Doychin Margoevski


Звёздные войны: Эпизод 9 - Скайуокер. Восход
Фильм завершает невероятную историю семьи Скайуокеров, длящуюся уже более сорока лет, и обещает дать ответы на все загадки из предыдущих серий. Зрителя ожидают старые и новые герои, уникальные миры, увлекательные путешествия на край Галактики и грандиозный финал фантастической саги.
Богемская рапсодия
«Богемская рапсодия» — это чествование группы Queen, их музыки и их выдающегося вокалиста Фредди Меркьюри, который бросил вызов стереотипам и победил условности, чтобы стать одним из самых любимых артистов на планете. Фильм прослеживает головокружительный путь группы к успеху, благодаря их культовым песням и революционному звуку, практически распад коллектива, поскольку образ жизни Меркьюри выходит из-под контроля, и их триумфальное воссоединение накануне концерта Live Aid, ставшем одним из величайших выступлений в истории рок-музыки. Фильм цементирует наследие группы, отношения внутри которой всегда были больше похожи на семейные, и которая продолжают вдохновлять неудачников, мечтателей и любителей музыки по сей день.
Sleeping with the Fishes
Sonja lives a lonely life as a fishmonger, more at ease with her fish than her customers, until one day a delivery man turns up who looks like a rainbow trout.
Sleeping with the Fishes
Online Editor
Sonja lives a lonely life as a fishmonger, more at ease with her fish than her customers, until one day a delivery man turns up who looks like a rainbow trout.
Musical Star
JIMMY hates musicals. When EUGENIUS – the cosmically charged, all-singing, all-dancing musical Godfather – tap dances into Jimmy’s tedium, Jimmy is swept off to a magical theatre realm and told he is destined to become the Greatest Musical Star of all time! But Jimmy’s aversion to the melodic art runs far deeper than mere dislike. In order to save the world from a tuneless future, Jimmy is forced to confront a buried childhood trauma… MUSICAL STAR! is a charming, entertaining comedy for everyone who ever loved, or hated musicals. A tale of magic, optimism and… childhood trauma, MUSICAL STAR! dares to ask the question, When everything’s so crappy what’s wrong with being happy?
Musical Star
JIMMY hates musicals. When EUGENIUS – the cosmically charged, all-singing, all-dancing musical Godfather – tap dances into Jimmy’s tedium, Jimmy is swept off to a magical theatre realm and told he is destined to become the Greatest Musical Star of all time! But Jimmy’s aversion to the melodic art runs far deeper than mere dislike. In order to save the world from a tuneless future, Jimmy is forced to confront a buried childhood trauma… MUSICAL STAR! is a charming, entertaining comedy for everyone who ever loved, or hated musicals. A tale of magic, optimism and… childhood trauma, MUSICAL STAR! dares to ask the question, When everything’s so crappy what’s wrong with being happy?
Musical Star
Online Editor
JIMMY hates musicals. When EUGENIUS – the cosmically charged, all-singing, all-dancing musical Godfather – tap dances into Jimmy’s tedium, Jimmy is swept off to a magical theatre realm and told he is destined to become the Greatest Musical Star of all time! But Jimmy’s aversion to the melodic art runs far deeper than mere dislike. In order to save the world from a tuneless future, Jimmy is forced to confront a buried childhood trauma… MUSICAL STAR! is a charming, entertaining comedy for everyone who ever loved, or hated musicals. A tale of magic, optimism and… childhood trauma, MUSICAL STAR! dares to ask the question, When everything’s so crappy what’s wrong with being happy?
The End of an Era
Human extinction is almost impossible to imagine, but the notion is never far away in environmental debates. This animation takes an insect eye view to explore these deeply troubling themes with wit and generosity.