Åsa-Nisse i popform (1964)

Género : Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 45M

Director : Börje Larsson
Escritor : Hans Ei


Pop music comes to Knohult and Åsa-Nisse has a new invention that makes his hens lay their eggs to the beat of the music.


John Elfström
John Elfström
Artur Rolén
Artur Rolén
Mona Geijer-Falkner
Mona Geijer-Falkner
Brita Öberg
Brita Öberg
Inga Brink
Inga Brink
Betty Gyllenstöör
Lis Nilheim
Lis Nilheim
Thor Hartman
Thor Hartman
Sif Ruud
Sif Ruud
Gustaf Lövås
Gustaf Lövås
Hilding Rolin
Hilding Rolin
Manne Grünberger
Manne Grünberger
Per Elam
Per Elam
Bengt Hammar
Stellan Agerlo
Stellan Agerlo
Gösta Krantz
Gösta Krantz
Eric Gustafson
Eric Gustafson
Herr Lind
Elsa Ebbesen-Thornblad
Elsa Ebbesen-Thornblad
Fru Lind
Lissi Alandh
Lissi Alandh
expedit i hattaffär
Dagmar Olsson
Dagmar Olsson
kund i hattaffären
Gösta Jonsson
Gösta Jonsson
Rolf Bengtsson
Rolf Bengtsson
Ronnies Manager
Frithiof Bjärne
Frithiof Bjärne
Stig Johanson
Stig Johanson
Olle Norell
Olle Norell


Börje Larsson
Börje Larsson
Hans Ei
Hans Ei
Curt Cronwall
Curt Cronwall
Ulf Axén
Ulf Axén
Art Direction
Per Krafft
Per Krafft
Sigyn Sahlin
Sigyn Sahlin
Script Supervisor
Carl-Henry Cagarp
Carl-Henry Cagarp
Unit Production Manager
Berit Sande
Berit Sande
Makeup Department Head

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