Un momento de descanso de la feroz batalla con Ainsworth. Ilya y los demás que rescataron a Miyu son informados por Shiro Emiya del mundo paralelo sobre el pasado de Miyu y la Guerra de la Copa Sagrada que ocurrió en este mundo. Era el triste destino de Miyu, y era la historia de una feroz batalla que su hermano Shiro libró por la vida de Miyu. Ainsworth sacrifica a Miyu para salvar a la humanidad. Shiro decide convertirse en el enemigo del mundo para Miyu. Ilya promete proteger todo en dos justicias en conflicto. 'Ayudaré. ¡Decidí encontrar una manera de ayudar a todos!' Para crear un mañana en el que puedas reír con tus seres queridos―.. ¡La batalla de las chicas mágicas comienza de nuevo...!
En Fujisawa, donde los cielos son brillantes y los mares brillan, Sakuta Azusagawa está en su segundo año de secundaria. Sus días felices con su novia y estudiante de último año, Mai Sakurajima, se ven interrumpidos con la aparición de su primer amor, Shouko Makinohara. Por razones desconocidas, se encuentra con dos Shouko: una en la escuela secundaria y otra que se ha convertido en una adulta. Cuando Sakuta se encuentra impotente viviendo con las dos Shouko, la versión adulta causa una gran grieta en su relación con Mai. En medio de todo esto, descubre que la otra Shouko de escuela secundaria sufre de una enfermedad grave y su cicatriz comienza a latir ...
The movie for Non Non Biyori series.
Summer vacation is drawing to an end. When Suguru wins a free trip to Okinawa, all of the five students of Asahigaoka branch school are excited to end their vacation with a bang. Along with Hikage, Konomi, and their teacher and the candy store owner, everyone goes to Okinawa for a fun three-day trip. There, Natsumi makes friends with Aoi, the girl who helps out at the hotel they stay in.
The movie is more or less a retelling of the first few episodes of the series that is not much more than a slightly padded director's cut. You do learn some interesting details such as where Yugi's dad is, a look at the flame haze who was in the city before Shana, and even a couple of new powers for the Reiji Maigo. The story is certainly fleshed out quite a bit more and the final 15 minutes of the film comprise a surprisingly powerful conclusion (worth the price of admission on its own), but I would have liked a more original story rather then a highly polished version of one that I've already enjoyed. In the end, spectacular visuals, great new music, and well thought out additions to the core story leave you feeling glad to have seen the film. On the other hand, the fact that anything new that was added obviously doesn't change the events that come later in the series means that established fans will likely leave the experience less than satisfied.
The movie is more or less a retelling of the first few episodes of the series that is not much more than a slightly padded director's cut. You do learn some interesting details such as where Yugi's dad is, a look at the flame haze who was in the city before Shana, and even a couple of new powers for the Reiji Maigo. The story is certainly fleshed out quite a bit more and the final 15 minutes of the film comprise a surprisingly powerful conclusion (worth the price of admission on its own), but I would have liked a more original story rather then a highly polished version of one that I've already enjoyed. In the end, spectacular visuals, great new music, and well thought out additions to the core story leave you feeling glad to have seen the film. On the other hand, the fact that anything new that was added obviously doesn't change the events that come later in the series means that established fans will likely leave the experience less than satisfied.