Lesley Selander

Lesley Selander

Nacimiento : 1900-05-26, Los Angeles, California, USA

Muerte : 1979-12-05


From Wikipedia Lesley Selander (May 26, 1900 – December 5, 1979) was an American film director of Westerns and science fiction movies. His career as director, spanning 127 feature films and dozens of TV episodes, lasted from 1936 to 1968. Before that, Selander was assistant director on films such as The Cat and the Fiddle (1934), A Night at the Opera (1935), and Fritz Lang's Fury (1936). To this day, Selander remains one of the most prolific directors of feature Westerns in cinema history, having taken the helm for 107 Westerns between his first directorial feature in 1936 and 1967. In 1956, he was nominated for the Directors Guild of America award for Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Television, for his work directing a 1954 episode of Lassie.


Lesley Selander


Travis debe investigar los sucesos relacionados en un bar de una ciudad sin ley, perdida en el estado de Arizona. Para sus pesquisas logrará contar con la ayuda de Jill, una atractiva mujer que trabaja en ese local.
Fort Utah
Un expistolero se enfrenta a un hombre que está intentando crear problemas con los indios para enriquecerse.
Texas Kid
El periodista Roy Carlin intenta convencer a un hombre para que declare contra Luke Star, un pistolero que tiene atemorizada a toda la comarca. Pero Luke, que se entera del plan, los asesina a los dos y declara que se han matado entre sí como consecuencia de una disputa. Jess Carlin, un pistolero retirado, se entera de la muerte de su hermano y decide esclarecer los hechos.
La ciudad indomable
Un pistolero recibe el encargo de limpiar una salvaje ciudad fronteriza. Pero hay gente que tiene interés en que fracase en esta empresa.
Fort Courageous
En el este occidental, un sargento de caballería es equivocadamente llevado a una corte marcial. Para recuperar su buen nombre, que se hace cargo de una patrulla que acaba de perder a su líder en un ataque de los indios. Él lleva el regimiento a Fort Valiente, pero se horroriza al descubrir que los indios atacaron y masacraron a todos menos uno de sus habitantes. Ahora El pequeño grupo hardy debe luchar contra los renegados por su cuenta. El ex sargento planea una estrategia brillante que culmina en ganar el respeto de los indios. Salen de la fortaleza y la paz solo se restaura.
War Party
A cavalry unit rides into a Comanche trap. If the patrol leaders cannot find a way out, they will all surely perish.
Convict Stage
A cowboy whose sister has been murdered by a gang of vicious outlaws seeks his revenge. But a venerable old lawman is about to teach the vigilante a lesson about taking the law into one's own hands.
El llanero solitario y la ciudad perdida del oro
Tres indios son asesinados. Cadauna llevaba un medallón al morir. Los medallones forman un rompecabezas cuya solución apunta a un tesoro escondido.
The Wayward Girl
Framed by her stepmother for manslaughter, a convict turns to a parole racket.
Taming Sutton’s Gal
John Lupton portrays a vacationing city-boy who takes a room in a remote hunting lodge. He soon finds himself in a lick of hillbilly trouble when he catches the eye of a moonshiner's meretricious wife. Low budget "white lightnin'" dramedy released to scant notice in 1957.
Outlaw's Son
A young boy grows to adulthood believing his father was the man responsible for a murder committed during a bank robbery.
Rebelión en Fort Laramie
El fuerte Laramie esta continuamente en conflicto con los Sioux. Cuando llega la noticia del estallido de la Guerra de Secesión (1861-1865), que enfrenta al Norte y al Sur, el comandante debe decidir en qué bando luchará. Finalmente, se alista con los confederados. Acompañado de otros hombres atraviesa territorio indio, donde, Inesperadamente, son atacados. (FILMAFFINITY)
Tomahawk Trail
En pleno territorio apache, un regimiento de caballería del ejército de los Estados Unidos, guiados por el incompetente Teniente Davenport, tiene una escaramuza con los indios. A pesar de lograr rescatar a dos mujeres, una de ellas la hija del comandante Carter, pierden varios caballos y Davenport resulta herido. El sargento Wade McCoy tiene que hacerse cargo del regimiento y conducirlo al fuerte más cercano en busca de protección. Allí se encuentran con un escenario desolador.
Explorador de la frontera
Quincannon (Tony Martin) es un antiguo oficial de la caballería de los Estados Unidos que lidera una partida de búsqueda en territorio indio para investigar la desaparición de un cargamento de rifles de repetición, supuestamente robado por Lobo de Acero y sus arapahoes. Pero Quincannon piensa que detrás del jefe indio hay alguien más y está decidido a averiguar quién es.
El sheriff corrupto
En la oficina de un sheriff trabajan dos ayudantes. Uno, ambicioso y propenso a meterse en líos que le llevará a cometer un asesinato; otro calmado y amante de la verdad que les llevará al enfrentamiento. (FILMAFFINITY)
Desert Sands
The French Foreign Legion battles rebellious Arabs in North Africa.
