
Empty Saddles (1936)

Killers, Kidnappers, crooks...they scurried like rats before this six-foot whirlwind of wild-cat and whipcord astride a streak of horseflesh!

Género : Western

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 7M

Director : Lesley Selander
Escritor : Frances Guihan


Buck runs into trouble when he buys a deserted cattle ranch that he turns into a dude ranch.


Buck Jones
Buck Jones
Buck Devlin
Louise Brooks
Louise Brooks
Boots Boone
Harvey Clark
Harvey Clark
Swaps Boone
Gertrude Astor
Gertrude Astor
Eloise Hayes
Charles Middleton
Charles Middleton
Cim White
Frank Campeau
Frank Campeau
Kit Kress
Claire Rochelle
Claire Rochelle
Madge Grant
Lloyd Ingraham
Lloyd Ingraham
Lem Jessup - alias Jim Grant
Earl Askam
Earl Askam
Red Madden - Henchman
Ben Corbett
Ben Corbett
Niles Welch
Niles Welch
Jasper Kade
Charles Le Moyne
Charles Le Moyne
Mace (as Charles LeMoyne)
W.E. Lawrence
W.E. Lawrence
Cull Cole (as Wm. Lawrence)
Buck's Horse


Lesley Selander
Lesley Selander
Frances Guihan
Frances Guihan
Cherry Wilson
Cherry Wilson
Buck Jones
Buck Jones
Bernard Loftus
Bernard Loftus
Herbert Kirkpatrick
Herbert Kirkpatrick
Director of Photography
Allen Q. Thompson
Allen Q. Thompson
Director of Photography
Felix Mills
Felix Mills
Original Music Composer

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