
Linja (2019)

"We are all stuck in a loop, called Life."

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 4M

Director : Ajay Govind A


Human minds are corrupted by the thought that they are the superior one. The reality is often contradictory.


Sreedev Suprakash
Sreedev Suprakash
Aswanth Ashtaman
Aswanth Ashtaman
Sarath Mohan
Sarath Mohan


Ajay Govind A
Ajay Govind A
Ajay Govind A
Ajay Govind A
Director of Photography
Ajay Govind A
Ajay Govind A
Sarath Mohan
Sarath Mohan
Sound Recordist
Saran Mohan
Saran Mohan
Sarath Mohan
Sarath Mohan
Art Designer

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Untitled / Aubrac