Maria de Medeiros

Maria de Medeiros

Nacimiento : 1965-08-19, Lisbon, Portugal


Maria de Medeiros Esteves Vitorino de Almeida (born August 19, 1965), better known as Maria de Medeiros, is a Portuguese actress, director, and singer who has been involved in both European and American film productions.


Maria de Medeiros
Maria de Medeiros


Our Children
Vera, who fought in the armed left-wing movements against the Brazilian military dictatorship, has lived in multiple South American countries. Her daughter Tânica has been married to another woman for fifteen years, and they're about to have their first child.
El país de las últimas cosas
A young woman ventures into an unnamed city that has collapsed into chaos and disorder to search for her journalist brother.
Moral Order
Maria Adelaide
In 1918, Maria Adelaide Coelho da Cunha, heiress and owner of the Diário de Notícias, leaves the social, cultural and family luxury in which she lives to escape with a petty chauffeur, 26 years younger.
Dos Fridas
Judith Ferreto
This is not another standard biopic about Frida Kahlo. “Two Fridas” is a poetic film, based on the relation between the Mexican painter and the Costa Rican nurse Judith, who took care of Frida during the final years of her life.
Black is beltza
Amira (voice)
Ciudad de Nueva York, 10 de octubre de 1965. Un grupo de gigantes de madera procedentes de Pamplona, que representan la cultura y las tradiciones vascas, desfilan por la calle; pero las autoridades locales no han permitido la aparición de todos ellos: debido a los prejuicios raciales que persisten en muchos sectores de la sociedad, se ha prohibido la participación de dos gigantes negros.
Francisca, a beautiful 50-year-old widow (played by Maria de Medeiros), prepared a peaceful future for herself. In an unexpected outburst, she grabs an opportunity for change and embarks on a sailboat called ‘Hovering Over the Water’.
Onyx, Los Reyes del Grial
Margarita Torres
En el siglo XI, una plaga de hambre azotó Egipto. El Sultán recurrió al auxilio del próspero califato de Denia. A cambio el Sultán le regaló a Denia un objeto codiciado por toda la cristiandad: El cáliz de la última cena de Jesús, requisado del templo de Jerusalén antes de las cruzadas. Mediante un seguimiento del recorrido del cáliz, desde la mesa de la última cena hasta nuestros días, este documental emprende un examen de los aciertos y los errores de la raza humana que han configurado el mundo que conocemos hoy en día. El cáliz viaja por el tiempo a merced de la nobleza y la mezquindad de los hombres.
The Broken Key
In a near future, due to the effects of an uncompromising law on the eco-sustainability of supports, paper has become a rare item, a luxury possession, controlled by the "Big Z": Zimurgh Corporation.
El mercenario
Madame Blanchard
En una tierra yerma y sin ley, el solitario Cabeleira se propone descubrir qué fue de su padre, un pistolero, y acaba convertido en un asesino temible.
100 metros
Ramón Arroyo es un empresario de éxito y un padre de familia que quisiera pasar más tiempo con su mujer e hijo. Cuando su suegro, viudo y amargado, se instala en su casa, él empieza a usar el trabajo como válvula de escape. Pero entonces es diagnosticado con esclerosis múltiple y pronto no podrá caminar ni 100 metros. Ramón intenta ignorar la realidad, y acaba asilándose del mundo… Hasta el nacimiento de su segundo hijo. Con la llegada del pequeño se propone seguir luchando y por eso toma la decisión de acabar la prueba atlética más dura del mundo: el ironman.
Seances, co-created with the National Film Board of Canada, presents a wholly new way of experiencing film narrative. By dynamically generating a series of film sequences in unique configurations, potentially hundreds of thousands of new stories are conjured by code. Each will exist only in the moment—no pausing, scrubbing, or sharing—offering the audience one chance to see the generated film. This project, co-created by the ever imaginative Guy Maddin, is a visual discourse on the impact of loss within film. All the sequences pay homage to lost silent films from the early day of cinema. Seances is nostalgic but it is also frequently hilarious. Part of the joy and sadness of Seances is that many possible narratives are created but they can be only viewed once before they disappear forever.
