In a groundbreaking project developed by MISCELLANEOUS Productions, a group of multi-barriered youth collaborated with a team of professional artists on POWER, an evening of solo performance pieces, ensemble drumming and dance numbers, all of which take a raw, honest look at the things that matter to youth in the community: power, racism, immigration, poverty, violence, sexism, addiction and love, presented at Vancouver’s Rhizome Café. This documentary focuses on four young artists -- Roberto, Natasha, Dakota, and Michael -- showing their struggles and their transformation through performance.
Carol (Fisher) has had a rough time - a recent divorce, 2 young boys to raise, and close call with cancer. All of this emotional strain has brought about a strong desire in her to find the child she gave up for adoption 18 years prior. This is the story of her journey.
Leland Gaunt, un enigmático extranjero, inaugura la tienda "Cosas necesarias" en el pueblo de CastleRock. Gaunt parece conocer exactamente qué objeto colmará los deseos más íntimos de todo el mundo. Pero hay algo misterioso en ésta tienda, y nadie puede resistirse a su influjo... Una intriga basada en una novela de Stephen King.