(archive footage)
Una recopilación de los momentos más divertidos de las comedias MGM.
Councilman (uncredited)
Otro hijo del viejo Frankenstein (Cedrick Hardwicke) intenta aclarar la verdad sobre el monstruo (Lon Chaney Jr.) y debe lidiar con un ambicioso colega (Lionel Atwill) y con el jorobado Ygor (Bela Lugosi). Ejemplo efectivo de comedia negra, con transplantes de cerebro, un monstruo que trepa a los tejados para bajar el globo de una niña, aparatos de ciencia loca, y una implausible y divertida trama de conquista del mundo por parte de Ygor, en su más alto rango de protagonismo en toda la saga.
Hercules Snyder
La Gran Duquesa se dirige a París para conseguir ayuda de Napoleón. El General Gurko Lanen está intentando hacerse con el control de su país y envía a las tropas tras la Duquesa para evitar que llegue hasta él. Gurko fuerza a La Duquesa a un matrimonio de conveniencia. Ya en el altar, Edmund Dantes reaparece lanzándose sobre Gurko, al no estar de acuerdo con dicho matrimonio.
Piet Bloem
Story of the early days of the diamond-mining era in South Africa.
Tavern Keeper
When private tutor Thomas Arnold (Sir Cedric Hardwicke) becomes headmaster at Rugby, a boy's preparatory school in England, he puts into place a policy of strict punishment for unruliness and bulying. Arnold finds an ally in Tom Brown (Jimmy Lydon), a new student who is subjected to hazing and abuse by a group of older boys and is pressured by his friends to keep quiet about it. Fed up, he leads his fellow classmates in an underground rebellion against their tormentors. But certain unspoken rules still apply at the school and Brown loses his hero status when he is accussed of breaking the Rugby code of silence.
Mr. Moscrop
A self-made success is determined to give his son the lavish upbringing he himself was denied. Not surprisingly, the son grows up to be spoiled rotten, causing grief and pain to everyone who loves him.
Judge at Esmeralda's Trial (uncredited)
París, Francia, 1482. El juez Frollo, al servicio del benévolo rey Luis XI, se enamora de Esmeralda, una joven gitana. El jorobado Quasimodo, protegido de Frollo y campanero de Notre Dame, vive en paz entre las campanas, en las alturas de la inmensa catedral, hasta que el retorcido magistrado lo involucra en sus maliciosos planes, desesperado por liberarse del supuesto hechizo de Esmeralda, que él cree que es obra del diablo.
Beacon - a Chamberlain
En el siglo XV, Ricardo, Duque de Gloucester (Basil Rathbone), ayudado por su patizambo verdugo Mord (Boris Karloff), elimina a todos aquellos que se le enfrentan en la sucesión al trono, entonces ocupado por su hermano el Rey Eduardo IV de Inglaterra. Cada vez que lleva a cabo un asesinato, disfruta eliminado una de las figuritas que tiene colocadas en la sala del trono de su casa de muñecas, cuyo aspecto se asemeja a cada uno de los posibles sucesores al trono, hasta que queda sólo la suya. Después de la muerte de Eduardo se convierte en Ricardo III, Rey de Inglaterra. Sólo le falta derrotar al exiliado enrique Tudor para mantener el poder.
Villager (Uncredited)
La historia de la primera travesía del Atlántico a bordo de un barco de vapor.
Selection Board Member #3
The Randolph family have a tradition of working in the British colonial service. Clive comes home from a mission in the Gold Coast of Africa accompanied by his wife Helen. He discovers his younger brother John, is not keen on following in his footsteps. John is then persuaded to try colonial service by his grandfather. He is accompanied by Clive who has been sent to investigate the source of a series of radio broadcasts that are sewing unrest throughout the world. These may be linked to Hugo Zurof, a man plotting to rule the world.
De vuelta al ancestral castillo 25 años después de la muerte del monstruo, el hijo del doctor Frankenstein conoce a Ygor, un pastor loco que esconde a la terrible criatura. Buscando limpiar el nombre de la familia, revive al monstruo y lo intenta rehabilitar.
Dr. Kornbloom
Charley falls for a waitress who mistakes him for a gangster.
The Innkeeper (uncredited)
This historical featurette focuses on Caesar Rodney of Delaware who in the summer of 1776 cast the deciding vote, at the meeting of the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, so that the Declaration of Independence was adopted.
Glamorous and efficient Helen Murphy runs a service that will provide any type of assistance to wealthy customers, but what she's really looking for is a man who can take care of himself.
