Masato Komatsu


Samurai Marathon
Sound Recordist
When feudal lord Itakura Katsuakira decides to prepare his samurai troops for the onslaught of modernization by having them compete in a marathon, his independent-minded daughter Yuki secretly joins the race.
The Stand-In Thief
Sound Recordist
Hajime Onuki (Ryuhei Maruyama) was a thief, but he now works as a welder and lives happily with his girlfriend. Hajime Onuki is threatened by a former partner in crime. He forces Hajime Onuki to break into the mansion of a picture book writer to steal. He is caught by others while in the act, but they keep mistaking him for someone else. Hajime desperately keeps up the ruse to not get caught.
Sound Designer
After a 15-year hiatus, The Yellow Monkey, one of Japan's greatest rock bands, reunites in 2016 and goes on tour. They vow never to break up again. Director Daishi Matsunaga of Pieta in the Toilet and Pyuupiru captures them on and off stage examining what they did during their absence and where they are going.
El bosque de los sueños
Sound Mixer
Un estadounidense (McConaughey) y un japonés (Watanabe) se conocen en el tristemente famoso "bosque del suicidio", un lugar al que la gente va para quitarse la vida. Tras entablar conversación, abandonan sus proyectos de suicidio y juntos emprenden un viaje a través del bosque.
Oh Brother, Oh Sister!
Since their parents died at an early age, Susumu and Yoriko have lived together. Susumu is now 33-years-old and Yoriko is 40-years-old. Both of them have yet to marry. They are like most siblings and they rely on each other. One day, Susumu and Yoriko receive a letter that is sent to the wrong address.
Our Family
Sound Recordist
The emotional journey of a four-member family that fails to recognize that it is rapidly growing apart until the mother is diagnosed with terminal cancer.
Akko's Secret
Young Atsuko Kagami comes into possession of a magical mirror that lets her transform into anything she wishes. Atsuko Kagami then attempts to save a company which is about to be sold by using her transformation abilities. She also falls in love as a 22-year-old college student.
Oba: The Last Samurai
La película, ambientada hacia el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, se basa en la novela “Oba, the Last Samurai,” escrita por el exsoldado estadounidense Don Jones, para contarnos la historia de un conocido y temido capitán japonés llamado Sakae Oba (alias “Fox”), que de un simple profesor de geografía, acaba liderando los últimos combates contra las fuerzas de Estados Unidos en la batalla de Saipan. Oba dirigió una de las últimas unidades que quedaban en Saipan; él y un pequeño grupo de hombres utilizaron tácticas de guerrillas contra las fuerzas americanas intentando resistir, a pesar de que la derrota estaba casi asegurada.
Forget Me Not
A nostalgic human drama based on Dazai Osamu Prize winner Tsujiuchi Tomoki's novella. Set in a declining coal-mining town in 1950s Fukuoka, the story depicts a rambunctious but pure-hearted young boy in love with an older woman. Director Hirayama Hideyuki and writer Chong Wishing, both from Begging for Love (Ai o kou hito), join hands again to make this film. Michiyo (Koyuki) has left Tokyo for Fukuoka with her son Mamoru (Ikematsu Sosuke) after divorcing her husband. The story follows Mamoru's memories of his time spent with the notorious rebel Shinichi (Ishida Takuya), who stood up for him against bullies.
Talk, Talk, Talk
The movie revolves around Mitsuba, who studies traditional art of rakugo. Rakugo is a form of comical story telling, sometimes referred to as sit-down comedy. Even though Mitsuba is mediocre at best, he ends up teaching three students.
La maldición 2 (The Grudge 2)
Los espíritus de Kayako y Toshio continúan una maldición de la que nadie podrá escapar. En esta ocasión, la maldición cae sobre el equipo de televisión que lidera Kyoko, una actriz especializada en películas de terror. Acuden a la casa para grabar un programa sobre asuntos paranormales.
La maldición (The Grudge)
Sound Recordist
Rika es una joven que cuida a una anciana en cuya casa suceden cosas muy extrañas. Un día, Rika encuentra en el piso de arriba a un niño de seis años que lleva un gato negro en los brazos. Re-edición de "Ju On", realizada en el año 2000 por el propio Shimizu para vídeo.
Sound Editor
Después de verse obligado a abandonar su casa y su familia por deudas de juego, un hombre rehace su vida como titiritero hasta que se ve envuelto en la revolución maoísta. Cuando consigue volver con su mujer y sus hijos, ya nada es como antes.