In a groundbreaking project developed by MISCELLANEOUS Productions, a group of multi-barriered youth collaborated with a team of professional artists on POWER, an evening of solo performance pieces, ensemble drumming and dance numbers, all of which take a raw, honest look at the things that matter to youth in the community: power, racism, immigration, poverty, violence, sexism, addiction and love, presented at Vancouver’s Rhizome Café. This documentary focuses on four young artists -- Roberto, Natasha, Dakota, and Michael -- showing their struggles and their transformation through performance.
Carol (Fisher) has had a rough time - a recent divorce, 2 young boys to raise, and close call with cancer. All of this emotional strain has brought about a strong desire in her to find the child she gave up for adoption 18 years prior. This is the story of her journey.
Castle Rock, na Nova Inglaterra, é um lugar tranquilo para se viver. Mas a chegada de Leland Gaunt, um ser diabólico literalmente falando, desestabiliza a cidade através do preconceito, ódio, fraqueza e cobiça, provocando mortes e sofrimentos. Gaunt consegue isto através de uma loja de utilidades, que sempre tem algo especial para cada morador da cidade, que para conseguirem o que desejam pagam um preço simbólico e prestam um "favor" para Leland.