Chief Steward
King Louis XI masquerades as a commoner in Paris, seeking out the treachery he is sure lurks in his kingdom. At a local tavern, he overhears the brash poet François Villon extolling why he would be a better king. Annoyed yet intrigued, the King bestows on Villon the title of Grand Constable. Soon Villon begins work and falls for a lovely lady-in-waiting, but then must flee execution when the King turns on him.
Friar Lawrence (uncredited)
Los célebres actores teatrales Basil Underwood y Joyce Arden son socios en escena y fuera de ella. Un gaje del oficio de Basil es que las mujeres a menudo se enamoran de él cuando sale a las tablas... y que él a veces se deja adorar. La vida de Basil y Joyce es apasionada y tempestuosa, caracterizada por disputas y simulaciones constantes, que suelen continuar en escena, mascullando por lo bajo. Tras su última pelea y reconciliación, finalmente han decidido casarse por duodécima y definitiva vez... ¿Pero será la última?
President of Board
Al estallar la Guerra de Secesión americana (1861-1865), Jim Fisk (Edward Arnold) es un popular vendedor ambulante. Su sagacidad y la de sus dos ganchos es legendaria. Cuando empieza la contienda, se dedican al contrabando del algodón: lo compran en el Sur y lo venden en el Norte. Una vez terminada la guerra, se han hecho ricos y, no conformes con dominar la vida económica de Boston, se preparan para emprender la conquista de Nueva York. Para ello, Jim y su socio Nick (Cary Grant) deciden invertir en Bolsa.
Bank Guard (uncredited)
George y Marion Kerby mueren en un accidente de tráfico, pero regresan al mundo de los vivos como fantasmas y con la intención de vivir la lujosa vida de su amigo Cosmo Topper, presidente de un banco.
Inglaterra, siglo XIX. Tom, un niño pobre, y el príncipe Edward Tudor nacieron el mismo día, teniendo ambos un parecido asombroso. Un día Tom se cuela en los jardines del palacio y conoce al príncipe, decidiendo ambos intercambiase sus roles. Se cambian entonces las ropas, pero los guardias les descubren y expulsan al verdadero príncipe de Palacio. Nadie les cree cuando intentan contar la verdad...
Coachman (uncredited)
The 'Farmer Poet' Robert Burns, after a bad romance, pens "Auld Lang Syne" to much fanfare and courts high society at the expense of his blossoming relationship with beautiful Jean Armour. Soon a marriage is arranged for Jean, and Robby must race to her side before she is married off.
Tavern Keeper
When a young woman named Barbara Clarke has an affair with adventurer Roger Coverman, it causes a scandal in the Puritanical town of Salem, Massachusetts. After a meddling girl arouses their suspicions, the town's elders accuse Barbara of being a witch. She is tried, convicted of sorcery and sentenced to death. As the townspeople prepare to burn Barbara at the stake, Roger tries desperately to save the woman he loves.
Una de las primeras adaptaciones del clásico de Fenimore Cooper. La acción transcurre durante la guerra franco-india (1754-1763). Relata la masacre, perpetrada por los hurones y consentida por los franceses, de soldados angloamericanos prisioneros, sus mujeres y criados. Además los hurones secuestran a las dos hijas del comandante inglés, a cuyo rescate acudirá último mohicano.
Captain (uncredited)
In mid-nineteenth century England the medical establishment does not recognize the value of skilled nurses, cleanliness, nutrition and kindness. Florence Nightingale's heroic measures slowly changes all of this.
Manager Burbage (uncredited)
A short biography of William Shakespeare that highlights the various jobs he worked at in the theater.
Stage Doorman (Uncredited)
Suave French actor Philippe Martin provokes a scandal when, in a darkened theater, he mistakes young Monique for his mistress, Yvonne, and tries to kiss her. Charged with assault, the quick-thinking Philippe claims it's French tradition to do as he did, and is let go. To his surprise, Philippe learns that Monique has paid his fine. As the tabloids exploit the situation, Monique dates Philippe, until a photo appears of him kissing Yvonne.
Ceddie, un niño pobre de Brooklyn, se convierte en el heredero del título y la fortuna de un conde inglés. Pero el testamento contiene una cláusula que lo obliga a vivir a Inglaterra con su abuelo, un viejo cascarrabias de carácter frío y amargado
Mr. Harker - Green-grocer
Brit Amelia Blake travels to America to join her son Alfred. Fate forces her to hitchhike to California, a perilous journey that she shares with kind young Judy Martin. When Judy and another fellow traveler discover the unfortunate truth about Alfred, they struggle to spare Amelia's feelings.
Innkeeper (uncredited)
En 1789, en los Mares del Sur, la tripulación del buque británico Bounty decide rebelarse contra el tiránico y cruel capitán Bligh. El motín lo encabeza el primer oficial, que defiende los intereses de la tripulación y abandona al capitán en un bote.