The Son of Joseph
Violette Tréfouille
Vicente, un adolescente, crece con el amor de su madre, María, pero ella siempre se ha negado a revelar el nombre de su padre. Un día descubre que éste es una editor parisino egoísta y cínico, Oscar Pormenor. El joven tiene un plan de venganza pero su encuentro con Joseph, un hombre algo marginal va a cambiar su vida y la de su madre.
Short film.
El cuarto prohibido
The Blind Mother / Clotilde
La tripulación de un submarino, una partida de temibles bandidos del bosque, un cirujano famoso y un batallón de niños soldados. Todos reciben más de lo que esperaban, ya que se abren camino hacia las ideas progresistas sobre la vida y el amor.
Women Directors
Elvira Notari
Registe, talking on a blade is an Italian documentary about the Italian Cinema signed by women and about the pioneer of the Silent Cinema Elvira Notari (1875-1946) plays by Maria De Medeiros. The directors interviewed are the most important Italian women directors: Lina Wertmüller, Cecilia Mangini, Francesca Archibugi, Francesca Comencini, Wilma Labate, Cinzia Th Torrini, Roberta Torre, Antonietta De Lillo, Giada Colagrande, Donatella Maiorca, Ilaria Borrelli and others.
The Masters of Suspense
Maria / Scarlet
Hubert Wolfe, bestselling author, suffers from the writer's block for a long time. Thus, he often used a ghost writer, the talented but taciturn Dany. While the deadline for his next novel approaches, Wolfe still requires the help of his secret accomplice. But Dany is going through difficult times and finds himself before a blank page. So he hires a second ghost writer, Quentin, child care educator who lives under the yoke of his mother.
Laura Betti
La noche del 2 de noviembre de 1975, Pier Paolo Pasolini es asesinado en Roma. El director era el símbolo del arte revolucionario que lucha contra el poder. Sus escritos eran escandalosos; sus películas, perseguidas por los censores. Era tan amado como odiado. Ese día, Pasolini había pasado sus últimas horas con su madre y con sus amigos; por la noche se lanzó a la calle en busca de aventuras. Al amanecer, su cadáver fue hallado en una playa de Ostia, en las afueras de la ciudad. (FILMAFFINITY)
Meetings with a Young Poet
Carole Thomas
A young poet, Paul Susser (Vincent Hoss-Desmarais), meets his master, the great author Samuel Beckett (Stephen McHattie), in a small café. The two men initiate a complex friendship that spans the last two decades of Beckett's life and forever changes Paul's future.
I'm Not Dead
Yacine, brillante estudiante de Ciencias Políticas y de origen modesto, obtiene un apoyo inesperado de la parte de Richard, su profesor de filosofía política. Este, le propone ayudarle a obtener unas practicas en el Elíseo.
The Gang of the Jotas
Nils y Didier aterrizan en España para jugar en un torneo de bádminton. Una misteriosa y manipulativa mujer también aterriza para zanjar un negocio con la mafia española. En el momento que las tres maletas son involuntariamente intercambiadas, empieza el lío.
Invisible World
An anthology film following different stories around the theme of invisibility in the modern world.
Repare Bem
The lives of three generations of women who suffered political persecution during the military dictatorship in Brazil.
Repare Bem
The lives of three generations of women who suffered political persecution during the military dictatorship in Brazil.
Pollo con ciruelas
Nasser Ali Khan es un virtuoso del violín que decide dejarse morir después de que su mujer rompa su amado instrumento durante una riña conyugal. Pero los verdaderos motivos de su decisión son mucho más complejos.
Holidays by the Sea
Madame Collier
A comedy about funny adventures of the group of French people during the summer vacation.
Journey to Portugal
Maria, a Ukrainian doctor, comes to Portugal to spend a year with Greco, her husband who is also a doctor. Upon arrival at Faro airport she is the only person from Kiev approached by agents of Immigration and Customs that lead her to a room of interrogation, without any explanations. All this occurs because the authorities suspect that something illegal should be behind her trip, since she is from Eastern Europe and her husband is Senegalese.