Fuerte Yuma
Un colono asesina a un jefe apache en Fort Yuma. El comandante del fuerte, que sabe que los apaches, sedientos de venganza. les declararán la guerra, envía al Teniente Ben Keegan para apaciguarlos. Pero el teniente odia a los apaches y desconfía de ellos. Además, la hermana del sargento Jonas, el explorador que lo acompaña, es una apache con la que Keegan tuvo una relación amorosa.
Tall Man Riding
Still seeking revenge against ranch owner Tuck Ordway for publicly whipping him years earlier and breaking up his relationship with Ordway's daughter, cowboy Larry Madden plans to oust Ordway from his ranch by having his claim to the land declared invalid. Ordway's daughter Corinna, believing Madden to be the cause of the family's recent misfortunes, is unaware that the local saloon owner also has designs upon the Ordway holdings.
La pradera sangrienta
El sheriff Clay Hardin va tras los asesinos de su amigo el Marshall Mark Fletcher. Por el camino encontrará a Abby y al cazador de recompensas Reb Carlton, que le acompañarán y ayudarán en la captura de los forajidos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Return from the Sea
A hardened career navel officer must come to terms with adapting to civilian life with the help of a waitress that can see through his tough veneer.
El hacha de guerra
El explorador del ejército norteamericano Adam Reed, regresa a su campamento después de un encuentro con su amigo cheyenne Cuchillo de Fuego. Trae consigo dos objetos, un arco como prueba de profunda amistad para él, y un tomahawk pintado de amarillo como declaración de guerra para el comandante Ives, el jefe del destacamento, al que los indios consideran responsable de la masacre perpetrada contra su pueblo en Sand Creek. Las advertencias de Adam no tendrán nada que hacer ante el orgullo y la prepotencia de Ives.
Flechas incendiarias
Un desertor del ejército se encuentra con una caravana que necesita protección frente a los indios. Decide entonces hacerse pasar por un oficial muerto y lleva a los viajeros hasta su destino. Entonces se presenta a las autoridades. (FILMAFFINITY)
Dragonfly Squadron
A Korean War film with a secondary plot of the training of South Korean pilots, to fly fighters in air defense, by American Air Force instructors,led by Major Brady, a famed and skilled-but-grounded pilot, assigned to the Kongku base.
Los fusileros reales de África
Cuando, en 1914, en el puerto de Mombasa, un cargamento de ametralladoras es robado de un buque de guerra inglés, un tal Denham recibe la misión de recuperarlo. Sus investigaciones lo conducen hasta Cunningham, un comerciante que intenta vender armas a los alemanes.
Fighter Attack
World War II film set in German occupied Italy. A US fighter pilot is shot down in enemy territory during a raid against a German supply depot. He receives from Italian partisans in laying the groundwork for a new attack by his squadron.
Norte de África. Jeff (Carlos Thompson) es un soldado que participa en la lucha de Francia contra la independencia de Argelia. Allí encontrará a Yvette (Yvonne De Carlo), una antigua novia, que trabaja como espía al servicio de Francia. Gracias a su impresionante belleza, Ivette Comte (Ivonne De Carlo), lleva numerosas acciones de alto riesgo con gran sutileza y habilidad para salirse siempre con la suya. Se trata, nada más y nada menos, que de una película de acción y espionaje, tiznada de romanticismo, con la actuación del Servicio de Inteligencia Francesa en un país con todos los ingredientes del exotismo, el peligro y el misterio: Argelia. Ivette tendrá que afrontar numerosos dificultades para llevar a cabo sus planes. Así, deberá atraer a un espía, pero a ello tendrá que unir el alto precio de utilizar al hombre que ama. Su recompensa pasará por prestar ayuda a numerosas empresas del gobierno.
Pintura de guerra
Un indio y su bella hermana intentan aniquilar una patrulla de caballería, que tiene como misión firmar un tratado de paz con el jefe de su tribu.
Cow Country
A hired hand gets caught between a noble rancher and ruthless land grabbers.
Fort Vengeance
Two brothers flee America and join the Canadian North West Mounted Police. One brother is good, the other bad, both men on a collision course just as trouble starts to brew with the Indians.
The Raiders
Un grupo de mineros que se dedican a buscar oro se unen para enfrentarse a un terrateniente que, además de aprovecharse de ellos, está intentando sabotear el movimiento de unificación de los territorios de California. (FILMAFFINITY)
Una banda de mineros buscadores de oro se unen para enfrentarse a un terrateniente que, además de intentar aprovecharse de ellos, está intentando sabotear el movimiento que intenta unificar el territorio de California.
Flat Top
A rock hard commander trains Navy Carrier Pilots during the Second World War
Camino del desierto
John Carver busca el dinero robado que ha escondido, pero también lo hace su novia, su abogado y su compañero de celda. Tom y Chito son contratados para cruzar la frontera con México y encontrarse atrapados en el medio.
Road Agent
Brand controls the only road to the cattle market and is charging exorbitant rates. Tim and Chito rob Brand to recover only their overcharge, but accidentally end up with all of Brand's money......
Trail Guide
A cowboy (Tim Holt) and his Mexican-Irish sidekick (Richard Martin) lead a wagon train to an unfriendly place.
