Alexia Crisp-Jones


À nos âges
Costume Design
At sixty years old, two friends in financial difficulties are going to take advantage of their image in the fashion and advertising world. One is still beautiful, the other never was. But beyond the game of appearances, what does it really mean to be of retirement age today?
Top Dogs
Costume Design
Antoine and Christian, two long-estranged brothers from Normandy, couldn’t be more different from each other: while the former is happily married with two kids and a successful boat driver, the latter is a facetious globe-trotting hustler who likes to engage in bar fights. But when Antoine starts getting involved in sleazy activities, Christian flies to his rescue. In an unexpected bonding-adventure they take upon themselves to defend the family they thought they’d never be.
One Year, One Night
Costume Design
Ramón and Céline are a young couple that attended a concert at the Bataclan theatre in Paris on the fateful night of November 13, 2015. They survive the attack, but when they leave the theatre, they are no longer the same. That night leaves a deep scar on both their lives and each tries to cope with the aftermath as best they can. Céline desperately tries to leave the events behind her, clinging to her previous life, while Ramón repeatedly goes back to that night, trying to remember and understand what happened. Nonetheless, they both face the same key question: how to reconnect and move on together?
Not My Type
Marcia, a classy Parisian young singer, is recording an album with her idol Daredjane, a rock icon from the 70's. When Daredjane accidentally dies, Marcia needs to get approval from Daredjane's right-holder, Anthony, a suburban market vendor in his thirties, to release their album. But Anthony never liked his distant relative, let alone her music. Their two worlds clash between good and bad taste, sophistication and rudeness, sincerity and lies. Unless love gets in the way...
Not My Type
Costume Design
Marcia, a classy Parisian young singer, is recording an album with her idol Daredjane, a rock icon from the 70's. When Daredjane accidentally dies, Marcia needs to get approval from Daredjane's right-holder, Anthony, a suburban market vendor in his thirties, to release their album. But Anthony never liked his distant relative, let alone her music. Their two worlds clash between good and bad taste, sophistication and rudeness, sincerity and lies. Unless love gets in the way...
The Braves
Costume Design
Best friends Alma and Margot are inseparable, whether it’s terrorizing cheating lovers or crashing wedding parties. The two women also share the same dream of a successful career on the stage. They get one step closer when they are cast as lead and understudy in a high-profile play in Paris. Alma is keeping a secret that puts her role in jeopardy, but with the unwavering support of Margot, they will try their best to ensure that the show goes on.
Небо Ливана
Costume Design
В 1950-х годах юная Алиса уезжает из Швейцарии в солнечный и кипучий Ливан. Там она влюбляется в Жозефа, мечтательного астрофизика, который намерен отправить в космос первого ливанца. Алиса быстро приживается в его семье. Но после многих лет счастливой жизни их рай разрушает гражданская война...
Costume Designer
После смерти брата Томас возвращается в отчий дом, где становится вовлеченным в семейную драму. Ему предстоит помочь своим родным справиться с ужасной трагедией.
Должно быть, это рай
Costume Designer
Режиссер Элиа Сулейман путешествует по разным городам и находит неожиданные параллели с его родной Палестиной.
Costume Design
Фильм переносит барочную и декадентскую оперу Клаудио Монтеверди «Коронация Поппеи» в современную обстановку.Фильм переносит барочную и декадентскую оперу Клаудио Монтеверди «Коронация Поппеи» в современную обстановку.
Words in Your Hair
Costume Designer
Two bored extras from the ‘Tristan and Isolde’ opera roam the underground of the Garnier Palace.
Costume Designer
Around teatime, Mr. Kaplan's doorbell rings. This is Jean who appears behind the door, a visit he had stopped waiting for long ago...
Costume Design
Marlon is visiting her mother in jail for the first time since her imprisonment.
Ordinary Victories
Costume Design
Marco, in his thirties, is a little lost and tormented at the thought of truly settling. A former war photographer, he no longer wants to cover conflict and is more interested in the world of longshiremen.
Costume Design
Fifteen-year-old Salomé works in the workshop of her father, a painter celebrated for his blue color. But for some time now her father has not been able to make his famous color, putting the workshop in danger. Salomé begins to hope that he will pass on to her his, up until now, jealously kept secret.
Друзья из Франции
Costume Design
Лето 1982, Ленинград. Жером Беркович и Кэрол Брикерман проходят таможенный контроль для въезда в СССР. Им по восемнадцать и они бы выглядели идеальной парой, если бы не пальто не по сезону и пот, который так и струится по лицу Жерома. Инициатор их поездки — Кэрол, и если бы Жером не был тайно влюблен в нее, то никогда бы не последовал за ней в этот мир реального Социализма.
60 Going On 12
Set Costumer
Charles and Pierrot are inseparable. When Charles takes early retirement, it seems the world is their oyster. They can spend even more time together. Their motto is simple: "Make the most of life and have fun!». They fill their days with abundant imagination, under the tender and sometimes worried gaze of the women in their lives…
Клод в помощь
Costume Design
Томас безответственен, и потому его бросает любимая девушка. Он настолько безответственен, что только год спустя понимает насколько она ему дорога, но уже не может ничего исправить. И тут у него на руках оказывается младенец… Томас придумывает хитроумный план — он вернет свою девушку, сыграв роль ответственного «папочки»…