Changiz Sayad


Maned & Macho
An exquisitely hand-painted journey following the dreams of a young girl whose dreams fill with animals as a way to explain her world.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Djomeh is a young Afghan man who has come to live in Iran because of family trouble. Working as a milk boy, he encounters discrimination from the Iranian villagers and disdain from Habib, a fellow Afghani to whose trust Djomeh was given. The only person who shows any friendliness to him is his employer, who Djomeh asks to intercede for him in asking a woman from the village for her hand in marriage.
Y la vida continúa
Narra la tragedia humana provocada por el gran terremoto que asoló Irán en 1990. Un director de cine y su hijo deciden, tras el terremoto, visitar el pueblo donde habían rodado la película "¿Donde está la casa de mi amigo?", para saber cómo están los niños actores que participaron en ella. Años después Kiarostami hará otra película ("A través de los olivos") sobre el rodaje de ésta, incorporando una historia de amor. (FILMAFFINITY)
Sound Mixer
Young male students at a local Iranian school are asked about their feelings on homework.
Maybe Some Other Time
Sound Mixer
Famed actress Susan Taslimi plays three roles here: Kian, who doubts her identity; Vida, the twin sister, a self-assured artist; and their mother, who gives up one child out of fear of poverty, then deprives the other of affection because she deeply regrets the child whom she has abandoned.
¿Dónde está la casa de mi amigo?
Sound Editor
Historia de un alumno que busca la casa de un compañero para devolverle su cuaderno. En la escuela del pueblo de Koker, al norte de Irán, Mohamed no ha hecho los ejercicios en el cuaderno y el profesor le amenaza con la expulsión si vuelve a repetir la misma falta. Esa misma tarde, su compañero, Ahmed, toma por equivocación el cuaderno de Mohamed y cuando decide ir a buscar la casa de su amigo para devolvérselo, se pierde en la noche. Un canto a la solidaridad protagonizada por un niño, capaz de atravesar a pie kilómetros de campos en mitad de la noche por evitar el mal de su compañero.
First Case, Second Case
Sound Recordist
Kiarostami presents two cases for talking heads to evaluate in terms of morality, rights and responsibilities. Case One: Your son is in class, sitting in the back row. His teacher is writing on the board. A restless student in the back row makes a lot of noise. Not knowing who the culprit is, the teacher makes all the children sitting in the last two rows stay outside of the class until the weekend, unless they tell him who made the noise. After a few days spent outside of the classroom, your son relents and tattles on the boy who made the noise, so he can go back in and continue learning. Was he in the right? Case Two: The other students from the back row wait out the rest of the week outside of the class, before returning. Were they in the right?
Un traje para la boda
Una mujer encarga un traje a medida para su hijo, para la boda de su hermana. El aprendiz del sastre, junto con otros dos adolescentes que trabajan en el mismo edificio, diseña un plan para ver lo que se siente probándose el traje.
Oriental Boy
The boys of the neighborhood are dividing into two groups to run a kite. The first groups are watching the kite happily but the other group try to take it down. The kite is flew away but the sorrow of that only leads the boys of the two groups to befriend each other.