
F 63.9 Love Sickness (2013)

Género : Comedia, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 22M

Director : Olena Demianenko, Dmytro Tomashpolskyi


A comedy about the love between a doctor who specializes in sexually transmitted diseases and an astronaut, and a covert space experiment.


Nina Seul
Nina Seul
Oleksandra Lvivna
Alexey Zubkov
Alexey Zubkov
Oleksandr Chaika
Svetlana Kryuchkova
Svetlana Kryuchkova
Roza Moizhes
Natalia Shamina
Natalia Shamina
Lena Golovach
Denis Yasik
Denis Yasik
Aleksandr Ignatusha
Aleksandr Ignatusha
Volodymyr Abazopulo
Volodymyr Abazopulo
Oleg Osina
Oleg Osina
Oleksandra's son
Aleksandr Bargman
Aleksandr Bargman
Larisa Kadochnikova
Larisa Kadochnikova
Vyacheslav Nikonorov
Vyacheslav Nikonorov
Alik Shpilyuk
Alik Shpilyuk
Anatoli Mateshko
Anatoli Mateshko
Yurii Yevsiukov
Yurii Yevsiukov
Sergey Churkin
Sergey Churkin
chief surgeon


Vigen Vartanov
Vigen Vartanov
Director of Photography
Igor Melnichuk
Igor Melnichuk
Pavlo Krakhmaliov
Pavlo Krakhmaliov
Olena Demianenko
Olena Demianenko
Dmytro Tomashpolskyi
Dmytro Tomashpolskyi
Dmytro Tomashpolskyi
Dmytro Tomashpolskyi
Dmytro Tomashpolskyi
Dmytro Tomashpolskyi
Oleh Verenko
Oleh Verenko
Digital Compositor
Aleksandr Batenev
Aleksandr Batenev
Production Design

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