
Aalwar (2007)

ジャンル : アクション, スリラー

上映時間 : 2時間 37分

演出 : Chella


Aalwar is a traditional priest. He is devoted to his mother and sister. But the villainous elements Lal, Vincent Asokan, kill the sister and mother. Aalwar, with revenge ringing in his mind, ends up as Shiva the killer, even while working as a ward boy in a hospital. Shiva is out to make a statement against the venal forces. He sees himself as some kind of avatar — in fact, he bumps off the baddies under the get-up's of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna. In climax, Shiva turns up as Lord Narasimha and bumps off the last villain by placing him on his thighs and ripping apart his bowels and chest with his sharp claws.


Ajith Kumar
Ajith Kumar
Asin Thottumkal
Asin Thottumkal
Aditya Srivastava
Aditya Srivastava
Keerthi Chawla
Keerthi Chawla
Vincent Asokan
Vincent Asokan
Sathyan Sivakumar
Sathyan Sivakumar


Srikanth Deva
Srikanth Deva
V. T. Vijayan
V. T. Vijayan
Ravi Mariya
Ravi Mariya
Mohan Natarajan
Mohan Natarajan
G. Ramesh
G. Ramesh
Director of Photography


Sea of Love
Seen-it-all New York detective Frank Keller is unsettled - he has done twenty years on the force and could retire, and he hasn't come to terms with his wife leaving him for a colleague. Joining up with an officer from another part of town to investigate a series of murders linked by the lonely hearts columns he finds he is getting seriously and possibly dangerously involved with Helen, one of the main suspects.
シン・シティ 復讐の女神
ストレンジャーズ 地獄からの訪問者
A family’s road trip takes a dangerous turn when they arrive at a secluded mobile home park to stay with some relatives and find it mysteriously deserted. Under the cover of darkness, three masked killers pay them a visit to test the family’s every limit as they struggle to survive.
ザ・コール 緊急通報指令室
ロサンゼルス市警察の911(緊急通報用電話番号)のオペレーター・ジョーダンは、不法侵入者に怯える少女レイアからの緊急電話を受けた際、わずかな判断ミスにより彼女を救えず(携帯電話が切れた時のジョーダンからの発信音で少女は男に見つかり、誘拐され殺害されてしまう)、自責の念に苛まれ、オペレーターを辞める決意を固めた。 その半年後、研修生の指導にあたっていたジョーダンは、何者かに拉致されて移動する車のトランクの中から助けを求める少女ケイシーの緊急通報を受ける。彼女はシリアルキラー(病で頭髪が抜けながら死んだ姉と同じ少女の美しい金髪に執着する狂人)に誘拐されて彼が運転する車のトランクに閉じ込められ、その中から緊急通報してきたのだ。経験豊富なジョーダンは、すぐにケイシーが緊迫した状況であることを察知、彼女に指示を与える。 やがてジョーダンは、ジョーダンに捨て台詞を吐いたその誘拐犯マイケル・フォスターの声が、レイアを拉致した殺人鬼と同じである事に気付き、自身の葛藤を抱えながらケイシーの救出に乗り出していく。
When Ann, husband George, and son Georgie arrive at their holiday home they are visited by a pair of polite and seemingly pleasant young men. Armed with deceptively sweet smiles and some golf clubs, they proceed to terrorize and torture the tight-knit clan, giving them until the next day to survive.
テキサスチェーンソー ビギニング
