Philip Dorn

Philip Dorn

Nacimiento : 1901-09-30, Scheveningen, 's-Gravenhage, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

Muerte : 1975-05-09


Frits van Dongen (1901–1975), born Hein van der Niet and sometimes billed as Philip Dorn, was a Dutch actor who had a career in Hollywood. As a teenager he moved out of his parental home to perform in an amateur theatre group; his stage name Frits van Dongen already dates from that period. In the early 1920s, Van Dongen ended up in the professional stage, but it was not until 1934 that he starred in his first film: 'Op Hoop van Zegen'. This film marked his breakthrough as a film star in the Netherlands: in 1935 he played in 'De Big van het Regiment', 'De Kribbebijter' and 'Op Stap' and in 1936 in 'Rubber'. Van Dongen then left for Berlin to work with the likes of Veit Harlan and star in a number of successful German films. In 1939 Van Dongen and his second wife, Jewish actress Marianne van Dam, left for the United States at the invitation of director Henry Koster, who had directed Van Dongen in 'De Kribbebijter'. When he was given a seven-year contract at MGM, Van Dongen changed his name to Philip Dorn. After making his American debut in 1940 with 'Enemy Agent', he would frequently be cast as continental lover, anti-Nazi German or refugee. In 1952 he returned to Europe for several German films and a Dutch theatre tour with Lily Bouwmeester. In 1953 he quit acting in films, partly due to speech problems due to a concussion. He retired for the rest of his life in California, where he died.