Fort Osage
Un hombre de negocios codicioso está cargando precios escandalosos para colonos que deseen unirse a un vagón de tren que está organizando para viajar de Missouri a California. Mientras tanto, él ha roto el tratado de su predecesor hizo con los indios de Osage para proporcionar bienes comerciales a cambio de paso a través de las tierras de los nativos americanos. Cuando el Wagonmaster contratado para el viaje se entera de la duplicidad del hombre de negocios y trata de arreglar las cosas antes de que los indios van en pie de guerra, los secuaces del empresario se ordenaron matarlo.
Overland Telegraph
Not to be confused with the 1929 film The Overland Telegraph, this Western from director Lesley Selander stars Tim Holt as a cowboy appropriately named Tim Holt. In order to hinder the construction of a new telegraph line for his own financial gain, scheming shopkeeper Paul Manning (George Nader) enlists the assistance of a gang of outlaws led by Brad Roberts (Hugh Beaumont in one of his many pre-Leave it to Beaver roles). Unfortunately for the bad guys, Holt and his cohort Chito Rafferty (Richard Martin) sense that there's foul play afoot and embark on an investigation.
Vuelo a Marte
Una nave espacial aterriza en Marte y los astronautas deben luchar contra los marcianos que pretenden apoderarse del vehículo para atacar la Tierra.
Pistol Harvest
Two men are accused of killing their boss. They are saved from the hangman's noose when two other guys are arrested, but Holt feels as though justice is still not being served. On their own, they set about to track down the genuine killer.
The Highwayman
Landry has Sam Martin killed. When Tim and Chito find Martin and his son, Chip says Matt Potter was responsible. But when Tim and Chito start their search, no ones knows a Matt Potter.
Cavalry Scout
Kirby Frye, a former Confederate officer but now a Union Cavalry scout, is sent into Montana territory to locate and retrieve three Gatling Guns stolen from the U.S. Arsenal by outlaws believed to have taken them west to sell to the Soiux and Cheyenne. The trail leads him to Red Bluff where, aided by Claire Corville, he and the audience discover together and real quick like that Martin Gavin, a supposedly-honest operator of a freight line, has the guns and intends to exchange them to the Indians for furs.
I Was an American Spy
An American nightclub singer in 1940's Singapore becomes a spy for America in an effort to get back at the invading Japanese army. Based on a true story.
Saddle Legion
A cattle inspector runs a rustling ring on the side.
Law of the Badlands
The Texas Rangers send Dave and Chito into the badlands to see if they can locate a counterfeiting operation. They arrive posing as wanted outlaws and this gets them into the gang. But as soon as they uncover the operation and locate the printing press, one of Chito's girl friends arrives to expose their identity and they find themselves trapped by the entire gang.
Short Grass
Steve Llewellyn hung up his guns after killing a man in self-defense, left Willow Creek and went on the drift for five years. Now he’s back. And the bad blood stirred up by his return and the violence caused by a cattleman’s grab for all the good grasslands mean Steve must strap on his sidearms again. Rod Cameron -- who became a marquee draw with a pair of espionage serials in the 1940s and went on to establish himself as a popular cowboy star -- makes Steve a hero to reckon with in Short Grass, one of the actor’s 10 films with busy shoot-‘em-up director Lesley Selander. Johnny Mack Brown, a sagebrush stalwart in his own right, plays the marshal who allies with Steve. Adding to the Western pedigree is costar Cathy Downs, who plays the title role in the iconic My Darling Clementine. Buffs will note other familiar faces, including Alan Hale, Jr., well remembered as the skipper who takes a “three-hour tour” to Gilligan’s Island.
The Kangaroo Kid
A 19th-century San Francisco detective named Tex Kinnane is sent "Down Under" to nab shyster lawyer Vincent Moller. Several comparisons are made between the American Wild West and the equally treacherous Australian outback.
Rio Grande Patrol
Fowler is smuggling guns across the border and his buyer is the outlaw Bragg. The guns are hidden in the luggage of the girls that come to work in his saloon. Border guards Kansas and Chito, along with Mexican Captain Trevinom suspect them and they are trying to find the guns.
Rider from Tucson
In order to make Tug Cardwell (William Phipps) sign over his rich gold claim to them, John Avery (Robert Shayne), Gypsy Avery (Veda Ann Borg) and Jackson (Marshall Reed) hire Bob Rankin (Douglas Fowley') to kidnap Tug's sweetheart Jane Whipple (Elaine Riley). Rankin hides Jane and then demands half the mine from the other crooks. Dave Saunders (Tim Holt) and Chito Rafferty (Richard Martin), friends of Tug's, find Jane and taker her to safety. The conspirators then shoot Rankin, capture Tug and force him to take them to his claim. Dave and Chito are close behind.
Storm Over Wyoming
Dave Saunders and his sidekick Chito, cowhands looking for work, arrive in Sundown Valley, Wyoming just in time to stop sheep ranch foreman Jess Rawlins from lynching cattleman Tug Caldwell. Rawlins seems set on starting a range war; but why? Before Dave and Chito can find out, they must convince Chris Marvin, Rawlins's attractive boss, that he's no good...and get out from under a framed murder charge. - Rod Crawford
Dakota Lil
En 1899, un agente americano es enviado al Oeste tras la pista de una banda de asaltadores de trenes. Para llegar al cerebro de la banda tendrá que ganarse primero la amistad de Lil, una bella bailarina.
