Doychin Margoevski


Star Wars: El ascenso de Skywalker
La Resistencia sobreviviente se enfrenta a la Primera Orden una vez más mientras continúa el viaje de Rey, Finn y Poe Dameron. Con el poder y el conocimiento de las generaciones detrás de ellos, comienza la batalla final.
Bohemian Rhapsody
Bohemian Rhapsody es una rotunda y sonora celebración de Queen, de su música y de su extraordinario cantante Freddie Mercury, que desafió estereotipos e hizo añicos tradiciones para convertirse en uno de los showmans más queridos del mundo. La película plasma el meteórico ascenso al olimpo de la música de la banda a través de sus icónicas canciones y su revolucionario sonido, su crisis cuando el estilo de vida de Mercury estuvo fuera de control, y su triunfal reunión en la víspera del Live Aid, en la que Mercury, mientras sufría una enfermedad que amenazaba su vida, lidera a la banda en uno de los conciertos de rock más grandes de la historia. Veremos cómo se cimentó el legado de una banda que siempre se pareció más a una familia, y que continúa inspirando a propios y extraños, soñadores y amantes de la música hasta nuestros días.
Sleeping with the Fishes
Sonja lives a lonely life as a fishmonger, more at ease with her fish than her customers, until one day a delivery man turns up who looks like a rainbow trout.
Sleeping with the Fishes
Online Editor
Sonja lives a lonely life as a fishmonger, more at ease with her fish than her customers, until one day a delivery man turns up who looks like a rainbow trout.
Musical Star
JIMMY hates musicals. When EUGENIUS – the cosmically charged, all-singing, all-dancing musical Godfather – tap dances into Jimmy’s tedium, Jimmy is swept off to a magical theatre realm and told he is destined to become the Greatest Musical Star of all time! But Jimmy’s aversion to the melodic art runs far deeper than mere dislike. In order to save the world from a tuneless future, Jimmy is forced to confront a buried childhood trauma… MUSICAL STAR! is a charming, entertaining comedy for everyone who ever loved, or hated musicals. A tale of magic, optimism and… childhood trauma, MUSICAL STAR! dares to ask the question, When everything’s so crappy what’s wrong with being happy?
Musical Star
JIMMY hates musicals. When EUGENIUS – the cosmically charged, all-singing, all-dancing musical Godfather – tap dances into Jimmy’s tedium, Jimmy is swept off to a magical theatre realm and told he is destined to become the Greatest Musical Star of all time! But Jimmy’s aversion to the melodic art runs far deeper than mere dislike. In order to save the world from a tuneless future, Jimmy is forced to confront a buried childhood trauma… MUSICAL STAR! is a charming, entertaining comedy for everyone who ever loved, or hated musicals. A tale of magic, optimism and… childhood trauma, MUSICAL STAR! dares to ask the question, When everything’s so crappy what’s wrong with being happy?
Musical Star
Online Editor
JIMMY hates musicals. When EUGENIUS – the cosmically charged, all-singing, all-dancing musical Godfather – tap dances into Jimmy’s tedium, Jimmy is swept off to a magical theatre realm and told he is destined to become the Greatest Musical Star of all time! But Jimmy’s aversion to the melodic art runs far deeper than mere dislike. In order to save the world from a tuneless future, Jimmy is forced to confront a buried childhood trauma… MUSICAL STAR! is a charming, entertaining comedy for everyone who ever loved, or hated musicals. A tale of magic, optimism and… childhood trauma, MUSICAL STAR! dares to ask the question, When everything’s so crappy what’s wrong with being happy?
The End of an Era
Human extinction is almost impossible to imagine, but the notion is never far away in environmental debates. This animation takes an insect eye view to explore these deeply troubling themes with wit and generosity.