포스의 균형을 교란시키는 퍼스트 오더의 수장 카일로 렌의 횡포가 극에 달한다. 저항군의 수장 레아 장군은 스타킬러 기지 파괴에는 성공하나 저항군 세력의 상당수를 잃고 전략적 후퇴를 선택한다. 퍼스트 오더 군대 내에 스파이를 두어 동태를 살피던 포 다메론은 팰퍼틴이 생존해 군대를 꾸린다는 첩보를 접한다. 제다이 수련에 빠져 있던 레이, 능숙한 파일럿으로 거듭난 핀과 포를 비롯한 소수 정예의 저항군은 팰퍼틴이 숨어 있다고 알려진 다크 사이드의 본거지 엑시골의 위치를 알아내기 위한 비밀작전을 수행한다.
공항 수하물 노동자로 일하며 음악의 꿈을 키우던 이민자 출신의 아웃사이더 파록 버사라. 보컬을 구하던 로컬 밴드에 들어가게 되면서 프레디 머큐리라는 이름으로 밴드 퀸을 이끌게 된다. 시대를 앞서가는 독창적인 음악과 화려한 퍼포먼스로 관중들을 사로잡으며 성장하던 퀸은 방송에서 외면을 받을 것이라는 음반사의 반대에도 불구하고 무려 6분 동안 이어지는 실험적인 곡 보헤미안 랩소디로 대성공을 거두며 월드스타 반열에 오른다. 그러나 독보적인 존재감을 뿜어내던 프레디는 솔로 데뷔라는 유혹에 흔들리게 되고, 오랜 시간 함께 해왔던 멤버들과 결별을 선언하게 되는데...
Sonja lives a lonely life as a fishmonger, more at ease with her fish than her customers, until one day a delivery man turns up who looks like a rainbow trout.
Online Editor
Sonja lives a lonely life as a fishmonger, more at ease with her fish than her customers, until one day a delivery man turns up who looks like a rainbow trout.
JIMMY hates musicals. When EUGENIUS – the cosmically charged, all-singing, all-dancing musical Godfather – tap dances into Jimmy’s tedium, Jimmy is swept off to a magical theatre realm and told he is destined to become the Greatest Musical Star of all time! But Jimmy’s aversion to the melodic art runs far deeper than mere dislike. In order to save the world from a tuneless future, Jimmy is forced to confront a buried childhood trauma… MUSICAL STAR! is a charming, entertaining comedy for everyone who ever loved, or hated musicals. A tale of magic, optimism and… childhood trauma, MUSICAL STAR! dares to ask the question, When everything’s so crappy what’s wrong with being happy?
JIMMY hates musicals. When EUGENIUS – the cosmically charged, all-singing, all-dancing musical Godfather – tap dances into Jimmy’s tedium, Jimmy is swept off to a magical theatre realm and told he is destined to become the Greatest Musical Star of all time! But Jimmy’s aversion to the melodic art runs far deeper than mere dislike. In order to save the world from a tuneless future, Jimmy is forced to confront a buried childhood trauma… MUSICAL STAR! is a charming, entertaining comedy for everyone who ever loved, or hated musicals. A tale of magic, optimism and… childhood trauma, MUSICAL STAR! dares to ask the question, When everything’s so crappy what’s wrong with being happy?
Online Editor
JIMMY hates musicals. When EUGENIUS – the cosmically charged, all-singing, all-dancing musical Godfather – tap dances into Jimmy’s tedium, Jimmy is swept off to a magical theatre realm and told he is destined to become the Greatest Musical Star of all time! But Jimmy’s aversion to the melodic art runs far deeper than mere dislike. In order to save the world from a tuneless future, Jimmy is forced to confront a buried childhood trauma… MUSICAL STAR! is a charming, entertaining comedy for everyone who ever loved, or hated musicals. A tale of magic, optimism and… childhood trauma, MUSICAL STAR! dares to ask the question, When everything’s so crappy what’s wrong with being happy?
Human extinction is almost impossible to imagine, but the notion is never far away in environmental debates. This animation takes an insect eye view to explore these deeply troubling themes with wit and generosity.