Los jinetes de las praderas
Kansas y Chito son dos vaqueros que buscan trabajo. Un día salvan a una bella dama, Dusty, de la paliza que le iba a dar el propietario del ‘saloon’, y ésta, agradecida, les ofrece trabajo en su rancho. Una vez allí deberán ayudar al hermano de Dusty a saldar sus deudas con el juego y esto les meterá en muchos problemas, llegando incluso, a estar acusados de asesinato.
The Mysterious Desperado
A cowboy is accused of his father's murder.
Jinetes enmascarados
Los Rangers de Texas Tim Holt y Richard Martin son enviados para detener a una banda de forajidos enmascarados que aterrorizan la frontera. Al infiltrarse en la pandilla, Holt y Martin descubren que los asaltantes están operando de manera altruista, robando a los ricos para dárselos a los pobres.
Los hermanos Mike y Tim McCall son propietarios de un gran rancho en Arizona, que utilizan las tierras circundantes para el pastoreo del ganado. Stanley Cox y LeRoy Stanton venden estas tierras a los colonos que llegan para encontrarlas totalmente secas, ya que una presa en el rancho de los McCall controla el agua. Entre los colonos están John Dawson y su hija Connie. Este último va al pueblo más cercano para tomar medidas, pero el sheriff Ball le dice que no puede hacer nada. Tim se enamora de Connie pero Mike no se deja impresionar por sus encantos. Cuando regresa de un baile del pueblo, Tim descubre a Stanton intentando dinamitar la presa, y muere en el tiroteo que se produce. Más tarde, Stanton manda a sus hombres a provocar una estampida de ganado mientras él y Cox vuelan la presa. A pesar de los esfuerzos de Mike y del sheriff Ball, el ganado es aniquilado y Mike corre hacia la presa y mata a Stanton en un tiroteo.
Sky Dragon
All the passengers on an airplane headed for San Francisco are drugged, and when they wake up, it is discovered that a quarter-million dollars is missing. Charlie Chan--and, of course, his #1 son--must discover the identity of the person who doped the passengers and stole the money.
A group of Arizona ranchers, trying to learn the identities of the Salt River Gang and prevent any further rustling, marks the currency that rancher Frank Abbott turns over to the gang to get his cattle back. Unfortunately drifters Dick McBride and Chito Rafferty are accused of being in the gang when they are found with the money, which they have actually won at the casino of saloon owner Brad Carew, a member of the gang. Dick and Chito break out of jail and hunt down the fleeing Carew in hopes of finding out who the true leader of the gang is.
Dos hermanos en el oeste
Steve Taylor cree que su hermano Tim no puede decepcionar le mas hasta que un día, éste mata a un jugador de póquer, Hoyt Parker , en defensa propia.
Indian Agent
Honest government agent Dave Taylor sets out to find the men responsible for stealing food supplies from an Indian reservation.
Strike It Rich
When not drinking and fighting, three wildcatters in search of a gusher are enthusiastically drilling for black gold. The trouble begins when one of them grows dissatisfied with their lifestyle and quits so he can be with his new wife. Unfortunately for him, soon after he leaves, the other two find their gusher and become filthy rich. The impoverished quitter is envious and begins looking for an obscure law that will force his pals to share.
La hija de Belle Starr
Un forajido asesina a Belle Star y culpa de ello al sheriff del pueblo. Poco después llegará su hija para vengar su muerte.
Guns of Hate
Ben Jason has found a lost gold mine. When Morgan learns this, he and his henchman chase down Jason and kill him. Banning and sidekick Rafferty arrive on the scene only to be arrested and jailed for the murder. They escape from jail and now have to find the real killers to clear their name.
An ex-gunfighter woos two women while avenging his brother, victim of a crooked gambler.
The Red Stallion
Family film about an elderly rancher, her young grandson, and the horse that the child raises from a colt.
A private detective is offered a job protecting a rich business man from suspected blackmail. Before he can accept the case a murder is uncovered.
Robin Hood Of Texas
When the bank is robbed, Gene and the boys are singing nearby and the Chief arrests them as gang members but lets them go thinking they will lead them to the others.
Saddle Pals
Saddle Pals hits a new low for Gene Autry's postwar Republic westerns, containing literally no action at all. Autry is drawn into the plot when he's given power of attorney in a property settlement involving his old pal (Sterling Holloway) and a gang of land swindlers. The pal then goes on an extended vacation, leaving Autry to sort things out.
Last Frontier Uprising
Singing cowboy Monte Hale plays "himself" in the Republic western Last Frontier Uprising. Actually, he's not really himself, but a federal agent, dispatched to Texas to buy horses on behalf of the government. Hale runs up against a vicious gang of horse thieves, including such veteran western hard cases as Roy Barcroft and Philip van Zandt. The romantic interest is in the dainty hands of Adrian Booth, who used to go by the name of Lorna Gray. Put together with the standard Republic efficiency, The Last Frontier Uprising benefits from the breathless direction of Lesley Selander.
The Pilgrim Lady
Dennis Carter, the head of a detective agency, and his secretary, Henrietta Rankin, get involved in the murder of a scandal-peddling, blackmailing radio commentator, and evidence point toward Henrietta. Dennis sets out to clear her and also find the real culprits.