1939年8月、一人の赤ん坊が食肉処理工場の血まみれの床で生まれた。その子は生まれながらの奇形児で、生肉の包装紙に包まれ、すぐにゴミ箱に捨てられた。たまたまゴミを漁っていた女に拾われた赤ん坊はトーマスと名付けられ、女の家族ヒューイット家で育てられる。 トーマスは6歳のとき、自傷性の変性顔面異常症と診断されるが、その頃から動物を殺して解体するなど異常性が際立っていた。 やがて9歳から食肉処理工場で働き始めた彼は、30歳のとき食肉処理工場が閉鎖されたショックから工場長をハンマーで殴り殺してしまう。住む土地に異常な執着を持つヒューイット家は、逮捕に来た地元の保安官を殺害し、その人肉を食卓に並べた。かくしてヒューイット一家の殺戮が始まった。 ある男女4人が交通事故に合い、内3名が保安官の格好をしたホイト・ヒューイットのパトカーに拘束されヒューイット家の自宅に連れて行かれてしまう。そこには冷酷な殺人鬼と変貌しつつあるレザーフェイス(トーマス)が待ち構えていた。
若い女性の皮膚を剥ぎ落とし、その死体を川に流すという残忍な連続猟奇殺人が発生した。 犯人の仮称を冠し“バッファロー・ビル事件”と呼ばれるこれを解決するため、FBI訓練生のクラリスは、クロフォード主任捜査官からある任務を課される。それは、元は天才的な精神科医であり、自分の患者を食したため現在は州立精神病院に措置入院されているレクター博士を訪ね、バッファロー・ビルの精神状態を解明させるというものだった。 クラリスから依頼されたレクターは、その引き換えとしてクラリスに、彼女自身の過去を語らせる。
Threats from sinister foreign nationals aren't the only thing to fear. Bedraggled college professor Michael Faraday has been vexed (and increasingly paranoid) since his wife's accidental death in a botched FBI operation. But all that takes a backseat when a seemingly all-American couple set up house next door.
Jason Voorhees, the living, breathing essence of evil, is back for one fierce, final fling! Tracked down and blown to bits by a special FBI task force, everyone now assumes that he's finally dead. But everybody assumes wrong. Jason has been reborn with the bone-chilling ability to assume the identity of anyone he touches. The terrifying truth is that he could be anywhere, or anybody. In this shocking, blood-soaked finale to Jason's carnage-ridden reign of terror, the horrible secret of his unstoppable killing instinct is finally revealed. And once you know the chilling facts, you'll see him in your nightmares! And he'll see you in hell!
悪魔のサンタクロース 惨殺の斧
Little Billy witnesses his parents being brutally murdered by Santa. Years later, when he has to fill in for an absent in-store Santa Claus, his childhood trauma materializes once again.
フェイク シティ ある男のルール
夜神 月(やがみ ライト)はある日、奇妙な黒いノートを拾う。それは死神・リュークが落とした、ノートに名前を書かれた人間が死ぬ「デスノート」だった。犯罪者を裁く法律に限界を感じていた月は、世の中を変えるため、ノートの力で犯罪者を次々と葬り始める。やがて犯罪者を葬る者の存在に気付いた人々は殺し屋(=Killer)の意味から「キラ」と呼び始め、キラを神と崇め崇拝する者まで現れた。 一方、警察組織はキラの行為はあくまでも連続殺人であるとし、その調査・解決のためにある人物を送り込んだ。警察を裏から指揮し、数々の難事件を解決してきた世界的名探偵L(エル)である。 天才同士の戦い、求める世界の違いから起こったこの闘いに勝つのは死神の力を持つキラか、それとも警察を動かすLか。
The Hills Run Red
A group of young horror fans go searching for a film that mysteriously vanished years ago but instead find that the demented killer from the movie is real, and he's thrilled to meet fans who will die gruesomely for his art.
A group of former military elites set out to explore an uncharted abyss, not knowing their worst nightmare is waiting for them deep beneath the ground.
A woman flees two serial killers who are hot on her heels in a forest.


