Alexia Crisp-Jones


À nos âges
Costume Design
At sixty years old, two friends in financial difficulties are going to take advantage of their image in the fashion and advertising world. One is still beautiful, the other never was. But beyond the game of appearances, what does it really mean to be of retirement age today?
Top Dogs
Costume Design
Antoine and Christian, two long-estranged brothers from Normandy, couldn’t be more different from each other: while the former is happily married with two kids and a successful boat driver, the latter is a facetious globe-trotting hustler who likes to engage in bar fights. But when Antoine starts getting involved in sleazy activities, Christian flies to his rescue. In an unexpected bonding-adventure they take upon themselves to defend the family they thought they’d never be.
Un año, una noche
Costume Design
Ramón y Céline son una joven pareja que se encuentra en el local Bataclan de París la noche del 13 de noviembre de 2015. Durante el asalto terrorista, ambos logran, cada uno por su lado, entrar en el camerino de los músicos y refugiarse allí. Al salir ya no son los mismos. Y no saben si podrán volver a serlo... Adaptación cinematográfica basada en el libro “Paz, amor y Death metal”, de Ramón González, superviviente del atentado terrorista en la sala de conciertos Bataclan de París.
Not My Type
Marcia, a classy Parisian young singer, is recording an album with her idol Daredjane, a rock icon from the 70's. When Daredjane accidentally dies, Marcia needs to get approval from Daredjane's right-holder, Anthony, a suburban market vendor in his thirties, to release their album. But Anthony never liked his distant relative, let alone her music. Their two worlds clash between good and bad taste, sophistication and rudeness, sincerity and lies. Unless love gets in the way...
Not My Type
Costume Design
Marcia, a classy Parisian young singer, is recording an album with her idol Daredjane, a rock icon from the 70's. When Daredjane accidentally dies, Marcia needs to get approval from Daredjane's right-holder, Anthony, a suburban market vendor in his thirties, to release their album. But Anthony never liked his distant relative, let alone her music. Their two worlds clash between good and bad taste, sophistication and rudeness, sincerity and lies. Unless love gets in the way...
Entre las olas
Costume Design
Alma y Margot son inseparables, son dos mejores amigas que se aferran a la energía de su juventud y a su ardiente deseo de conquistar el mundo. Ambas comparten el mismo sueño de una carrera exitosa como actrices. Se acercan un paso más cuando son elegidas como protagonista y suplente en una obra de alto perfil en París.
Bajo los cielos del Líbano
Costume Design
En la década de 1950, Alice deja las montañas y la soleada Suiza por las vibrantes costas de Beirut, en el Líbano. No sabe que allí se enamorará perdidamente de Joseph, un excéntrico astrofísico que quiere lanzar al país a la carrera espacial. Alice pronto encaja entre su grupo de amigos y familiares, pero tras años de felicidad, la amenaza de la guerra se cierne sobre este particular Jardín del Edén que han construido juntos.
Back Home
Costume Designer
Thomas regresa a la granja donde creció. En ella vive su familia. Su hermano no volverá; su madre, que está a punto de irse para siempre, y su padre, con el que tiene mala relación. En ella encuentra todo lo que dejó atrás doce años antes. Sin embargo, hay algo nuevo: Alex, su sobrino de seis años, y Mona, la madre de éste.
De repente, el paraíso
Costume Designer
El director Elia Suleiman viaja a diferentes ciudades del mundo en busca de similitudes con su tierra natal, Palestina.
The Coronation
Costume Design
Jonathan Littell revived Monteverdi’s baroque and decadent opera L’incoronazione di Poppea in a modern and fantastic production. From allusions to the Roman era, to the Renaissance and modern age, Little twists shamelessly Monteverdi’s score to highlight the dialogues and create a background music. The Coronation shatters the film-opera’s cliché only to better put it back together, with patience and clockwork precision.
Words in Your Hair
Costume Designer
Two bored extras from the ‘Tristan and Isolde’ opera roam the underground of the Garnier Palace.
Costume Designer
Around teatime, Mr. Kaplan's doorbell rings. This is Jean who appears behind the door, a visit he had stopped waiting for long ago...
Costume Design
Marlon is visiting her mother in jail for the first time since her imprisonment.
Ordinary Victories
Costume Design
Marco, in his thirties, is a little lost and tormented at the thought of truly settling. A former war photographer, he no longer wants to cover conflict and is more interested in the world of longshiremen.
Costume Design
Fifteen-year-old Salomé works in the workshop of her father, a painter celebrated for his blue color. But for some time now her father has not been able to make his famous color, putting the workshop in danger. Salomé begins to hope that he will pass on to her his, up until now, jealously kept secret.
Friends from France
Costume Design
1979: Cousins Carole and Jérôme go on an organized trip to Odessa, behind the Iron Curtain. During the day, posing as tourists celebrating their engagement, they visit monuments and museums. In the evening they slip away from the group and meet “refuseniks”, Jews persecuted by the Soviet regime for wanting to leave the country. While Carole is motivated by political commitment and a taste for risk, Jérôme’s motivation is Carole.
60 Going On 12
Set Costumer
Charles and Pierrot are inseparable. When Charles takes early retirement, it seems the world is their oyster. They can spend even more time together. Their motto is simple: "Make the most of life and have fun!». They fill their days with abundant imagination, under the tender and sometimes worried gaze of the women in their lives…
La estrategia del cochecito de bebé
Costume Design
El parisino Thomas Platz se hace de repente el guardián de un bebé – entonces finge ser su verdadero padre con el fin de recuperar a Marie, la novia que lo dejó un año antes. Atrapado entre quedarse un hijo varón para siempre, y demostrar que está listo para dar el siguiente paso del matrimonio y la familia con el amor de su vida, Thomas va en una aventura inesperada hilarante conseguir a la chica de sus sueños a creer que él ha cambiado.