
Aalwar (2007)

Género : Acción, Suspense

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 37M

Director : Chella


Aalwar is a traditional priest. He is devoted to his mother and sister. But the villainous elements Lal, Vincent Asokan, kill the sister and mother. Aalwar, with revenge ringing in his mind, ends up as Shiva the killer, even while working as a ward boy in a hospital. Shiva is out to make a statement against the venal forces. He sees himself as some kind of avatar — in fact, he bumps off the baddies under the get-up's of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna. In climax, Shiva turns up as Lord Narasimha and bumps off the last villain by placing him on his thighs and ripping apart his bowels and chest with his sharp claws.


Ajith Kumar
Ajith Kumar
Asin Thottumkal
Asin Thottumkal
Aditya Srivastava
Aditya Srivastava
Keerthi Chawla
Keerthi Chawla
Vincent Asokan
Vincent Asokan
Sathyan Sivakumar
Sathyan Sivakumar


Srikanth Deva
Srikanth Deva
V. T. Vijayan
V. T. Vijayan
Ravi Mariya
Ravi Mariya
Mohan Natarajan
Mohan Natarajan
G. Ramesh
G. Ramesh
Director of Photography

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