Matthias Weidenhöfer

Matthias Weidenhöfer

Nacimiento : 1985-09-16, Achim, Germany


Matthias Weidenhöfer


Zero - Sie wissen, was Du tust
Geoff Pesceur
Berlin in the near future: A secret meeting takes place between a board member of the dominant internet company "Freemee" and members of the government. Camera drones film it unauthorized and document the events live on the Internet. The anonymous net activist group "Zero" is publicly committed to the media attack. Online journalist Cynthia Bonsant, widow and single mother, has been asked to do background research on "Zero" by the head of the online magazine "Daily". The group is classified as a terrorist organization, but according to their own statements they fight the excessive influence on the population through the so-called "Act App", which contoles the lives of users. When a friend of Cynthia's 17-year-old daughter Viola is shot dead in a hunt for a criminal, "Zero" contacts her and tries to recruit her for their own purposes. In the meantime, Cynthia has bad suspicions during her research, because soon a new version of the app will be released that will change everything.
Dr. 2
A plastic surgeon publishes an ad searching for a slave. Even if he meant it in an ironic way and is really looking for a housemaid, a lot of SM-subs are showing up in front of his house the next day...
La casa de la niebla
Philipp Lothringer
Cuatro ex compañeros de clase, Philipp, Leonie, Timo y Yasmin, organizan una reunión durante un fin de semana en una de las propiedades de Philipp. La esposa y la hija de Philipp también están presentes. Sin embargo, el fin de semana termina en un baño de sangre, con tres personas muertas y el sospechoso en coma. Dos años después, la madre de Leonie le pide al antiguo compañero de clase del presunto asesino, Doro Kagel, que reabra el caso. Ella nunca confió en que su hija hiciera tal acto ...
Henrik Mertens
Der Hafenpastor und das Blaue vom Himmel
In the third film of the successful series, Jan Fedder is back as a Pastor Book with body and soul. To look after human destinies in St. Pauli, he sees as his life's task, no matter what milieu they come from or what confession they belong. The fallen and stranded people challenge him this time especially.
El caso Fritz Bauer
Zvi Aharoni
En 1957, doce años después de la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945) y del fin del Tercer Reich, el Fiscal General Fritz Bauer se comprome a detener a los criminales nazis. El hecho decisivo es la localización del Adolf Eichmann, miembro clave de las SS.
Winnetous Sohn
Dirigida por André Erkau.
Men Show Movies & Women Their Breasts
David Wendlandt
Isabell Suba, ambitious up-and-coming director, has made it – one of her short films is in the line-up of the most important film festival of the world! When she arrives at the 65. Cannes film festival, she has face the accomplished facts: David, her incompetent producer, has kindly sublet their cosy joint apartment to other festival guests. The other bad news: There is not a single movie in the competition directed by a woman! This affirms Isabell’s qualms: The film business demands women to gear up instead of dressing up low cut! Moreover, the chauvinistic remarks of her comrade-in-arms David who feels comfortable around the clichéd gender stereotypes from the Stone Age seemingly prevalent in Cannes infuriate Isabell. As if this wasn’t enough already, a shattering feedback on her new film project by a potential investor finally causes her to doubt herself. Before she can live her dream up at the Olympus of film business, she must first find out who really believes in her.
Boda por contrato
Ines, miembro de la Junta, quiere ganar más dinero. Su amigo Moritz no puede ni tan siquiera pagar el alquiler. Así que deciden hacer un fraude fiscal simulando un matrimonio .
Mann mit Gitarre
Mantrailer - Spuren des Verbrechens
Cem Deniz
La invisible
Christoph Werner
En Josephine, una tímida estudiante de Arte Dramático, no repara nadie excepto su madre y su hermana minusválida, que viven con ella. Su vida da un giro inesperado cuando un famoso director de teatro la elige para ser la protagonista de un arriesgado y ambicioso montaje, “Camille”, en el que sólo participarán estudiantes. A partir de ese momento, Josephine se enfrenta a un proceso de transformación: por un lado, intenta dejar de lado sus traumas y frustraciones para adaptarse a lo que le pide el exigente director, que, además la manipula sin compasión. Por otro, empieza a interiorizar el personaje de Camille, dando así rienda suelta a la sensualidad y feminidad que siempre ha escondido dentro de una concha protectora.
Sin identidad
Hotel Control Room Guard
El Dr. Martin Harris (Liam Neeson) tiene un accidente de coche en Berlín. Al despertar descubre que, de repente, su mujer (January Jones) no le reconoce y que otro hombre (Aidan Quinn) ha adquirido su identidad. Las autoridades le ignoran porque no le creen y unos asesinos le persiguen. Martin se encuentra solo y cansado y se ve obligado a huir. Sin nadie a quien acudir, en un país desconocido, Martin le pide ayuda a una reticente desconocida (Diana Kruger) al sumergirse en un terrible misterio que le hará dudar de su cordura y de su identidad. ¿Hasta dónde estará dispuesto a llegar para descubrir la verdad?.
Krankheit der Jugend
Stefan Bader
On his way to a construction site a young German businessman gets lost in the African no man’s land. Without connection and orientation he has to find a way back to »civilisation«. Three days filled with absurd events and encounters in an alien world lay ahead of him.