
Diamond Frontier (1940)

Género : Aventura

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 13M

Director : Harold D. Schuster
Escritor : Edmund L. Hartmann, Stanley Rubin


Story of the early days of the diamond-mining era in South Africa.


Victor McLaglen
Victor McLaglen
Terrence Regan
John Loder
John Loder
Dr. Charles Clayton
Anne Nagel
Anne Nagel
Jeanne Krueger
Cecil Kellaway
Cecil Kellaway
Philip Dorn
Philip Dorn
Jan Stafford De Winter
Francis Ford
Francis Ford
Derek Bluje
Hugh Sothern
Hugh Sothern
Ferris Taylor
Ferris Taylor
Paul Willem
J. Anthony Hughes
J. Anthony Hughes
Matt Campbell
Evelyn Selbie
Evelyn Selbie
Julia Bloem
Lionel Belmore
Lionel Belmore
Piet Bloem
John Ellis
John Ellis
Edwin Stanley
Edwin Stanley
Dorothy Vaughan
Dorothy Vaughan
Mrs. Willem
William Ruhl
William Ruhl
Skelton Knaggs
Skelton Knaggs
Dewey Robinson
Dewey Robinson
Sig Arno
Sig Arno
Baron Gilbert La Rocque
Jack Carr
Jack Carr


Harold D. Schuster
Harold D. Schuster
Edmund L. Hartmann
Edmund L. Hartmann
Edmund L. Hartmann
Edmund L. Hartmann
Stanley Rubin
Stanley Rubin
Stanley Rubin
Stanley Rubin

Carteles y fondos


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