Joel Townsend


A horror/thriller about a team of Child Protective Services workers who investigate a series of bizarre child abuse cases in the small town of Daylight, IN. As the mystery unfolds, they discover the cases may actually be linked by demonic possession.
A horror/thriller about a team of Child Protective Services workers who investigate a series of bizarre child abuse cases in the small town of Daylight, IN. As the mystery unfolds, they discover the cases may actually be linked by demonic possession.
A horror/thriller about a team of Child Protective Services workers who investigate a series of bizarre child abuse cases in the small town of Daylight, IN. As the mystery unfolds, they discover the cases may actually be linked by demonic possession.
EPK Editor
Mientras la tensión entre las grandes superpotencias crece, los Estados Unidos realizan maniobras submarinas en el Pacífico. De la tripulación forma parte el capitán Dmitri Zubov, un experto marino que vive atormentado por su pasado. La misión consiste en averiguar cuál es el objetivo del submarino soviético B756. Cuando el B756 deja de emitir un informe de posición, el comando Fleet da al buque por desaparecido. Mientras tanto, en las profundidades del Pacífico, el capitán Zubov y la tripulación del B-756 descubrirán un complot que podría destruir a la humanidad.