Out California Way
Newcomer Monte Hale is tying to just get a job in western films when he meet young Danny McCoy and his sister Gloria. Danny is trying to get his horse, "Pardner" into films. Monte sings a song and "Pardner" does some tricks and a casting director notices. Monte gets a singing-cowboy role and the horse gets a bit, but there is an accidental explosion, engineered by western star Rod Mason, who is jealous of Monte, and the horse is badly scared and blows his lines.
Night Train to Memphis
A mountain community is thrown into turmoil as the townspeople debate the advantages and disadvantages of having a railroad.
Traffic in Crime
Police Chief Jim Murphy, in a crime-ridden city, deputizes newspaper-reporter Sam Wire, to work as an undercover operative to rid the town of the gangster element. Sam taunts and tricks the two leading gangsters, a mob girl, 'Silk" Cantrell, and a bribe-taking police official, into setting ambushes and death-traps for him, which backfire on them, and achieve his assignment directive.
Passkey to Danger
An advertising man's new campaign for a fashion designer attracts the attention of mysterious characters.
The Catman of Paris
When author Charles Regnier (Carl Esmond) returns to Paris with a best-selling book that criticizes the government, he's tormented by frequent blackouts. After a mysterious cat-like creature slaughters people close to him, Charles is suspected of murder. Charles fears that he is the beast, but his paramour, Marie (Lenore Aubert), and best friend, Henry (Douglass Dumbrille), believe he's innocent ... until the creature begins to stalk Marie (from Netflix description).
The Fatal Witness
A playboy produces an airtight alibi when he is questioned about the murder of his wealthy aunt.
Jungle Raiders
Greedy traders have kidnapped a researcher, hoping he will reveal the location of a treasure in a hidden village. Family and friends of the researcher come looking for him. Adventure ensues.
Phantom of the Plains
Red Ryder tries to warn a duchess that her newfound beau has a history of murdering his wives.
Trail of Kit Carson
Bill Harmon receives a letter from his partner, Dave MacRoy informing him of a rich gold strike in their California mine. Arriving there, Bill learns from elderly miner John Benton that Dave is dead and that he sold the mine at a strangely low price the night before his supposed accidental death. Harmon suspects murder.
Three's a Crowd
What would you do in this house of fear... if you knew that your husband killed your former flame?
The Vampire's Ghost
In a small African port, a tawdry bar is run by a old man named Webb Fallon. Fallon is actually a vampire, but he is becoming weary of his "life" of the past few hundred years.
Great Stagecoach Robbery
In this western, Red Ryder tries to be a good example for a young man who idolizes his father, an outlaw. The boy wants to follow in his father's footsteps when the hero intervenes.
Sheriff of Las Vegas
In this western, brave Red Ryder and his sidekick save a murdered judge's son from going to jail by proving that someone else killed his father.
Firebrands Of Arizona
The sheriff camps outside of town and tries to arrest Froggy and Sunset, but a gang of outlaws helps them get away.
Sheriff of Sundown
Bringing his large cattle herd to Sundown, rancher Tex Jordan must sell his cattle to corrupt baron Jack Hatfield. He does OK but learns Hatfield is cheating the small outfits. When one refuses to sell he is murdered and Tex then decides to stay and take up the fight. He is appointed a special Agent by the Governor but unknonw to him the Governor's Secretary is a spy for Hatfield and reveals his plans.
Cheyenne Wildcat
Bill Elliot is back as Red Ryder in Cheyenne Wildcat. Also back are Ryder's perennial cohorts Little Beaver (Bobby Blake, later Robert Blake of Baretta fame) and the Duchess (Alice Fleming). When not pummeling the bad guys, Ryder is the reluctant apex of a love triangle.
Stagecoach to Monterey
Barstow and Stevens are forcing the local printer to print fake silver certificates which they then sell. Treasury Agents Chick Weaver and Throckmorton Snodgrass arrive working under cover. But when Chick's true identity as an Agent is revealed, Barstow sends his henchmen to finish him off.
Bordertown Trail
The election to determine if Texas will become a state is near and men opposed are running contraband across the border. Sunset and Frog are Border Patrolmen and have an agent that tips them off by carrier pigeon. The Army arrives and the commander is Sunset's brother. When the agent is found out and murdered, his fake replacement then leads the soldiers astray.
Call of the Rockies
Cowboy Sunset Carson teams up with Frog Millhouse on a routine supply trip to Placer City. Before long, the duo find themselves ambushed by a team of dastardly highwaymen embroiled in an extortion ring. Sunset and Frog must then go undercover to set things right for a mining town under siege. Galloping hooves, spittin' six shooters, and all manner of disreputable behavior ensue.
Forty Thieves
When he runs for sheriff, Hoppy is beaten by Jerry Doyle, the gutless wonder voted for by every crook in town. When Hoppy moves to have the new sheriff impeached, outlaw leader Tad Hammond hires forty gunslingers to stop him. Stop Hoppy? Hah!