Inn Proprietor
El joven y valeroso D’Artagnan llega a París y busca a su padrino, el capitán de Treville, jefe del cuerpo de los mosqueteros del rey Luis XIII (1610-1643), en el que quiere ingresar. Allí conoce a Aramis, Porthos y Athos, tres prodigiosos espadachines, a los que, no obstante, D’Artagnan no duda en retar a un duelo. Pero, para ganarse el respeto de los mosqueteros, el joven tendrá que enfrentarse a los malvados sicarios del cardenal Richelieu, enemigo mortal de la Corona. Defendiendo la causa de la reina Ana de Austria, esposa de Luis XIII, se enamora de Constance, la hermosa dama de compañía de la Reina.
Esta fue la primera versión sonora sobre la novela de Dumas. Con un dinámico guión de Dudley Nichols, la trama sigue fielmente la novela original, destacando las peleas a espada y la aparición de Margot Grahame como Milady De Winter.
Ollie y Stanley marchan hacia tierras escocesas en busca de fortuna. Lo que allí les lleva no es otra cosa que una herencia de Stan, aquí apellidado MacLaurel. Pero, hete aquí, que cuando recibe la herencia todos sus anhelos se frustran: el montante consiste en unas gafas y una pitillera. Así las cosas, la pareja se enrola en las fuerzas de Su Majestad para luchar en las fronteras de la India.
Versión cinematográfica de la obra de Lord Edward George Bulwer-Lytton sobre el conspirador cardenal Richelieu, al servicio del rey de Francia y siempre dispuesto a sacar adelante sus proyectos sin importarle las consecuencias. Sus manipulaciones tienen lugar en la corte, y lo mismo busca obstáculos para el amor entre dos jóvenes que lucha denonadamente contra el hermano del monarca.
Will Leathwaite
The Victorian wife of a mad baron waits years for a British soldier sent to Egypt.
Old Bailey Warden (uncredited)
Inglaterra, siglo XIX. Cuando el padre del joven David muere, su madre se vuelve a casar. Su padrastro es un hombre cruel que, después de enviudar, manda a David a Londres para que viva de su trabajo. Adaptación de la famosa novela de Charles Dickens. Obtuvo tres nominaciones a los Oscar, incluyendo la de mejor película.
Station Master
A countess marries a Gypsy fiddler instead of a baron's son at harvest time in Tokay wine country, Hungary.
The Storekeeper
A captain's daughter become marooned on an island after the ship is taken over by a mutinous crew.
Cleopatra (Claudette Colbert), reina de Egipto, recibe al cónsul romano Julio César (Warren William), con quien traza una alianza de cara a afianzar su posición. A la muerte de Julio, coquetea con Marco Antonio (Henry Wilcoxon), para intentar conservar el favor romano.
Court Member (uncredited)
The 16th-century sculptor woos the Duchess of Florence despite the duke.
Lord Ingram
Jane Eyre is an orphan who was raised by her aunt until she came to Thornfield Hall as governess to the young ward of Edward Rochester. But Jane is attracted by the intelligent and energetic Sir Rochester, a man of almost twice her age. But just when Sir Rochester seems to pay attention to her, he invites the beautiful and wealthy Blanche Ingram to stay at his house.
Bartender Mike
An elderly rancher writes to his son to come home and help him fight against a bandit gang that is trying to take over the ranch.
Theatre Patron (uncredited)
George Curtis, pintor, y Tom Chambers, autor teatral, que comparten un piso en París, conocen en el tren que se dirige a esta ciudad a Gilda Farrell, americana como ellos y dibujante publicitaria. Ambos se enamoran inmediatamente de ella y, como Gilda es incapaz de decidirse por uno, deciden vivir un menage à trois.
Puppeteer / Satan
A dancer falls in love with a puppeteer, much to the consternation of her manipulative manager. The puppeteer himself seems more interested in his puppets than in romance with her. Can she find true love?
Explorer with Newspaper (uncredited)
A charlatan posing as Baron Munchhausen is invited to be guest speaker at a girls' school.
Innkeeper (uncredited)
A young American man is transported back to London in the time of the American Revolution and meets his ancestors.
The Warrior's Husband is a satire of the male and female roles in society set in 800 B.C.. Queen Hippolyta (Marjorie Rambeau) rules Pontus with masculine authority; in fact, it is the women of Pontus who do all the laboring, fighting, and governing. Hippolyta's husband Sapiens (Ernest Truex) is truly a sissy of the first order, and is not unlike most of Pontus' male inhabitants.
