Seth Watkins

참여 작품

치킨 런
악독한 트위디 아줌마가 운영하는 영국의 어느 양계장. 여기 사는 닭들은 언제 트위디의 밥상에 오를 지 모르기 때문에 하루도 맘 편할 날이 없다. 이중 가장 영리한 암탉 진저는 호시탐탐 동료들을 이끌고 탈출할 기회를 엿보지만 번번히 실패하고 고초를 겪는다. 그러던 어느 날, 달걀 판 돈으로는 성에 차지 않던 트위디는 거대한 치킨 파이 기계를 들여놓고 닭들을 대량학살할 음모를 꾸민다. 치킨 파이 기계에 휩쓸려 죽을 뻔한 진저는 탈출의 기회가 얼마 남지 않았음을 깨닫고 수탉 록키와 함께 여태까지와는 차원이 다른 탈주 계획을 세운다.
Solutions to one problem can bring their own problems. In the middle of the night, a solitary sleeper awakes in bed. He's uncomfortable, his bed is too short for his body; in fact, his legs stick straight up at the end of the bed. To deal with this and ensuing challenges to his comfort, he takes extreme measures with his extremities.
Solutions to one problem can bring their own problems. In the middle of the night, a solitary sleeper awakes in bed. He's uncomfortable, his bed is too short for his body; in fact, his legs stick straight up at the end of the bed. To deal with this and ensuing challenges to his comfort, he takes extreme measures with his extremities.
Solutions to one problem can bring their own problems. In the middle of the night, a solitary sleeper awakes in bed. He's uncomfortable, his bed is too short for his body; in fact, his legs stick straight up at the end of the bed. To deal with this and ensuing challenges to his comfort, he takes extreme measures with his extremities.