Julie's husband has been murdered and land agents want her to sign away her property rights. Hoppy warns against this but she does so anyway. It looks as though she will be unable to deliver the timber called for in her agreement. Hoppy has to make the lumber deal happened and solve the murder.
Riders of the Deadline
Cuando un amigo de Hoppy muere al intentar huir de la cárcel, le echan la culpa a él y le expulsan de los Texas Rangers.
Bar 20
La diligencia en la que viaja Marie Stevens con su madre y su padrino de boda, es asaltada, y a Marie le roban las joyas que le diera su prometido Richard Adams. Hopalong Cassidy y su par de colaboradores les rescatan de los bandidos, pero ciertos hechos harán que se conviertan en sospechosos de estar aliados con quien cometieron este robo.
Colt Comrades
Cuando deciden comprar la mitad de un rancho, Hopalong Cassidy (William Boyd) y sus compañeros, California y Johnny, se verán en líos cuando alguien quiere monopolizar el agua y además presiente que, en aquella tierra, hay petróleo de por medio.
Buckskin Frontier
A railroad man and the owner of a freight line battle for control of a crucial mountain pass.
La patrulla fronteriza
Tres guardianes de Texas, encabezados por Hopalong Cassidy, cabalgan a la vera de un río cuando descubren que un hombre mexicano acaba de ser abaleado. Una mujer les confunde entonces con los asesinos, y apuntándoles con un revólver, consigue llevarlos hasta la guarnición mexicana donde ellos rebelarán su verdadera identidad. Después, habrá alguien interesado en Silver Bullet en convencer a todo el mundo de que realmente son ellos los asesinos.
Lost Canyon
Burton is after Clark's ranch. He gets the banker to refuse to renew Clark's note and then sends his men to rustle his cattle. Hoppy is Clark's new foreman and is on to Burton's scheme. But just as he learns of the rustling and is about to go after the gang, the Sheriff arrives and arrests him for hiding Johnny who has been accused of robbery.
Red River Robin Hood
An honest cowpoke (Tim Holt) comes to the rescue when the ranchers of Red River, AZ have their property seized by a greedy businessman (Eddie Dew). This 1942 B-western, directed by Lesley Selander, also stars Barbara Moffett, Cliff Edwards, Otto Hoffman and Russell Wade.
Undercover Man
A bandit who robs both Americans and Mexicans is causing each side of the border to blame the other. Hoppy has to settle matters.
Bandit Ranger
Rancher Clay Travers finds and brings in the body of ranger Frank Mattison, murdered on the road to Trail City, where he had been sent to deal with an outbreak of cattle rustling. Businessman Art Kenyon, who has hired gunman Ed Martin to impersonate Mattison to further his rustling schemes, quickly changes Martin's story and has Travers framed for the ranger's murder. Managing to escape, Travers must come up with proof to clear his name and bring the true killers to justice.
Thundering Hoofs
Bill Underwood falls out with his father and chooses the life of a cowhand rather than take charge of his father's stage line.
Stick to Your Guns
Buck Peters arranges for Hoppy, California, Johnny and other cowboys to go to the aid of friends whose cattle are being rustled. Hoppy and California locate the rustlers' hideout and join the gang by posing as outlaws themselves, but must find a way to let the rest of the posse know where they are.
Riders of the Timberline
Hopalong Cassidy and Johnny Nelson ride to the mountains to help a man and his daughter save their logging business from someone who is sabotaging their efforts.
Wide Open Town
Belle Langtry runs a town being taken over by cattle rustlers. She is also a front for the outlaws, who are led by Steve Fraser. Hoppy gets elected sheriff and cleans up the town with help from the Bar 20 boys.
Pirates on Horseback
Hoppy, Lucky and California search for a mine owned by Trudy Pendleton after it was taken from her by thw swindling gambler Ace Gibson. They find the mine and Hoppy fights Gibson over it.
The Roundup
Originally written as a stage vehicle for corpulent character actor Macklyn Arbuckle, Ernest Day's The Roundup was first filmed in 1920 with Fatty Arbuckle (no relation) in the lead. By the time the film was remade in 1941, Arbuckle's character, a roly-poly frontier sheriff named Slim (!), was refashioned as a supporting role, with Jack Benny's radio announcer Don Wilson essaying the part. The plot, however, remained fairly intact: Upon hearing that her fiance Greg (Preston Foster) has been killed, Janet (Patricia Morison) agrees to marry rancher Steve (Richard Dix) on the rebound. On the day of the wedding, who should show up but Greg, determined to raise as much Hell as humanly possible
Doomed Caravan
Stephen Westcott and Ed Martin scheme to put Jane Travers' wagon line out of business. They want to use it take over all the wagon- train traffic going west. Hoppy, California and Lucky must make sure that doesn't happen.
Tres hombres de Texas
Dos 'rangers' de Texas acuden en ayuda de un colega ahora establecido en California. De esta manera matarán dos pájaros de un tiro, ya que persiguen a un forajido que huye hacia California. Allí se encontrarán con una banda de malhechores que roban grandes propiedades.
Cherokee Strip
Richard Dix stars as Dave Morrell, the new marshal of Goliath, Oklahoma. Immediately upon arrival, Morrell finds himself at odds with banker Coy Barrett (Victor Jory), who is actually the leader of all local criminal activities.