Character Man
A mother abandons her family only to become a crispy critter with her lover, the husband finds out about it AND that his son isn't really his, becomes an alcoholic, is being held prisoner in a speak-easy, is rescued by 'Beef', is sobered up, gets a good job, negotiates a great contract for lots 'o money, realizes he's in love, asks the girl to marry him, son returns from boarding school and freaks out when told this, runs off and joins the circus that now happens to catch fire.....
Mr. Bumble
An orphan boy in 1830s London is abused in a workhouse, then falls into the clutches of a gang of thieves.
Bürgermeister Gustave Schoen
Una serie de crímenes en el pueblo de Klineschloss, todos ellos con masivas pérdidas de sangre y mordeduras en la garganta, unido a una plaga de murciélagos, hace pensar a las autoridades del pueblo que se encuentran ante la amenaza de un vampiro.
Bettor of 300 Silver
Imperio Romano, siglo I d. C. Después del gran incendio de Roma, el emperador Nerón, decide culpar a los cristianos y publica un edicto por el cual todos ellos deberán ser arrestados y enviados a la arena del circo. Entre los detenidos se encuentran dos viejos cristianos y la hermosa hija de uno de ellos, de la que se enamora Marcus: el más alto funcionario de Roma.
Buck - Bartender
The owner of a pearl bed falls in love with a bitter young girl who had been taken advantage of by an unscrupulous ex-boyfriend.
Mr. Cartright
Fresh from his success with the moody melodrama Murders in the Rue Morgue, director Robert Florey dashed off The Man Called Back at bargain-basement Tiffany Studios. The film is set in the tropics; Conrad Nagel tops the cast as a dissipated, derelict doctor, hopelessly in love with married socialite Doris Kenyon. Doris' insane husband John Halliday commits suicide, but arranges the evidence so that his wife will be charged with murder.
Reverend Dekker (uncredited)
A farmer's widow takes on the land and her late husband's tempestuous son.
Sir Pitt Crawley
Una joven ambiciosa y carente de escrúpulos asciende en la escala social desde institutriz a lo más alto de la sociedad británica.
Albert Furman
A once great stage and screen actor has fallen from fame because of his alcoholism; his young son is determined to see his father "make good" again.
Judge (uncredited)
Para evitar los rigores de la ley, Gilda huye de Nueva Orleans y se esconde en una isla caribeña donde los peores criminales pueden pedir asilo. Asediada por indeseables, Gilda descubrirá pronto que ha encontrado refugio en el mismísimo Infierno.
Herr Vogel, the Burgomaster
El doctor Henry Von Frankenstein acomete un experimento tenebroso: construir, a partir de fragmentos de cadáveres, un nuevo ser humano. Con la ayuda de su criado Fritz, se adentra durante la noche en los cementerios de la localidad para arrancar a los cadáveres las partes que necesita. Lo que ignora es que el cerebro que ha utilizado en su experimento había pertenecido a un criminal.
General Philip Schuyler
The founding father has an extramarital affair and meets with the likes of Thomas Jefferson.
Herr Kessner (uncredited)
An Austrian soldier must choose between a wealthy fiancee and a new girl who takes his fancy.
Bill, the Bartender
A man's heavy drinking drives away his family and threatens to destroy his relationship with his little daughter.
Cafe Manager (uncredited)
Un oficial del ejército francés y una cantante de cabaret se persiguen por Europa.
Baron Zagon
A poor but basically honest flower woman agrees to impersonate a wicked opera star.
War Minister
A ladies' man flirts with the wives of other governments' officials.
John Keith está siendo buscado por el asesinato de George Kirkstone en las cataratas del Príncipe Albert en 1918. Después de buscarlo, durante largos y penosos días, por las heladas montañas del Ártico, el sargento Conniston y su asistente Pat O’Toole le dan captura, pero Keith escapa, regresando luego cuando presiente que sus captores están en dificultades para sobrevivir. Las circunstancias hacen que Conni muera y O´Toole motiva a Keith para que se haga pasar por Conni en el pueblo, donde tendrá que sortear su reencuentro con Miriam, la novia de éste, y con sus viejos amigos.
Duke Gustav von Liebenheim
La condesa Vera está a punto de contraer matrimonio con el estirado príncipe Otto, pero decide dejarle y se va a Montecarlo. Acude al casino, donde el conde Rudolph, hombre muy adinerado, se fija en ella. Le dice que, si le deja tocar su cabello, tendrá buena suerte en el juego. Ella se lo permite y empieza a ganar como por arte de magia. Tan impresionada queda por su cambio de suerte que, sin saber quién es, contrata a Rudolph en calidad de peluquero.
Colonel Villiers
Kitty Bellairs, a flirtatious young woman of 18th Century England, cuts a swath of broken hearts and romantic conquests as she visits a resort with her sister.