Philip Dorn
Philip Dorn


Salto Mortale
Dreaming Lips
Türme des Schweigens
Captain de Vries
Behind Monastery Walls
Thomas Holinka
Thomas Holinka has returned home from war and captivity. In the absence of a suitable home, he finds himself in what seems to be an abandoned monastery. When the nuns return, a conflict is inevitable because Holinka is addicted to alcohol and gambling .
Cargamento blindado
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un barco de pesca encuentra un velero danés dañado por lo que parece el ataque de un submarino alemán. Tiene a bordo sólo un hombre, el Capitán Skalder. Los pescadores remolcan la nave a una bahía solitaria sin saber las malévolas intenciones del superviviente.
Spy Hunt
Paul Kopel
Roger Quain, escorting two zoo-bound black panthers on the train from Milan to Paris, is unaware that a Western agent, Catherine Ullven, has hidden a microfilm in the collar of one of the animals. But when the train is derailed in the Swiss Alps and the panthers escape, she is forced to involve him in her mission, which now includes enemy agents hunting the microfilm, the animals, Catherine and Roger. Corrected from an original submission by Guy Bellinger.
El luchador de Kentucky
Col. Georges Geraud
John Breen es un soldado de Kentucky que regresa desde Nueva Orleans a su tierra. En Alabama, conoce y se enamora de Fleurette De Marchand, hija de un general francés, quien se opone a la relación. John comienza a buscar trabajo en la ciudad y descubre que existe un plan para echar de Alabama a la comunidad francesa y acabar con el padre de su amada.
Nunca la olvidaré
La película narra la vida de una familia de inmigrantes noruegos en San Francisco, alrededor del año 1.910.
La gran pasión
Leopold Goronoff
Historia de amor entre un tiránico director de orquesta y su alumna pianista a través del tiempo.
Escape in the Desert
Philip Artveld
Escaped Nazi POWs hold the denizens of a California resort hostage.
Blonde Fever
Peter Donay
Delilah es la joven camarera de un restaurante. El dueño se siente fuertemente atraído por ella, pero Delilah sólo le hace caso porque está obsesionada con conseguir dinero.
Pasaje para Marsella
Un francés que lucha en las fuerzas aéreas con base en Gran Bretaña confiesa, después de ser presionado, que ha escapado de la Isla del Diablo y en realidad quiere volver a Francia. Por otro lado, un periodista que está indagando sobre la guerra en el bando de los aliados descubre oscuros intereses militares.
Twenty Years After
This short celebrates the 20th anniversary of MGM. Segments are shown from several early hits, then from a number of 1944 releases.
Paris After Dark
Jean Blanchard
Andre Marbel is the upper-class doctor who is able to continue his practice above suspicion even though he is a leader in the French Resistance. His nurse supports his activities, but her Nazi-brainwashed husband provides the tension.
Gen. Draja Mihailovitch
Subtitled The Fighting Guerillas, Chetniks tells the story of Yugoslavian guerilla fighter General Draja Mihailovitch. Based on the General's own memoirs, the film depicts Mihailovitch (played here by Philip Dorn) as a selfless idealist, leading his resistance troops, known as the Chetniks, on one raid after another against the Germans during WW II.
Reunión en Francia
Robert Cortot
Michelle de la Becque está enamorada del diseñador industrial Robert Cortot. Juntos disfrutan en París de una vida lujosa hasta que Michelle descubre que su amante se relaciona con oficiales nazis y que sus fábricas trabajan para el ejército alemán. Al mismo tiempo, ayuda a un aviador americano cuyo avión ha sido derribado y acaba enamorándose de él.
Niebla en el pasado
Dr. Jonathan Benet
Un militar británico que padece amnesia (Colman) se fuga de un hospital psiquiátrico y conoce a Paula (Garson), una mujer con la que emprende una nueva vida: se casa y prueba fortuna como escritor. Después de varios años de feliz convivencia, un día, viaja a Liverpool para intentar vender una de sus obras; allí sufre un accidente de tráfico, que le permite recuperar los recuerdos del pasado, pero se olvida completamente de su esposa.
Calling Dr. Gillespie
Dr. John Hunter Gerniede
Un médico en silla de ruedas se enfrenta a un maníaco homicida.
El tesoro de Tarzán
Una expedición científica descubre oro en el territorio de Tarzán. Los malvados Medford y Vandermeer secuestran a Jane y a Boy para conseguir que el rey de la selva les indique el emplazamiento exacto del dorado metal...
Eric Franken
Un joven se siente especialmente atraído por la parafernalia exhibida por el Partido Nazi, siendo un ferviente admirador de las políticas expansionistas de Hitler. Sin embargo, cuando sus amigos comienzan a ser asesinados por la Gestapo, el muchacho cambia de parecer y decide ayudar a la resistencia alemana a acabar con la tiranía del Führer.
Las chicas de Ziegfeld
Franz Kolter
Tres mujeres sueñan con actuar en los musicales de Broadway de Florence Ziegfeld. Susan teme que su éxito apene a su padre, actor de vodevil en declive. Sheila se debate entre el amor a su novio y las atenciones de un millonario. Sandra está casada con un virtuoso del violín que no soporta que su mujer consiga el éxito en el mundo de las lentejuelas.
Dr. Ditten
1938. Un joven llega a la Alemania de Hitler, busca frenéticamente información acerca de su madre alemana y descubre que está pendiente de ejecución en un campo de concentración.
Diamond Frontier
Jan Stafford De Winter
Story of the early days of the diamond-mining era in South Africa.
Ski Patrol
Viktor Ryder
In 1939, a group of Finnish soldiers defend the border from Russian invaders.
Enemy Agent
Jeffry Arnold
A man is framed for being a spy. After he is released, he sets out to find who the real spies are.
The Journey to Tilsit
Endrik Settegast
From the same Sudermann story that inspired Murnau's Sunrise (1927). A villager is tempted by a sophisticated city woman and almost kills his wife in a boating accident.
Der Hampelmann
Covered Tracks
Bezirksarzt Dr. Morot
Séraphine and her mother arrive in Paris to visit the 1867 World Exhibition. In an overcrowded city they must be accommodated in separate hotels. During the night the mother, who wasn't feeling very well, gets suddenly worse. When next morning Séraphine goes to meet her every trace of her presence has disappeared and everybody denies having ever met her. The bewildered young woman must find someone who believes her. Previous version of So Long at the Fair (1950).
The Indian Tomb
Chandra, Maharadscha von Eschnapur
After the events of Der Tiger von Eschnapur, Maharadscha Chandra is ready to execute his well-planned vengeance, in which German architect Peter Fürbringer, his fiancée Irene and his assistant will have to fight for their lives amidst a revolt fueled by traitor Prinz Ramigani.
Waltz Melodies
Hans v. Waldenau
The big revue star Marietta falls in love and gives up the stage career. The theatre stands before the bankruptcy. Only when her husband has convinced himself that she will remain loyal to him, Marietta may go on working. Revue film according to pattern: a lot of music, sturdy situation comic and popular stars.
The Tiger of Eschnapur
Maharadscha von Eschnapur
Johannes 'John' van Laer
John Van Laer is the overseer of a vast rubber plantation in the Dutch East Indies. His new wife Renee joins him at the plantation, but the monotony of her existence and unbearable heat soon drive her to distraction. One of Van Laer's workmen takes advantage of the boss' absence to seduce Renee.
The Cross-Patch
Willy van Hergershuizen
Willy, the son of baron Van Hergershuizen, finds himself disinherited after he marries an untitled girl. His wife decides to take action and applies for the job of the baron's housekeeper.
De Big van het Regiment
Diary fragments tell of the arrival of Belgian refugees across the Dutch border in winter 1915. Reserve lieutenant Berkhage returns from the Belgian border with a refugee child. Named "Big" by the company the kid soon becomes the regimental darling.
On the Move
George van Reen
Janus Fortuin is a goodhearted piano tuner married to a greedy landlady. Their daughter Polly is engaged to young songwriter George van Reen. When rich uncle Barend from Batavia makes a surprise visit — pretending to be a lodger called 'Van Santen' — the Fortuin family finds their lives turned upside down.
The Good Hope
Fisherman’s widow Kniertje urges her two younger sons to set sail on the ‘Op hoop van zegen’, a heavily insured floating wreck which duly goes down in a storm. Kniertje is left behind, alone and lonely. Based on Herman Heijermans’ socialist-inspired Dutch theatre classic.