Stagecoach War
Hoppy is busy chasing stagecoach bandits who sing as they rob.
Hidden Gold
Hoppy and Lucky have been called in to investigate a series of stage holdups. The robbers are taking gold from Colby's mine and Hoppy suspects it may be ex-outlaw Colby himself. When Speedy strikes gold, Hoppy borrows it and announces a gold shipment hoping to catch the gang and their leader.
The Light of Western Stars
Una chica del Este compra un rancho sin saber que Hayworth lo utiliza para pasar armas de contrabando a través de la frontera. Cuando empiezan los problemas, contrata al antiguo capataz, que dejó la zona después de enfrentarse al sheriff. Gene Hammond obliga a Hayworth a volar su cargamento, pero el sheriff, al no recibir su parte, mata a Hayworth y acusa del crimen a Gene.
Knights of the Range
Russell Hayden, taking a break from playing Hopalong Cassidy pictures, stars as Renn Frayne, a college-educated youth heading westward who finds more than he bargained for. Following a terrifying run-in with an outlaw gang, Frayne aligns himself with the heroine Holly Ripple (Jean Parker), whose father's cattle ranch is in danger of falling into the hands of the villains. Victor Jory as Malcolm Lascallie, the wily gambler,
Santa Fe Marshal
U.S. Marshal Hopalong Cassidy is called when a town becomes overun with bad guys. Disguised as a member of a medicine show, Hoppy discovers that the ringleader is none other than sweet li'l ol' Ma Burton.
Range War
Buck Colins heads a group of local ranchers who are trying to prevent the railroad from completing its line through their property. Till now they have been able to charge tolls on herds passing through. Hoppy goes undercover to expose them.
Renegade Trail
Hoppy goes to town to help Marshal Windy with some rustlers and winds up helping the widow Joyce when confidence men try to take her herd. King's Men songs include: "Hi Thar Stranger" and "Lazy Rolls the Rio Grande."
Heritage of the Desert
John Abbott returns to the desert land he owns, and after being wounded by hired gunman Chick Chance, he is befriended by rancher Andrew Naab and his son, Marvin. Naab's daughter, Marian, falls in love with John but is about to marry Snap Thornton to keep a promise made by her father. She runs away on her wedding day but is captured and held hostage by outlaw Henry Holderness. John, the Naabs and fellow ranchers rush to her rescue.
Silver on the Sage
Hoppy goes undercover as a gambler from the East when Bar 20 cattle are stolen by unknown rustlers. Brennan/Talbot are twin brothers (one a casino owner, the other a rancher) and Hoppy believes they provide alibis for each other while one is out committing crimes. Hoppy gets a job in the casino to learn more but is exposed when a gambling gunslinger notices him.
Sunset Trail
Disguising himself as a milquetoast Easterner who writes Western novels, Hoppy enrolls in a dude ranch in order to unmask the murderer of the owner's husband.
La ley del revólver
La llegada de la ingenua maestra June Lake al villorrio donde el caballeroso Hopalong Cassidy tiene su famoso rancho Bar 20, revoluciona la vida de los vaqueros. Pero también irrumpe por allí el cuatrero Sutton, quien con sus forajidos aterroriza a los pueblerinos y roba el ganado del rancho
The Mysterious Rider
Ben Wade and his partner Frosty return to Bellounds' ranch where twenty years earlier Wade was wanted for murder. Unrecognized, he gets a job on the ranch and soon becomes involved in Folsom's cattle rustling and a chance to settle an old score.
Pride of the West
Caldwell and Nixon have their men rob the stage and then critcize the Sheriff for not catching the robbers. With her father the Sheriff under pressure, Mary sends for Hoppy who finds the stolen money and sets a trap to bring in the entire gang.
Bar 20 Justice
Hoppy's friend Dennis owns a rich gold mine. Frazier who owns the adjoining mine and wants the Dennis mine, has Dennis killed. Hoppy steps in to take over running the Dennis mine and learns Frazier's men sneak into and work the Dennis mine at night. Hoppy captures one of Frazier's men only to be captured in return by Frazier and left to die in a burning building.
Heart of Arizona
Belle Starr has returned from time in prison only to face a hail of bullets, along with rescue by Hoppy and the Bar 20 gang.
Cassidy of Bar 20
Hopalong Cassidy, boss of the Bar 20 ranch in Texas, rides down the Camino Real in the New Mexico cattle country near Alamogordo, in response to an urgent message from his lifelong sweetheart, Nora Blake, who is in serious trouble. Before he and his saddlemates, "Lucky" Jenkins and "Pappy", can reach her ranch, they are stopped by Clay Allison, a cattle-rustler who is in almost complete control of the district, and wants to extend his holdings by seizing Nora's cattle and driving her out. Seeing Cassidy as a menace to his plans, he has him arrested on a trumped-up charge. Cassidy and his pals shoot their way out of the trouble and reach Nora;s ranch where they learn that Allison's henchmen have murdered her foreman, Tom Dillon, and Allison has sent for a crew of outlaws on the Texas border.
Partners of the Plains
Lorna Drake has inherited a ranch. Hoppy teaches her a bit about ranching and handles Scar Lewis, the bad guy, in the process.
