Mandy Walsh


Tierra y libertad
Otoño de 1936. David Carr (Ian Hart), un joven comunista en paro, deja Liverpool para intervenir en la guerra civil española, dentro del bando republicano, e ingresa en la Brigada Internacional del frente de Aragón. Allí conocerá a muchos milicianos procedentes de toda Europa y Estados Unidos, en especial la española Blanca (Rosana Pastor), una atractiva anarquista. David y Blanca están convencidos de luchar por la defensa de la libertad. La igualdad entre las personas y el compartir tierra y bienes, sin existencia de clases sociales son los ideales que defienden. Pero a veces el enemigo no solo está entre las filas del bando adversario.
Priest (Sacerdote)
Guest at wake
En la Irlanda actual, el padre Greg Pilkington, un joven sacerdote católico, llega a un pueblo para sustituir al antiguo párroco, recientemente fallecido. Pronto tendrá que afrontar dos espinosos problemas: el del secreto de la confesión, aun cuando se trate de delitos denunciables, y el de su homosexualidad, que mantiene en secreto.
Blonde Fist
Mrs Maines
A woman attempts to escape her domestic problems by fleeing to New York in search of her father. She finds him, and also new problems, some friendship, a romance, and an unexpected career as pro-boxer, to make ends meet.
The Dressmaker
Factory Girl
In England during World War II, a repressed dressmaker and her sister struggle looking after their 17-year-old niece, who is having a delusional affair with an American soldier.
The Fruit Machine
Fat Woman at Party
Eddie and Michael are two 16-year-old gay friends from Liverpool. Berated by his father for his camp behavior, Eddie runs away from his Liverpool home and joins Michael, a streetwise hustler, who is also on the run.
The Terence Davies Trilogy
Trilogía compuesta por los tres primeros cortometrajes de Davies ("Children" (1976), "Madonna and Child" (1980) y "Death and Transfiguration" (1983)), que corresponden a distintas etapas de la vida de Robert Tucker: su opresiva infancia, marcada por los malos tratos de su padre y de sus compañeros de colegio; su madurez como gris oficinista atormentado por su homosexualidad, siempre al lado de su madre; y sus últimos días, en los que se ve asaltado por dolorosos recuerdos del pasado.
Death and Transfiguration
In sepia tones, the film moves back and forth among three periods in Robert Tucker's life: he's an old man, near death, in a nursing home at Christmas time; he's in middle age caring for his cheerful but dying mother; he's a lad at Catholic school, practicing his catechism, going to confession for the first time, receiving the Eucharist, surrounded by the singing of a children's choir. In middle age, he looks through his scrapbook of photographs of muscular men; he recalls lovers and his mother's cremation. A nurse sits beside him on his last night; in his last breath, he reaches forward and back.