Patrick Baby

Patrick Baby


Patrick Baby
Patrick Baby
Patrick Baby


El manual de la familia perfecta
Animateur radio (voice)
Una pareja en Quebec se enfrenta a las dificultades y las expectativas de criar niños en una sociedad obsesionada con el éxito y la presencia en las redes sociales.
Criminales en el mar
Maurice the Chef (uncredited)
Unos recién casados estadounidenses que visitan Europa en su luna de miel, quedan atrapados en el misterio de un asesinato después de presenciar un crimen.
G7 Charlevoix : opération sécurité
Narrator (voice)
The G7 Summit that will take place in Charlevoix will bring together the leaders of the globe’s 7 major industrial powers. Thanks to an exclusive access and privileged position within the RCMP, we will bring you in the heart of the preparation and security operation surrounding such an event. It’s a privileged access for the first time in Canada, a historic and unique moment in television.
Man #2
Dos compañeros en un revolucionario laboratorio diseñan tecnología que mejora y perfecciona relaciones románticas. Mientras su trabajo progresa, sus descubrimientos se hacen más profundos.
Nous sommes les autres
Doublure Picard
Préposé / radio (voice)
David is travelling. He's on a unique trip that doesn't take him from one place to another but from one moment in time to another. Seeking to understand the strange power he has to move around in his own timeline, David will eventually have to confront the disassembled chronology of his own life as well as his repressed past.
El desafío (The Walk)
Petit's Father
Basada en las memorias escritas por Philippe Petit (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), un funambulista francés que, en 1974, guiado por su mentor Papa Rudy (Ben Kingsley), se propuso un reto nunca antes realizado: recorrer sobre un cable el espacio que separaba las Torres Gemelas de Nueva York.
Los pitufos 2
Palais Garnier Security Guard
Secuela de "Los pitufos", adaptación del cómic homónimo realizada en 2011 por Raja Gosnell. En esta secuela, el cruel y malvado Gargamel regresa con más fuerza que nunca para poder robar a los Pitufos la más pura esencia de su magia y para ello, fabrica dos pequeños Pitufos falsos llamados Naughties. Pero Gargamel, no tardará en darse cuenta de que no servirá de nada porque la magia que él anhela, sólo se la puede proporcionar un Pitufo verdadero, por eso decide secuestrar a la Pitufina y trasladarla a París, donde se ha ganado la admiración de miles de personas como el mejor mago del mundo. Ahora todo queda en manos de Papa pitufo y sus camaradas, quienes tendrán que volver al mundo de los humanos para salvar a la Pitufina.
L'Affaire Dumont
Détenu Jack
Michel Dumont is charged, judged and sentenced for a rape he denies ever having committed. While he serves his time in prison, Solange, who he fell in love with during his trial, embarks on the colossal task of proving his innocence and having the court rehabilitate him.
How many licks? The world will know. Obscure Canuck comedy
In an infinitely vast space, a woman, a man and a fish illustrate a flow of questions about perception. Pixillation and stop-motion animation enhance audience doubts about reality in Marie Valade's whimsical and playful test of how we see and perceive when watching 3-D films. This film was made as part of the 6th edition of the NFB's Hothouse apprenticeship.
Father and Guns
Journaliste #2
To save the life of fellow cop kidnapped by a biker gang, a father and a son who cannot stand the sight of each other infiltrate an outdoor adventure group-therapy for fathers and sons. Their biggest challenge is to survive the therapy without killing each other.
L'Amour aller-retour
Hunting Grounds
Simon Roy
Set in a possible future where people have been forced stay in big cities due to the degradation of the natural world. The virtual world has expanded to a level of realism that transcends reality. The most popular activity in the virtual world is a hunting game. A group of people manage to get out of the city to go for a real hunt. Nothing could quite prepare them for what's to come...
My Daughter, My Angel
Policier Uniforme #1
Nathalie Dagenais is a 19 year old girl studying to be a lawyer. New to the city of Montreal, she will soon discover the world of porn. One day, her father (Michel Côté) comes across her picture on the Internet and wants to find her and before she makes what he thinks is a mistake. The story goes from past to present, when a police officer investigates the death of Max, a man who Nathalie knew.
Guide de la petite vengeance
Bernard, an accountant in an upscale jewellery store, suffers from daily psychological abuse by his boss Vendôme. Thanks to his pal Robert, also victim of harassment by this cruel man, Bernard will toy with the consequence of a well-deserved retaliation at the expense of his boss. However, as not everything is perfect in this world, Bernard will also have to experience the sometimes less pleasant after effects of this ruthless act of revenge.
Miss Météo
Gardien de sécurité
Myriam Monette, a not very conformist and slightly whimsical Miss Weatherwoman, is now forty years old, has a new boyfriend and a new mandate at Channel Météo (also called Channel M). On the surface, nothing has changed. In reality, nothing is the same anymore. Like a green lawn on a summer day suddenly covered in snow, Myriam went to bed a confirmed single “adulteen” and woke up in love, living with someone else and undergoing major changes.
Quebec-Montreal: 250 km (150 miles) of asphalt, nine thirtysomething travelers, four cars, one destination. The journey becomes an opportunity to share points of view about life and to discuss troubling questions about our existence.