Hitler in Hollywood
Maria de Medeiros
A bio-doc about Micheline Presle changes into a thrilling investigation of the long hidden truth about European cinema. This mockumentary thriller uncovers Hollywood's unsuspected plot against the European motion picture industry. Numerous directors and stars appear in the film, making it a choice morsel for all film lovers.
David's Birthday
Un grupo de amigos alquila una magnífica casa en el mar para pasar el verano. La inesperada llegada de Shary, Diego y su hijo David, un muchacho enigmático y solitario, crea inmediatamente un clima de tensión y de incómodos silencios, que afecta especialmente a Matteo, un exitoso psicoanalista que está casado con Francesca. Las razones de esa embarazosa situación pronto empezarán a salir a la superficie. Y hasta tal punto que esas vacaciones marcarán la vida de todos.
The Story of Me
Based on the life of Roberto Carlos Ramos, a Brazilian teacher and storyteller brought up in a state educational institution for poor children.
Fallen Heroes
Forty year-old Bruno Ledeux, seen sitting across from the doctor, gives the impression of a man who is no longer young but not yet old.Condemned to remain nothing more than a son, he begins his downward slide, as if a fog had shut him in a cage from which there is no escape. Bruno can never have children .He says nothing about this diagnosis to Anne, his beloved wife. Nor does he tell her about a large debt he has taken out. It is as if Bruno were a man without any qualities or talents. A mediocre man who has lost all pride. Though now everything appears hazy in his memory. Like a river that flows peacefully, showing no signs of the hidden currents at work below. But at times those currents can return to the surface. Without warning.
Midsummer Madness
St. John’s Night is a traditional midsummer Latvian celebration where family and friends get together to build bonfires, drink and have a good time. According to a legend, on this night lovers and those who wish to fall in love can search the woods for the "magic fern".
Medea Miracle
L'amie de Médée
Irene moves to Paris to begin a new life with her husband Jason and their two daughters, but an act of betrayal and her desire for revenge soon sends her to the brink of madness.
Je t'aime... moi non plus: Artistes et critiques
Documentary about the love-hate relationship between filmmakers and film critics with interviews made at Cannes Film Festival.
On The Ropes
Shelter Me
La historia tiene tres protagonistas: Anna (Maria de Medeiros), consultora financiera de treinta y cinco años; Mara (Antonia Liskova), de veinticinco años, operaria de una fábrica; y Anis (Mounir Ouadi), un adolescente clandestino de origen magrebí. De regreso de unas vacaciones en el norte de África, Anna y Mara, que forman pareja de hecho, se dan cuenta de que un joven inmigrante se ha escondido en el maletero de su coche y ha aprovechado para pasar la frontera. Anna, que siempre ha soñado con tener un hijo, le da cobijo y le proporciona trabajo. Lentamente, el adolescente se irá infiltrando en la vida de las dos mujeres desencadenando la tormenta. (FILMAFFINITY)
Call Me Elisabeth
A 10-year-old girl lives in post WWII rural France with her parents, who are about to divorce. Her older sister leaves home to finish school, and the young girl is left with a mysterious, almost silent housekeeper. Being afraid of the dark, and of other "phenomenoms" including a haunted château nearby, she curiously accepts a stranger she finds in her mansion's barn. This fact contradicts her fearful nature, but fulfills her loneliness. The stranger has run away from a nearby psychiatric clinic, where her father was treating the stranger. She hides the stranger, protects him, and he becomes her best friend. Is this girl searching for true companionship, coming of age, or is she asserting her independence for the first time in her short life?
Marlene de Sousa
Betty, a famous brasilian 'telenovelas' star, is in search of her twin sister Marlene, who vanished when the kids were four years old (Marlene is now a prostitute). Fragments of other stories, like that of an italian traveller Filippo who left in Italy Giuli, pregnant, and claims to have a split-personality, are inter-twined with the main one
The Remains of Nothing
Eleonora Fonseca Pimentel
Set in the 1790s, this historical drama follows the travails of an idealistic noblewoman who helps lead a daring revolution in Italy.