Black Aces
When Len Stoddard wins Ted Ames ranch in a poker game he sends his brother Jake along with Ted to take over the ranch. When Jake is found murdered he offers a reward for the capture of Ted who now is believed to be a member of the Black Aces gang. Ted finds the probable location of the gang's hideout and sets out to clear himself.
Hopalong Rides Again
On a cattle drive Hoppy, camp cook Windy, companion Lucky, and young Artie Peters encounter an eccentric professor. The professor professes to be searching for the evolutionary missing link, but in reality he is a cattle rustler who uses his dynamite to scatter the cattle in order capture some of them. Hoppy and Bar 20 guys ultimately capture the professor.
Smoke Tree Range
A cowboy aids an orphaned girl whose cattle are being rustled by an outlaw gang.
Left-Handed Law
An army colonel tries to bring peace to a lawless community.
Director Leslie Selander exhibits the sure-handed expertise that would endear him to latter-day western cultists in his 1937 formula western Sandflow. Buck Jones plays the son of a crooked land dealer. Seeking redemption, Jones rides through the west to compensate every rancher who was cheated by his dad.
Empty Saddles
Buck runs into trouble when he buys a deserted cattle ranch that he turns into a dude ranch.
The Boss Rider of Gun Creek
A man impersonates his double to clear himself of a murder conviction.
Ride 'Em Cowboy
Buck Jones was producing as well as starring in his own western series by the time Ride 'Em Cowboy hit the screen. A heady combination of old and new, this one casts Jones as champeen auto racer Jess Burns, who reverts to his horse when called upon to rout the villains.
Assistant Director
Durante un viaje, Joe Wilson llega a un lugar desconocido, donde es encarcelado por un delito que no ha cometido. Los vecinos, amotinados, provocan el incendio de la cárcel y dan por muerto al forastero. Sin embargo, Wilson consigue sobrevivir y, entonces, intentará vengarse haciendo que sus potenciales asesinos corran el mismo peligro del que él escapó milagrosamente. "Fury" es el primer film americano del gran director alemán Fritz Lang.
Moonlight Murder
Assistant Director
An escaped lunatic, a mysterious swami, and various lovers all have designs on a famous opera singer.
The Garden Murder Case
Assistant Director
Detective Philo Vance is in charge of the investigation of several mysterious murders. Things take a turn when he gathers evidence against Major Fenwicke-Ralston.
Una noche en la ópera
Assistant Director
Los Hermanos Marx en la alta sociedad. A dos amantes que actúan en la ópera se les impide estar juntos porque no aceptan al hombre como tenor. Utilizando varios trucos típicos de los Hermanos Marx, logran que el tenor principal se ausente, y de esta manera el joven amante tendrá su oportunidad.
What Every Woman Knows
Assistant Director
Aspiring young Scottish politician John Shand enters into an unusual agreement with the wealthy Wylie family -- if they fund his education, he must marry their daughter, Maggie. Staying true to his word, John weds Maggie and begins a successful career, thanks largely to his savvy wife. The couple's relationship is placed in jeopardy when John faces temptation in the form of the lovely aristocrat Lady Sybil Tenterden.
La cena de los acusados
Assistant Director
Un conocido inventor neoyorquino es acusado de varios asesinatos. Cuando llegan a la ciudad un famoso detective y su mujer y se enteran del asunto, ella, movida por el espíritu de aventura, trata de convencer a su marido para que acepte el caso.
The Warrior's Husband
Assistant Director
The Warrior's Husband is a satire of the male and female roles in society set in 800 B.C.. Queen Hippolyta (Marjorie Rambeau) rules Pontus with masculine authority; in fact, it is the women of Pontus who do all the laboring, fighting, and governing. Hippolyta's husband Sapiens (Ernest Truex) is truly a sissy of the first order, and is not unlike most of Pontus' male inhabitants.
Broadway Bad
Assistant Director
Showgirl Tony Landers, supported by her friend Flip Daly, fights for the custody of her son during a divorce hearing.
La araña
Assistant Director
Un mago dotado de grandes poderes actúa en un teatro, cuando las luces se apagan, suena un disparo, y encuentran a un espectador muerto en el suelo. La policía impide que nadie abandone el teatro, y el mago utilizará sus facultades para descubrir al culpable.
Wolf Blood
Director of Photography
Dick Bannister is the new field boss of the Ford Logging Company, a Canadian logging-crew during a time when conflicts with the powerful Consolidated Lumber Company, a bitter rival company, have turned bloody, like a private war. His boss, Miss Edith Ford, comes to inspect the lumberjack camp, bringing her doctor fiancé with her. Dick is attacked by his rivals and left for dead. His loss of blood is so great that he needs a transfusion, but no human will volunteer, so the surgeon uses a wolf as a source of the blood. Afterwards, Dick begins having dreams where he runs with a pack of phantom wolves, and the rival loggers get killed by wolves. Soon, these facts have spread through the camp. (via YouTube)
Durand of the Bad Lands
Assistant Director
A remake of a 1917 Dustin Farnum Western, Durand of the Bad Lands is the story a rancher falsely accused of a crime actually committed by Sheriff Clem Allison and his henchman Pete Garson.