
Streetscapes [Dialogue] (2017)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 12M

Director : Heinz Emigholz


A film director confides in his interlocutor. He talks about the working process, about creative blocks, about artistic crises and expressive forces. At some point, the idea takes hold that this conversation could be turned into a film. And this is the very film we’re watching the two of them in.


John Erdman
John Erdman
Jonathan Perel
Jonathan Perel
Natja Brunckhorst
Natja Brunckhorst


Heinz Emigholz
Heinz Emigholz
Heinz Emigholz
Heinz Emigholz
Zohar Rubinstein
Zohar Rubinstein
Heinz Emigholz
Heinz Emigholz
Till Beckmann
Till Beckmann
Heinz Emigholz
Heinz Emigholz
Till Beckmann
Till Beckmann

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