Welcome to São Paulo
All the feature is given prestige to by the narration in Caetano Veloso's voice, that also signs one of the segments of the project. São Paulo is the largest city of the Southern Hemisphere, with an incessant dynamics of cultural mixtures, with immigrants of all the world and migrants of all parts of Brazil. The gathering of these peculiarities are seen through the 13 film directors's sensibilities and their segments.
A Trip to the Orphanage
While an opera singers sings in a snowy and cold street, we are allowed to witness a meeting between a man and a woman through blowing net curtains. The music is touched by sadness and the emotions of the characters are no different. Nearer they become while the singer sinks deeper into the melancholy.
A Dama da Lapa
The Saddest Music in the World
In Depression-era Winnipeg, a legless beer baroness hosts a contest for the saddest music in the world, offering a grand prize of $25,000.
I, Cesar
Chantal Petit
Cesar is a young schoolboy living in Paris with his family. Their life is ordinary, but Cesar wants more excitement (which he creates, in one instance, by claiming to his teachers that his father has been arrested). During the school holidays, Cesar and his friend Sarah decide to help their mutual friend, Morgan, find his father who supposedly lives in London. Each one tells their parents that they're staying with the other two, and together they sneak out to begin their search.
Mi vida sin mí
Ann tiene 23 años, dos hijas, un marido que pasa más tiempo en paro que trabajando, una madre que odia al mundo, un padre que lleva 10 años en la cárcel, un trabajo como limpiadora nocturna en una universidad a la que nunca podrá asistir durante el día... Vive en una caravana en el jardín de su madre, en las afueras de Vancouver. Esta existencia gris cambia completamente tras un reconocimiento médico. Desde ese día, paradójicamente, Ann descubre el placer de vivir, guiada por un impulso vital: completar una lista de "cosas por hacer antes de morir".
The Xango from Baker Street
Sarah Bernhardt
Rio de Janeiro, 1886. A precious Stradivarius violin presented to Emperor Dom Pedro II is stolen. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are called to solve the case.
Stranded (Náufragos)
Jenny Johnsen
La primera misión internacional tripulada a Marte se estrella contra la superficie del planeta. La situación de los astronautas es desesperada, sin recursos, sin tiempo para esperar la llegada del equipo de rescate, sólo encuentran una solución: tres deben sacrificarse para que los otros dos restantes sobrevivan. ¿Pero... quién vive y quién muere?
Porto of My Childhood
Miss Diablo
Manoel de Oliveira's autobiographical documentary about returning to his hometown.
Water and Salt
Ana lives in a little village by the sea, with her husband and daughter. He decides to leave for a few days. That seems to be the ideal solution, because Ana needs to finish a work she has been doing for a long time. But her concentration seems threatened when she starts doing her daily walks by the village and the beach: she saves a stranger from death in the sea, meets young Alexandre and Emilia, and her friend Vera turns up in her house. And then, everything changes…
Man of the Crowds
Dr. Giordano
Pawel Markowicz suffers from Stendhal syndrome and it is to Dr.Giordano that he tells his secret.
Honolulu Baby
Maria Viola da Silva
The Art of Amália
Narrator (voice)
Documentary about the life of Portuguese Fado singer Amalia Rodrigues (1920-1999) with an interview and collection of footage from performances throughout her long career.
Second life
Vansan is 30 years old, but he never learned to make decisions. Whatever it is. Should he marry his girlfriend, should he start a business with his friend, what color should he buy shoes for? Life for him is an eternal dilemma. But one day, fate made a choice for him. Vansan crashes into an advertising post by car and makes a leap in time for 16 years in advance. Now at about forty, he heads a large corporation, is married to a woman with whom he is barely familiar, has a teenage son who is constantly bold to him, and an early-ripened daughter. And he has absolutely no idea what to do with all this. Realizing that he has become everything that he always despised, Vansan is desperate to go back and make the right choice. But can he turn back the clock? ..