Monsieur Dupont
In this adventure, trouble ensues when two American French Legionnaires fall for the same girl and begin fighting over her when one of them announces that he plans to marry her. The argument is quite heated and in the ensuing scuffle one of them is shot and wounded.
Commandant Endicott
A group of people who knew each other years before discover that members of the group are being killed off one by one by someone who calls himself (or herself) The Green Ghost. The survivors gather at an old mansion to find out who is doing the killing and why, and discover that the murderer is a member of that very group.
Colonel of Hussars
A captain of the king's guards secretly works for the rebels.
Prime Minister
Por sus deshonrosas aventuras en París, el agregado militar, conde Alfred Renard (Maurice Chevalier), es devuelto a su país de origen Sylvania, justo en los días en que los miembros del Consejo de Estado andan preocupados porque la reina Louise I (Jeanette McDonald) no consigue casarse con ninguno de sus pretendientes... pero al ser llevado ante su presencia a la espera de recibir su castigo, Renard conseguirá seducirla y Sylvania va a tener a un príncipe consorte que ha jurado ante la iglesia ser dócil y obediente.
In czarist Russia, a princess falls for a dashing bandit leader, but their romance proves a stormy one.
La historia nos presenta a Sheba Miller, una cantante que se ve envuelta en los negocios sucios de un mafioso llamado Nick. Cuando descubre que éste es un criminal que acaba en prisión, Sheba intentará recuperar el amor de su antiguo novio Jack.
An American sailor comes to a seedy banana republic, and finds a fellow yank, a stranded girl, as a saloon singer. They fall in love, but a misunderstanding about her feelings toward the local dictator threatens their happiness.
Innkeeper (uncredited)
A follower of Napoleon escapes the firing squad, flees to a woman's bedroom and winds up butler.
Evidence is a 1929 Pre-Code crime drama film produced and distributed by the Warner Brothers. It is based on the 1914 Broadway play Evidence by J. duRocher MacPherson and L. duRocher MacPherson. This early talkie was directed by John G. Adolfi and starred Pauline Frederick and Lowell Sherman. While this film is lost, its soundtrack, recorded by the Vitaphone process, survives.
The Toy Maker
Early Vitaphone short.
Major Endicott
One dark foggy London night, someone tries to strangle Lord Montague, but he escapes. Only to discover the four other men who did get killed were old regimental comrades in Gallipoli. When Scotland Yard gets Monty to gather the other nine surviving officers at his home, one of them is murdered, and no one else has entered the house. Now, they must determine who the murderer is.
Señor Carroles
United States Marine Corps Captain "Happy" Smith and Gunnery Sergeant Wilmer lead a squadron of Marines in a search of a party of American tourists lost in a Central America banana republic jungle.
Father Colomb
The Redeeming Sin (1929) is a crime drama part-talking silent film with Vitaphone music and sound effects. It was produced and distributed by Warner Bros. and stars Dolores Costello. This film is currently a lost film.
Amos Sewald
An expedition sets out through the jungle to find a missing explorer, but stumbles upon an ancient Mayan temple that houses a giant ape.
In 'The Circus Kid', Buddy, an orphan who runs away from a a harsh orphanage, joins Cadwallader's Circus.
Adolph Van Housen
No known surviving copy is known to exist. This well received film revolved around Harry Van Housen's rejection from service in WWI and subsequent heroism in foiling a ring of spies.
Jasper Bolivar
El famoso actor de teatro Don Wilson (Walker), después de los ensayos de una nueva obra, sale de excursión con unos amigos. En las afueras de la ciudad encuentran un teatro ambulante en el que actúa una compañía de aficionados, cuya primera actriz, Ginger Bolivar (Love), contrata a Don como actor secundario. Con él representan ante el productor Arnold Wingate (Hilliard) el melodrama “Guerra Civil”. El productor cree que es una magnífica comedia cómica, por lo que ofrece a la compañía un contrato para actuar en Broadway.
Henri Duray
Sergeant Malone of the Mounties and effeminate Etienne Doray are both in love with Rose-Marie, but she doesn't light up until soldier of fortune Jim Kenyon drifts into the post. Soon Jim is accused of murder but he escapes.
Stout Student (uncredited)
Karl Heinrich, sobrino del rey de un pequeño país y príncipe heredero, se traslada a estudiar a Heidelberg acompañado por su tutor, el doctor Jüttner. Allí se enamora de Kathi, la sobrina del dueño de la posada en la que se alojan. Karl Heinrich es feliz, pero el rey muere y debe regresar para ocupar el trono.
The Dean
A women's track team is preparing for a big meet against a rival college, but the coach is having trouble getting her team ready. Norma, the team's star, is more interested in slipping out to meet her boyfriend than she is with getting ready for the meet, so Norma and the coach engage in a clash of wills.
