
Anna Rosenberg (2020)

Género : Drama, Suspense

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 30M

Director : Michele Moscatelli
Escritor : André Delauré


A psychological thriller inspired by a true story, which tells of the physical and psychological violence that lead Anna, the protagonist, to its extreme consequences.


Claudia Gerini
Claudia Gerini
Anna Rosenberg
Christophe Favre
Christophe Favre
Pasquale Greco
Pasquale Greco


Michele Moscatelli
Michele Moscatelli
André Delauré
André Delauré
Pierlorenzo Bassetti
Pierlorenzo Bassetti
Art Designer
Marco Gambedotti
Marco Gambedotti
Art Designer
Fabien Garosi
Fabien Garosi
Giorgio Tonti
Giorgio Tonti
Director of Photography
Ivo Romagnoli
Ivo Romagnoli
Production Executive
Antonella Di Nardo
Antonella Di Nardo
Production Executive
Michele Moscatelli
Michele Moscatelli
Production Executive
Michela Scolari
Michela Scolari
Production Executive

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