Capitanes de Abril
En Portugal, la noche del 24 al 25 de abril de 1974, la radio difunde una canción prohibida: Grândola Vila Morena. Podría tratarse de la insumisión de un periodista rebelde, pero es de hecho la señal programada de un golpe de Estado militar que cambiará la cara de este pequeño país afligido por décadas de arcaísmo y el destino de territorios inmensos en África. Al sonido de la voz del poeta José Alfonso, las tropas insurrectas toman los cuarteles. A las tres de la mañana, marchan sobre Lisboa. Es la Revolución de los Claveles.
Capitanes de Abril
En Portugal, la noche del 24 al 25 de abril de 1974, la radio difunde una canción prohibida: Grândola Vila Morena. Podría tratarse de la insumisión de un periodista rebelde, pero es de hecho la señal programada de un golpe de Estado militar que cambiará la cara de este pequeño país afligido por décadas de arcaísmo y el destino de territorios inmensos en África. Al sonido de la voz del poeta José Alfonso, las tropas insurrectas toman los cuarteles. A las tres de la mañana, marchan sobre Lisboa. Es la Revolución de los Claveles.
Capitanes de Abril
En Portugal, la noche del 24 al 25 de abril de 1974, la radio difunde una canción prohibida: Grândola Vila Morena. Podría tratarse de la insumisión de un periodista rebelde, pero es de hecho la señal programada de un golpe de Estado militar que cambiará la cara de este pequeño país afligido por décadas de arcaísmo y el destino de territorios inmensos en África. Al sonido de la voz del poeta José Alfonso, las tropas insurrectas toman los cuarteles. A las tres de la mañana, marchan sobre Lisboa. Es la Revolución de los Claveles.
Les Infortunes de la beauté
This romantic comedy from France explores the misadventures of several friends looking for love and trying to define beauty. Daphne is a lovely women who is nonetheless unsure about her looks, compounded by the fact that she's fallen in love with Vincent, who has a policy of only dating models. Daphne's best friend Celine comes up with an idea -- she'll get her pal Jacques to paint a nude portrait of Daphne. When Vincent sees the painting, he'll be more attracted to the woman who posed for it, leading him to her doorstep. But of course, it isn't quite that simple.
An elaborate fantasy tale intended for family audiences, Babel tells the story of the Babels, a strange breed of four-foot-tall creatures who once coexisted happily with human beings on planet Earth. However, when the humans built a huge tower to taunt God, he became angry and drove the Babels underground, while scattering the humans to the corners of the Earth and giving them different languages to keep them separate. Thousands of years later, three Babels are searching underground for the Babel Stone presented to them by God when they lose the map -- which is soon snapped up by a dog, who presents it to his master, an advertising man named Patrick. The Babels are desperate to recover the map, and they recruit Patrick's son David to help them find it (and the Babel Stone) before the evil Nemrod can steal the stone and claim its powers.
The Comedian
Antoinette Vervier
Behind the scenes of the theater, while the last performance has just ended, the comedian returns to his box.
Land of Storms
Lena disappears mysteriously during the winter of 1976. This is the last stop on a journey that begins in colonial Mozambique on new year's eve at 1957 gives way to 1958. Ningo, a black boy brought up by Lena's parents, and her childhood friend, comes to Lisbon to help find her, at the request of Lena's mother. Using the letters that Lena has left behind as a testament to her life, in wich she has rebelled against the challenged the powers that be, Ningo discovers the identity of her kidnapper - Jorge Matos - a former secret policeman who has followed her from Lourenço Marques, motivated by morbid desire. Lena's kidnapper dies from two inexplicable snake bites to the neck, in accordance with a legend and ritual that had been part of Lena and Ningo's childhood.
The Thousand Wonders of the Universe
Président Blandine Brucker
A science-fiction film centered around planet Earth receiving a coded message from outer space and the subsequent disappearance of 12,000 inhabitants of Sepuvedra, a free-trade port. The government and the army are convinced that they have been kidnapped by aliens and Professor Larsen, an eminent astrophysicist and UFO expert, is assigned to lead an urgent investigative mission into the deserted town.