John Palfrey
Stephen Sorrell, a decorated war hero, raises his son Kit alone after Kit's mother deserts husband and child in the boy's infancy. Sorrell loses a promising job offer and is forced to take work as a menial. Both his dignity and his health are damaged as he suffers under the exhausting labor and harsh treatment he receives as a hotel porter. But Sorrell thrives in the knowledge that his son will benefit from his labors. Sorrell has allowed the boy to believe his mother dead, but when the mother shows up, wanting to re-enter the young man's life, Sorrell must make hard decisions.
Part of a 7-part series exploring all aspects of Hollywood.
Jack McTeague
After suffering a fall during a race, rider Jimmy Burke loses his nerve. But with the help of his girlfriend Molly Gibson, Jimmy regains his confidence just in time to achieve victory during the Big Race.
Roman Noble
Una de las primeras películas del cine mudo que abordaron la narración bíblica de Jesucristo. En esta ocasión, contada desde el punto de vista de María Magdalena (Dorothy Cumming), antigua cortesana al servicio de los romanos que es redimida por el amor de Jesús (H.B. Warner). En 1961, Nicholas Ray hizo un remake con Jeffrey Hunter en el papel principal.
Monsieur Girard
Trouble begins when Mme. Girard steps out on her husband, Criquette's father, to fool around with rakish Phillippe Levaux. When Monsieur Girard finds out, Criquette saves her stepmother from scandal by tricking Levaux into a hasty marriage.
Gov. Dinwiddie of Virginia
El coronel O'Hara, un hábil luchador en la naturaleza, ama a Rene, hija del comandante de las fuerzas francesas durante la guerra entre Francia y la India. Los indios, bajo Pontiac, secuestran a René. O'Hara espera rescatarla y casarse con ella.
Mr. Bowden
Rev. Bartholomey
"Old Peter Grimm makes his ward Katie promise to marry his nephew Frederik [ sic ] and then dies. Frederik proves to be a scapegrace and Peter's spirit returns to right matters and finally succeeds in doing so by communicating with Jimmie who is in a delirium." ( Moving Picture World, 20 Nov 1926, p164.) Peter thus thwarts selfishness and greed and rewards virtue.
Vicomte de Lavedan
Durante el reinado de Luis XIII, un jactancioso joven llamado Bardelys se hace famoso gracias a sus conquistas amorosas.
Anita Gray is the spoiled daughter of a millionaire. Returning home from a party, her car breaks down and she is picked up by a stranger, who sells her his car for a diamond bracelet. The car has been stolen and the police arrest her, but she escapes and takes refuge on a freighter bound for China. She has no money and has to work her way there. Her father learns of her destination and hires Hamlin to bring her safely home.
Joel Corbin
Wallace MacDonald as a car mechanic who invents a revolutionary new carburetor. To prove the efficiency of his creation, MacDonald enters an important auto race. It soon develops that our hero is in direct competition with a car owned by Lionel Belmore, the father of his girl friend Elaine Hammerstein.
Jacques St. Claire
Grey Wolf, a German Shepherd Dog, leads the human hero to victory in this silent western.
Seth Corwin
A cross-dressing farce, adapted from "Madame Lucy" by Jean Arlette, in which to help a friend in a lawsuit, Jack Mitchell disguises himself as the mysterious "Madame Brown," a missing witness important to the case of the plaintiff. He attracts the romantic attention of two old roués and one hot Broadway showgirl.
Honest Tom Massingham
Silent melodrama.
Gaston Larrieau
Exemplifying Kipling's adage, a white man falls to pieces when he is in the South Seas.
Eve's Secret is that she's not the elegant society woman she seems to be. In fact, Eve is an unkempt country girl who's been "transformed," Pygmalion style, by European duke Poltava.
John Marble, a construction engineer is stricken by paralysis and begins to envision the growth of love between his wife Marion and his best friend, Bob Alten. Bent on suicide, however, the shock of seeing his wife and child endangered on a broken bridge shakes him to recover from his illness and discover that his suspicions were all imaginary.
Justice Anthony Baine
The adventures of Oliver Tressilian, who goes from English gentry to galley slave to captain of a Moorish fighting ship.
Baas Cogez
An orphan boy wins a prize for his drawing.
Sir Geoffrey Wildairs
Clorinda Wildairs breaks off an affair with the unscrupulous Sir John Ozen to become engaged to a rich nobleman, Mertoun, the Duke of Osmonde. Clorinda accidentally kills Sir John when he, infuriated by her forthcoming marriage, threatens to blackmail her. She buries the body in the cellar and admits her act to the forgiving Osmonde before marrying him.
