Michael Moore vuelve a la carga con un documental que denuncia el sistema sanitario norteamericano; un sistema que, al no existir la sanidad universal, excluye a 50 millones de norteamericanos (que, o bien no tienen seguro de salud privado, o no pueden pagárselo) y que se basa en compañías privadas que buscan principalmente beneficios económicos y en aseguradoras que pagan bonos a los empleados que más rentabilidad les proporcionan al denegar prestaciones y reclamaciones a los asegurados.
Cada año en los Estados Unidos, llegan al mercado innovaciones incomparables en diagnóstico, tratamiento y tecnología médica. Pero cuando los mismos dispositivos diseñados para salvar a los pacientes terminan perjudicándolos, ¿quién es responsable?.
Ollie (Tessa Thompson) intenta salir adelante en la económicamente deprimida Little Woods, pero cuando su madre muere, se ve envuelta en la vida de su hermana Deb (Lily James), que tiene su propia crisis con un embarazo no deseado y un ex inútil (James Badge Dale).
Este documental de observación sigue los acontecimientos tras la tragedia que tuvo lugar en el Colectiv Club de Bucarest el 30 de octubre de 2015, un incendio en el que murieron 65 jóvenes y decenas resultaron heridos. La tragedia provocó protestas públicas contra la corrupción y la dimisión del Gobierno.
Based on the real story of Tom and Nicola Ray from Rutland. Their perfect life is totally ruined in a single moment after Tom had developed sepsis. While her husband was in coma, Nicola gave birth to their second child on the other side of the same hospital. Within a matter of days, sepsis would rob Tom of both his arms and legs, and left his face severely disfigured. As an ordinary man, Tom never put himself at risk — he just woke up two months later in a nightmare, a face-off quadruple amputee... This incredible story of survival shows what can be overcome when love is unconditional.
En la Ciudad de México, el gobierno opera con menos de 45 ambulancias de emergencia para una población de 9 millones. Esto ha generado una industria subterránea de ambulancias con fines de lucro a menudo dirigidas por personas con poca o ninguna capacitación o certificación. Una excepción en esta industria éticamente cargada y feroz, la familia Ochoa lucha por evitar que sus necesidades financieras pongan en peligro a las personas bajo su cuidado. Cuando una ofensiva de la policía corrupta empuja a la familia a mayores dificultades, se enfrentan a crecientes dilemas morales incluso mientras continúan brindando servicios médicos de emergencia esenciales.
Inside the dramatic search for a cure to ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). 17 million people around the world suffer from what ME/CFS has been known as a mystery illness, delegated to the psychological realm, until now. A scientist in the only neuro immune institute in the world may have come up with the answer. An important human drama, plays out on the quest for the truth.
Every minute of every year an American drops dead of a heart attack, hundreds of thousands without any warning or prior symptom. But these people could have been saved. The Widowmaker uncovers a chilling tale of greed, ego, and a conspiracy of silence around that most vulnerable of human organs - the heart.
John Pilger unearths the hidden agenda behind the NHS crisis.
The documentary follows one woman's quest to overcome anxiety, depression, and opioid addiction through the use of psychedelic medicines.
The world is facing some huge problems. There’s a lot of talk about how to solve them. But talk doesn’t reduce pollution, or grow food, or heal the sick. That takes doing. This film is the story about a group of doers, the elegantly simple inventions they have made to change the lives of billions of people, and the unconventional billionaire spearheading the project.
15 years ago, Luiza decided to make a fresh start in Spain. She left her 3-year-old daughter Cristina in the care of her relatives and took off. When she returns to Romania, the woman learns some shocking truths that were kept hidden from her: Cristina ran away from home, is a drug addict and has a 2-year-old girl who lives in an orphanage. Overwhelmed by guilt, Luiza attempts to save her daughter
Las conexiones genuinas entre los niños y la naturaleza pueden revolucionar nuestro futuro. Pero, ¿sigue siendo posible este descubrimiento en los principales centros urbanos del mundo? El nuevo capítulo de "The Beginning of Life" revela el poder transformador de este concepto.
Este íntimo documental sigue a la estrella de rock Artiwara Kongmalai a lo largo de un recorrido de 2215 km que llevó a cabo en Tailandia para recaudar fondos benéficos.
Tommy Tucker's Tooth is a live-action short film by Walt Disney at his short-lived Laugh-O-Grams studio in Kansas City from 1922. The film was one of two commissioned by Kansas City Dentist Thomas B. McCrum. It earned the Laugh-O-Gram studio $500.
Dedicated home care nurse Vlasta attends her whimsical patients in Czech wine country and lives for her husband Lada and her daughter, but one day things change and Vlasta is forced to reach outside of her comfort zone. Drama and gentle humor intertwine as Vlasta realizes, for the first time in her life, that she might need some care, too.
En la década de los 50, una creciente ola de infartos de corazón asustó a la población estadounidense. El investigador y patólogo Ancel Keys propuso que la culpa era de las grasas saturadas, que elevaban el nivel de colesterol, pero estudios posteriores le desmentirían. Hoy en día, aunque las tasas de colesterol han disminuido en los países desarrollados, el número de accidentes coronarios permanece casi estable. Por lo tanto, cada vez son más los investigadores que rechazan la teoría que culpa al colesterol. La guerra contra el colesterol, sin embargo, ha llevado al desarrollo de una industria alimentaria de lo 'bajo en grasa' que ingresa miles de millones de dólares al año; y las estatinas, el fármaco que baja el nivel de colesterol, es uno de los medicamentos más prescritos en todo el mundo, a pesar de que se ha comprobado que pueden provocar efectos secundarios graves, como la diabetes tipo 2, pérdida de memoria o trastornos del sueño.
Its hard to explain the full depth and breadth of the depravity of the pharmaceutical industry, the medical research industry, and the federal government. This film does a pretty good job. Hang on to your hat. The model for modern biological warfare was "discovered" during the conquest of the Americas and has been repeated over and over again.
A pain management specialist in a Berlin hospital laments how difficult it is to see if black skin has turned blue. The patient, 15year old Arlette, doesn’t understand German. Her knee was injured in the war, and unknown wealthy Germans have helped pay for her trip to have surgery in Europe. The camera follows Arlette on her journey, from her worried family in Central African Republic to the desolate rooms of the hospital and the rehabilitation centre. The girl’s gaze is captivating but impenetrable, and the easily bored teenager surrounded by adult strangers is only cheered up by an interpreter who knows her mother tongue. The story takes a gloomier turn when it transpires that rebel forces have taken up arms in Arlette’s home country.