La señora Tweedy es la dueña de una granja en la que la mayoría de las aves se han resignado a llevar una vida corta e infeliz: viven mientras ponen huevos y, cuando dejan de hacerlo, acaban en la mesa como comida de los domingos. Pero las cosas empiezan a cambiar con la llegada de Rocky, un gallo norteamericano, que mantiene un romance con Ginger, una gallina muy combativa que ha organizado innumerables intentos de fuga para alcanzar una vida mejor.
Solutions to one problem can bring their own problems. In the middle of the night, a solitary sleeper awakes in bed. He's uncomfortable, his bed is too short for his body; in fact, his legs stick straight up at the end of the bed. To deal with this and ensuing challenges to his comfort, he takes extreme measures with his extremities.
Solutions to one problem can bring their own problems. In the middle of the night, a solitary sleeper awakes in bed. He's uncomfortable, his bed is too short for his body; in fact, his legs stick straight up at the end of the bed. To deal with this and ensuing challenges to his comfort, he takes extreme measures with his extremities.
Solutions to one problem can bring their own problems. In the middle of the night, a solitary sleeper awakes in bed. He's uncomfortable, his bed is too short for his body; in fact, his legs stick straight up at the end of the bed. To deal with this and ensuing challenges to his comfort, he takes extreme measures with his extremities.