Undetermined Role (unconfirmed)
En su primer largometraje en el cine, el genial Buster Keaton hace una parodia de "Intolerancia", de D.W. Griffith, al tiempo que muestra sus dotes dramáticas y cómicas (siempre serio) mientras compite con Wallace Beery por conseguir el amor de Margaret Leahy en tres épocas diferentes: la prehistoria, la antigua Roma y la (entonces) edad moderna: los años veinte.
Irwin - his attorney
When Mary Turner is sent to prison for a crime she did not commit, she vows upon her release to take vengeance on those who wronged her, always staying however within the letter of the law.
Baron Bolo
The queen of a mythical European nation flees to America when a general threatens to overthrow her government.
La historia comienza en el corazón de la vieja Irlanda, donde Jim O’Connell, un patriota irlandés, se queda solo para cuidar de su hija Margaret, a quien cariñosamente llama “Peg o’ My Heart”, tras la muerte de su amada esposa. Pasan los años. Margaret, ahora una joven ayudando a su padre en la granja, es enviada a Inglaterra para vivir con sus ricos parientes, sin saber que se trata de un plan trazado por su padre y un abogado con el fin de cobrar una herencia.
Col. Rome Woolrich
Posing as relatives, Ralph and Helen Gordon visit Col. Moncrief Gordon's Kentucky mansion, hoping to marry Helen to the colonel's son, Donald. The colonel agrees, but Donald balks at the suggestion, then reveals his secret marriage to Alice Brown. The colonel turns them out, and Ralph conspires with Bob Thurston to frame Donald for theft of Colonel Gordon's wager money and to shanghai him. After 3 years Donald discovers the source of his misfortune, returns, finds his wife, hears of a plot against his father's best racehorse, wrings a complete confession from Thurston, and saves the Derby for his repentant father.
Directed by Wallace Worsley.
Mr. Brownlow
Oliver's mother, a penniless outcast, died giving birth to him. As a young boy Oliver is brought up in a workhouse, later apprenticed to an uncaring undertaker, and eventually is taken in by a gang of thieves who befriend him for their own purposes. All the while, there are secrets from Oliver's family history waiting to come to light. Written by Snow Leopard
'Five-Notch' Arnett
Cowboy Simplex Cox, now a drifter and odd-job seeker, lands the assignment of chaperoning the pretty daughter of cattleman "Five-Notch" Arnett. Laura Arnett has a weakness of falling in love with every man she meets---Simplex Cox the exception---and it is Simp's job to keep her from meeting any. However, too late, as she has succumbed to the polished, oily charms of Hubert Bolston, who has dastardly designs upon Arnett's land and intends getting them by marrying the daughter.
Al Wilkins
When theatrical agent Sterling, a ladies man known for signing his latest paramours onto his agency's talent roster, returns to New York from a trip to Europe, he tells his more down-to-earth partner, Lawson, that he has hired a beautiful Neopolitan acrobat he saw onstage in Italy. When the acrobat, Tina Bambinetti, arrives in their office, though, Sterling is shocked to find that, offstage, she is plain, unkempt and badly dressed. Crushed by Sterling's dismissive treatment, Tina performs some acrobatics that almost destroy the office...
John Burroughs
Young William Burroughs comes from wealth but not nobility, so despite his income he is not welcomed when he pursues Lady Elizabeth Galton, and indeed he is not only beaten by her cousin but thrown out by his own father for the disgrace he has caused. He travels to the United States where he becomes a champion prizefighter. Upon his return to England, he finds circumstances quite changed for Lady Galton and he sets out to change her circumstances further.
George Kirby steals a mining claim from Tom Curtis and forces him to become an outlaw. Years later, Curtis comes to the rescue when Anne Kirby is kidnapped by real outlaws, but when he finds out she is married to his enemy, he decides to hold her captive.
The Laird of Tyee
Discovering that her husband is a bigamist, Nan returns with her child to her Puget Sound logging town. She is treated as an outcast by all save Donald, her childhood sweetheart, the son of a millionaire....
James Rutledge
Vivacious Marie Prevost starred in this pleasant little Universal comedy about a flirt who stages moonlight dances at her father's country estate in order to provoke eligible men to fall in love with her.
Bill Bradford
William Harcourt loses all his money in a business transaction and is forced to dismiss his servants. Mr. and Mrs. Harcourt are about to entertain Richard Thayer and his fiancée, Bessie Lane, at dinner when there is received a message announcing the arrival of Montana millionaire Bill Bradford, a client of Harcourt's. Anxious to make a good impression, Harcourt and his wife disguise themselves as servants, while Thayer and his fiancée take the part of the Harcourts.