Fátima do Espíritu Santo
Juantxo pertenece a la alta sociedad, tiene pasta, carrera universitaria, un magnífico trabajo y una novia guapa y rica, pero es un auténtico pardillo. Mientras celebra su despedida de soltero, pierde su valioso anillo de compromiso en el lugar más inesperado. Él y sus amigos, Pako y Konradín, se lanzarán a la búsqueda de la joya en un trepidante viaje lleno de vicio, corrupción y delirio.
Limited Edition
Nancy Pickford
Edward is an editor in a small English publishing house. The story concerns what happens when he receives a very good manuscript from Nicholas, an old friend, who up until now has been a hack writer. The manuscript sheds light on events both men lived through, and Edward comes to the conviction that it reveals that it was Nicholas who raped the woman Edward loved, and that he is therefore responsible for her subsequent suicide. Very carefully, he plots his revenge.
Tempest in a Teapot
American actor-director Arnold Barkus made this low-budget French film, a comedy set in New York, with scenes taking place in Chinatown, in a Franco-Greek cabaret, and on the Brooklyn Bridge. Brooklyn-born Max suspects his girlfriend Sophia has been cheating on him. His French pal Jean and a young woman, Vita, step in with a scheme to get back at Sophia, a character who is never seen during the entire film. Included is a parody of the Russian roulette scene from The Deer Hunter (1978).
Saint-Exupéry: La dernière mission
Life and times of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, famous French pilot and even more famous writer who disappeared on a routine reconnaissance flight during WW2.
News from the Good Lord
When novelist Alessandro Battavia commits suicide, a taxi driver named Evangile and her brother Nord believe they are characters imagined in a novel, probably one written by God.
Le Polygraphe
In this French Canadian thriller, an actress wins the role of a murder victim in a film based on the true story of an unsolved crime. She discovers her neighbor was the lover of the woman who was murdered in real life -- and is still a suspect.
Adán y Eva
Catarina Meneses
Catarina (Maria de Medeiros) es una famosa reportera de la televisión portuguesa con treinta años y un deseo principal: tener un hijo. Sabe exactamente el tipo de padre que busca, y sabe también quién responde al perfil que ha dibujado en su mente... (FILMAFFINITY)
Paraíso Perdido
Cristina Pratas
Cristina is twenty years old. Her father was declared missing in action during the war in Angola many years before. One day in church the girl meets a man about fifty years old who tries various times, unsuccessfully, to make the sign of the cross. The man is called Cristovão. A few days later the two meet again. The man offers to help her look for her father. A relationship based on memories and confessions is formed between them. But soon they each return to their own solitude.
Two Brothers, My Sister
This dark and intense drama follows the slow and painful destruction of a young, passive woman as she watches her family fall apart. Maria is the shy and dutiful daughter upon whose shoulders the family traumas have fallen. In addition to a regular job she cooks, cleans, and studies. Her parents offer no assistance as her father is blind, with a tendency towards violence when drinking. His wife, the focus of his violence is terribly unhappy. After a particularly brutal beating, Maria's brothers rise up against the father and end up leaving the home. It is up to Maria to try to bring the factions together. Maria's pressures increase after she calmly stabs her boss during an attempted rape, and then copes with her mother's suicide.
The Detective and Death
En una ciudad europea agitada por disturbios raciales, un poderoso magnate debe enfrentarse al único poder que no podrá engañar ni corromper: la muerte. Por otra parte, un detective trata de encontrar a la mujer que ama, y, al mismo tiempo, una inocente joven lo sigue con el propósito de devolver la vida a su hijo, que ha sido asesinado en la cuna por un pistolero.
Pulp Fiction
Jules y Vincent, dos asesinos a sueldo con muy pocas luces, trabajan para Marsellus Wallace. Vincent le confiesa a Jules que Marsellus le ha pedido que cuide de Mia, su mujer. Jules le recomienda prudencia porque es muy peligroso sobrepasarse con la novia del jefe. Cuando llega la hora de trabajar, ambos deben ponerse manos a la obra. Su misión: recuperar un misterioso maletín.
