Matthias Weidenhöfer

Matthias Weidenhöfer

출생 : 1985-09-16, Achim, Germany

프로필 사진

Matthias Weidenhöfer

참여 작품

Zero - Sie wissen, was Du tust
Geoff Pesceur
Berlin in the near future: A secret meeting takes place between a board member of the dominant internet company "Freemee" and members of the government. Camera drones film it unauthorized and document the events live on the Internet. The anonymous net activist group "Zero" is publicly committed to the media attack. Online journalist Cynthia Bonsant, widow and single mother, has been asked to do background research on "Zero" by the head of the online magazine "Daily". The group is classified as a terrorist organization, but according to their own statements they fight the excessive influence on the population through the so-called "Act App", which contoles the lives of users. When a friend of Cynthia's 17-year-old daughter Viola is shot dead in a hunt for a criminal, "Zero" contacts her and tries to recruit her for their own purposes. In the meantime, Cynthia has bad suspicions during her research, because soon a new version of the app will be released that will change everything.
완벽한 주인
Dr. 2
부유한 부부인 에비와 클라우스는 가정부가 뜻하지 않게 그만두자 곤경에 처한다. 클라우스는 새로운 가정부를 구하는 광고에 '남/녀 노예 급구'라는 엉뚱한 문구를 쓴다. 지원자들이 성 노예를 자처하며 집 앞에 늘어서고 나서야 그는 자신의 광고가 말 그대로 받아들여졌다는 사실을 깨닫는다. 마침 예의 바르고 교양 있으며 배려심 깊은 바토스가 찾아와 고용해 달라고 간곡히 부탁한다. 처음엔 주저했지만 뮐러 토트 부부는 곧 새로운 하인이 제공하는 환상적인 보살핌을 즐긴다. 하지만 바토스의 봉사가 계속될수록, 평화롭던 상황은 대혼란 사태로 변화하는데...
Das Nebelhaus
Philipp Lothringer
Four former classmates, Philipp, Leonie, Timo and Yasmin arrange reunion over the weekend in one of Philipp's properties. Philipp's wife and daughter are also present. The weekend ends in bloodbath however, with three people dead and the suspect in coma. Two years later Leonie's mother asks the former classmate of the alleged murderer, Doro Kagel, to reopen the case. She would never trust her daughter to do such an act, and even Doro starts having doubts that are only reinforced by the silence of the survivors.
Henrik Mertens
Der Hafenpastor und das Blaue vom Himmel
In the third film of the successful series, Jan Fedder is back as a Pastor Book with body and soul. To look after human destinies in St. Pauli, he sees as his life's task, no matter what milieu they come from or what confession they belong. The fallen and stranded people challenge him this time especially.
집념의 검사 프리츠 바우어
Zvi Aharoni
1957년 독일, 검사장 프리츠 바우어는 수많은 유대인을 수용소로 보내 학살시킨 나치 중령 아돌프 아이히만의 행방에 대한 결정적 증거를 넘겨받는다. 독일의 사법제도를 불신한 그는 이스라엘 정보국 모사드와 접촉한다. 반역죄를 저지른 그를 독일 당국은 주시하는데...
Winnetous Sohn
Men Show Movies & Women Their Breasts
David Wendlandt
Isabell Suba, ambitious up-and-coming director, has made it – one of her short films is in the line-up of the most important film festival of the world! When she arrives at the 65. Cannes film festival, she has face the accomplished facts: David, her incompetent producer, has kindly sublet their cosy joint apartment to other festival guests. The other bad news: There is not a single movie in the competition directed by a woman! This affirms Isabell’s qualms: The film business demands women to gear up instead of dressing up low cut! Moreover, the chauvinistic remarks of her comrade-in-arms David who feels comfortable around the clichéd gender stereotypes from the Stone Age seemingly prevalent in Cannes infuriate Isabell. As if this wasn’t enough already, a shattering feedback on her new film project by a potential investor finally causes her to doubt herself. Before she can live her dream up at the Olympus of film business, she must first find out who really believes in her.
Wir tun es für Geld
It is not out of love that Ines gives her boyhood friend Moritz the vow, not even because he is rich. On the contrary. For the financial expert the dreamy loser type is interesting as a low-income earner. The fictitious marriage with him brings a lot of tax savings for Ines. On paper, everything is perfectly sophisticated, except for the last place after the comma. Unfortunately, a conscientious financial officer moves into the same apartment building. In order not to be unmasked as unscrupulous tax evaders, Ines and Moritz must play him the newly in love couple - with unimaginable consequences.
Mann mit Gitarre
Mantrailer - Spuren des Verbrechens
Cem Deniz
Cracks in the Shell
Christoph Werner
An insecure drama student is given the lead role in a play by her director, but the role she is supposed to play is at odds with her real personality. The fusion of her stage persona and her real life persona becomes a psychological tour de force for the young woman, changing her private life.
Hotel Control Room Guard
마틴 해리스 박사(리암 리슨)는 베를린 출장 중 교통사고를 당하고 72시간 만에 깨어난다. 하지만 부인(재뉴어리 존스)은 자신을 알아보지 못하고 낯선 남자(에이단 퀸)가 그녀의 곁에서 자기 행세를 하고 있다. 주변 사람들 모두 그를 이상하게 몰아가고 급기야 정체를 알 수 없는 괴한들로부터 공격까지 당한다. 사고 당시 택시를 운전했던 여인(다이앤 크루거)의 도움으로 마틴은 이 이상한 일들에 대해 조사하기 시작하지만, 점점 자신의 정체와 자신의 기억마저 의심하게 된다. 그리고 모든 진실을 밝히기 위해서는 거대한 음모에 맞서야 함을 알게 되는데...
Krankheit der Jugend
Stefan Bader
On his way to a construction site a young German businessman gets lost in the African no man’s land. Without connection and orientation he has to find a way back to »civilisation«. Three days filled with absurd events and encounters in an alien world lay ahead of him.