A naive young Swede is repeatedly victimized by predatory women. When finally he meets a young woman who seems sincere and true, he wonders if he can trust her.
Ethel Warren returns from studying in Europe to make her debut in New York with the opera company in which Jean Paurel, world-famous baritone, is the star. Carlo Sonino, also a member of the company, falls in love with Ethel and warns her against becoming infatuated with the amorous singer.
Seaman Neighbor
On board his trading schooner in the South Pacific, tough sea captain Black Pawl confronts his own son, who has grown up in his father's shadow and reflects only his dark side.
Mark Bullway
Harry Bullway is a careless young man, always after a good time. He nearly runs over a blind beggar with his car, but he shows no remorse. In response to his heartlessness, the beggar curses him, saying, "May you always have everything that you want."
Richard Sibley Sr
1860 ushers in the era of iron ships, Richard Sibley, a builder of wooden ships, stubbornly resists the change, which leads him to forbid the marriage of his daughter Rose to John Rhead, a proponent of the new method. This injustice outrages John's sister Gertrude so much that she breaks off her engagement to Sibley's son Sam. Meanwhile, John and Rose elope.
Happy-go-lucky Jim Fenton is in love with Miss Butterworth, the town milliner, who is taking care of little Harry Benedict while his father Paul, an inventor, is in the local insane asylum. Miss Butterworth convinces Jim that Belcher, one of the town's prominent citizens, has incarcerated Paul to steal the patents from his inventions. Jim breaks into the asylum and spirits away the enfeebled inventor......
Jake Bloom
Honest Arizona rancher Sam Gardner, goes with his motherless son Billy to the city, where he is cheated out of ten thousand dollars by a band of crooks. Taking up residence in a boardinghouse where he meets Jane Ingraham, Sam decides that the only way to regain his losses is by gambling. To achieve this, he makes friends with gambler Kittie Hinch who takes him to Jack Bloom's gambling house. When Bloom begins flirting with Hinch's wife Florry, the injured husband kills his rival and the evidence points to Sam as the killer. Jane tries to provide him with an alibi, but fails. Just as things look grim for the rancher, a wire arrives from Hinch, now in Mexico, confessing to the crime. His faith in mankind thus rewarded, Sam is free to marry Jane
Carl Hoffman
Charles Trevor is a young chap just out of college, who is put to work on a daily newspaper and at once starts to lead a life of adventure and romance. A German spy and a maiden in distress cross his path the first day and, before the end of the story, he has landed a big scoop for his paper, put the German in jail and married the girl.
Grace Culver's sharp tongue, has garnered her with the nicknamed "The Wasp." A spirited disagreement with her canning magnate father, John Culver, results from Grace's refusal to marry Kane Putnam, her father's business partner, and she orders her new chauffeur, Tim Purcell, to take her and her maid Miller on a drive. On their return, they are captured by Brazsos, a German spy who plans to blow up her father's munitions factory. Grace learns of the hidden tunnel Brazsos has excavated to the factory, and as Miller escapes to alert the police, Grace unties the chauffeur and leads him to the tunnel. When the bomb explodes prematurely, Grace and Tim become trapped, and facing death, they confess their mutual love. The two are rescued, after which Grace discovers that Tim actually is wealthy Yale football star Harry Cortland, a revelation that delights her father.
Grace Culver's sharp tongue, has garnered her with the nicknamed "The Wasp." A spirited disagreement with her canning magnate father, John Culver, results from Grace's refusal to marry Kane Putnam, her father's business partner, and she orders her new chauffeur, Tim Purcell, to take her and her maid Miller on a drive. On their return, they are captured by Brazsos, a German spy who plans to blow up her father's munitions factory. Grace learns of the hidden tunnel Brazsos has excavated to the factory, and as Miller escapes to alert the police, Grace unties the chauffeur and leads him to the tunnel. When the bomb explodes prematurely, Grace and Tim become trapped, and facing death, they confess their mutual love. The two are rescued, after which Grace discovers that Tim actually is wealthy Yale football star Harry Cortland, a revelation that delights her father.
David Aldrich aspires to be an author. The publishers reject most of his manuscripts because they seem to lack realism. David struggles on, however, determined to succeed and kept happy by his love for Helen Chambers and for his bosom friend Morton, who is a young minister working among the people on the East Side.
In the Latin Quarter is a 1915 silent short film directed by Lionel Belmore and starring Edith Storey and Antonio Moreno. It was produced and distributed by the Vitagraph Company of America.
Mr. Williams, a stern father and man of wealth, disinherits his son Hugh, for marrying Rose, a seamstress. Twenty years later, although Sose is practically supporting her sick husband, their little store is taken from them and they are obliged to move, with Martha, their daughter, to the tenement district.