Nandakumar, a police officer, appoints Siva, a convict, to find and kill the terrorists responsible for a bomb blast. However, Siva is unaware that Nandakumar intends to kill him after the mission.
Shiva, the ageing business tycoon, bound to his wheelchair, sharing a strong bonding with his son Vishnu. Indulgent, while Vishnu whiles away his time with his cronies taking life easy. But then suddenly Vishnu starts behaving out of character, his drunken bouts and acts causing the father much shame and embarrassment. And when Vishnu professes to remember nothing of what he had done, the father takes him to a psychiatrist.
A man kills his wife when she learns that he lusts after her sister. He then begins to make his moves for his sister-in-law. When he tries to sabotage the girl's marriage, her fiance gets suspicious.
Thulladha Manamum Thullum
A struggling singer feels guilty about a girl losing her eyesight; to meet the cost of her eye transplant surgery, he offers his kidney to a rich man.
DCP Paramaguru (Ajith) an efficient police officer who fights with the scum of the society. He later masquerades as a thief to infiltrate into the underworld. The bad guys are surprised to find that Paramguru is the DCP, out to get them. So they all gang up against him. In this process a thrilling encounter takes place between the good and the evil. Paramaguru is helped in his fight against injustice by Divya (Meera Jasmine) who falls in love with him.
Roja Koottam
Two friends fall in love with the same girl.
The story revolves around two friends who work hard, and spend their money travelling around the country. On one such trip, they accidentally help a pair of lovers elope, without realising it. The family of the eloped young lady get angry, and suspect them of being friends of the eloped young man. They take the two friends home, and try to beat them to get the truth out them. One of the two friends falls for a girl named Kayal, who is working in the house, and he speaks of his love in front of everyone. After the eloped young lady is brought home, and it is proven that the two friends were not involved in planning the elopement, they are allowed to go. Kayal travels to Kanyakumari to find the guy who loved her. The rest of the film tells of how they united, after many struggles.
Gajendra is the remake of Telugu film Simhadri and was later dubbed in Hindi as Return of Khuda Gawah. Gajendra (Vijayakanth), an orphan, is adopted and grows up under Azhagarsamy's (Sarath Babu) family care. Azhagarsamy considers him like his own son. Kasthuri (Flora), Azhagarsamy's granddaughter, falls in love with Gajendra. Gajendra takes of a mentally ill girl called Indhu (Laya). The rest of the story is about why he took care of her.
Antony falls in love with Rajeswari who belongs to an upper caste family. When her father kills her sister for marrying a man from the lower caste, she decides to elope with Antony.
A businessman who wants to be rich loses out on family and social life. He marries a girl who loves him only because she would prove profitable to his business. He realizes what he lost after the death of his mother.
A young woman falls in love with a man and wishes to marry him. However, everything changes when she learns about her father's involvement in his first wife's death.
Udhayakumar and Vasanthi are collegemates and they fall in love. But soon he comes to know that she is engaged to be married. After he moves to Chennai and finds a job as a reporter at a magazine. He tries to fight for social change. In the process , he unknowingly gets to know a group of unsavoury characters who promise to help him in his goals. They frame him up. One day Udhaya is arrested for a crime involving a terrorist plot which he is not responsible. The movie is about how Vasanthi fights to prove his innocence and to get him out from behind bars.
Gurupadam, a ganglord, kicks out his driver due to certain accusations against him. The driver's son, Burma, grows up and joins the boss's gang with revenge on his mind.
A leading film actress is controlled by her producer who even refuses to let her get married. Therefore, she seeks the help of a lawyer to get rid of her producer.
Parthibhan Kanavu
Parthiban, a young executive, sees a woman at a bus-stop and quickly falls head over heels in love with her after he finds remarkable similarities in their two personalities. He is then cajoled into "checking out" a girl for an arranged marriage, which he does reluctantly, only to find that she is the girl he secretly admires. Elated, he agrees to the marriage. A bizarre twist follows immediately after.
Marudhamalai, a cop, gets involved in a scuffle with the local gangster and helps the villagers get rid of his atrocities.
Thillana Mohanambal
A classical bharathanatyam dancer and a nathaswaram player fall in love against the wishes of her family.This movie is about how they try to work things out and that hardships that they have to endure. Dance and music are used as an integral part of the story rather than a pastime.
Thiruthani Movie story is about a youth who is very selfish and self centered.
Arjun begins a search for Shanmugam, his friend who had eloped with his lover from his village, and uncovers shocking truths...
Azhagar is a happy go lucky youngster, who looks after his family's red chilly business (justifying the title 'milaga'), in Madurai. But his main job is to be with his friends- roaming, singing and fighting for them all the time (justifying the sub title- 'Maduraikaara payaluga natupukkaga usuraiyum kuduppaiynga...').