He meets a young man, Husen, and gives him his stage name Truxa. He is to take the real Truxa's place at a circus show in Wintergarten, Berlin.
Geschäftsführer im Café 'Dorado'