
Black Raven (2019)

Género : Drama, Historia, Bélica

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 50M

Director : Taras Tkachenko


Ukraine 1922. The Russian empire has already broken up, but a new state has not yet been formed. Many tried to create and consolidate their independence during this period, and this is the story of one of such people. This is the story of the life and love of one person - Ivan, nicknamed Raven ...


Taras Tsymbaliuk
Taras Tsymbaliuk
Ivan 'Chornyi Voron' Chernousov
Ksenia Danilova
Ksenia Danilova
Andrii Mostrenko
Andrii Mostrenko
Paul Moskal
Paul Moskal
Zorian Marchenko
Zorian Marchenko
Aziz Abdurashidov
Aziz Abdurashidov
Alina Kovalenko
Alina Kovalenko
Tsylia, VChK agent
Oleksii Trytenko
Oleksii Trytenko
Sergey Babkin
Sergey Babkin
Nataliia Sumska
Nataliia Sumska
Viktor Zhdanov
Viktor Zhdanov
Ostap Dziadek
Ostap Dziadek
Serhii Shadrin
Serhii Shadrin


Taras Tkachenko
Taras Tkachenko
Oleksandr Tkachenko
Oleksandr Tkachenko
Taras Antypovych
Taras Antypovych

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