Poorly Extinguished Fires
Tweedy Bird
A French army journalist bears witness to the atrocities of the Algerian war in 1962 in this gripping French war movie. It is based on the 1967 novel by Philippe Labro. The film begins in Paris as Jerome Carier, ready to embark to Algiers, is beaten and questioned about the politically sensitive photographs he has. The photos were sent to him by Francois, a friend stationed in Algiers. Francoise is trying to get the French and the Algerians to reconcile. Jerome arrives in the war-torn country and finds himself faced with unbelievable carnage. The French are behind most of it. Because he took the pictures, Francois life is in jeopardy. He is murdered and Jerome finds himself attracted to his girl friend, a radio station announcer. The film contains graphic pictures of the slaughter.
Jenseits der Brandung
Huevos de oro
Marta (La mujer, 45 kilos)
Después de cumplir el servicio militar, Benito González, un hortera muy ambicioso, se dispone a hacer realidad sus sueños: casarse con la mujer que ama y construir un gran rascacielos. Pero no todo sale según lo previsto: su boda se va al garete cuando se entera de que su novia lo ha engañado con su mejor amigo. No le queda entonces más remedio que concentrar sus esfuerzos en la construcción del rascacielos. El único problema es que necesita dinero y, para conseguirlo, se casa con Marta, la hija de un multimillonario. A partir de ese momento acumulará una gran fortuna, pero su excesiva ambición precipitará su declive.
L'homme de ma vie
A delightfully classic French comedy of high sophistication and light hearted wit, that in the end suffers for it. This is immensely watchable simply for the presence of Maria De Medeiros, the central two of the film are captivating. What spoils it is the stereotypical and under developed second characters and an overly wistful outlook. But I defy any man watching this film not to fall madly for Aimee and everyone will cherish the scenes between Aimee and Maurice.
A musical fable inspired by Plato’s Symposium. In a shameless speech, Alcibiades, a prominent young Athenian aristocrat, propounds his strategies to seduce the old philosopher, Socrates. He believes that the wisdom and knowledge he imagines Socrates has, can be transmitted via physical contact.
Retrato de Família
Ofelia is the daughter of photographer Miguel and of deceased circus artist Lea. When her father is hospitalised with a nervous breakdown, she decides to find out the reason and in doing so discovers the truth about the relationship between her parents and the true fate of her mother.
Cita con venus
Un director de orquesta es contratado para dirigir en París la ópera de Wagner "Tannhauser". Sin embargo, cuando llega a la capital francesa, tropieza con toda clase de obstáculos para realizar su trabajo: unas veces debido a las exigencias de los sindicatos y otras a causa de los caprichos de algunos cantantes. Así, su primer encuentro con la diva es frustrante, aunque acaban viviendo una apasionada historia de amor.
La divina comedia
En una "Casa de Enajenados", se entrecruzan personajes perseguidos por ideas obsesivas como personas alucinadas. Cada cual a su manera tomándose unos por figuras bíblicas, tales como: los Fariseos, Adán, Eva, Jesús, Lázaro, Marta y María, otros como personajes de romance, como Raskolnikov y Sónia de “Crimen y Castigo”, o Ivan y Aliocha de los “Hermanos Karamazov”; otro que encarna al Filósofo del “Anti-Cristo”, y otro que se cree personificar al Profeta de la “Salvación del Mundo”.
The story of a child who faces the emptiness that surrounds the figure of his parents, disappeared in Africa.
Henry y June (El diario íntimo de Anaïs Nin)
Anais Nin
París, años 30. Película sobre la relación que mantuvo la escritora Anais Nin con el novelista Henry Miller y su esposa June, en la época en que el matrimonio vivió en París. Está inspirada en los pasajes más excitantes de los diarios de Anais Nin. (FILMAFFINITY)
A young actress becomes politically aware within the Paris Commune of 1871.
Where the Sun Beats
Laura (voice)
Laura lives in the country with her considerably older husband. When Nuno, her brother who study in Lisbon, pays a visit, he realizes that his sister does not have a happy life. He initiates a friendship with a worker on the farm. The circumstances turn Laura and Nuno against each other... Portrays the repressed sexuality and homosexual desire in a rural setting and elliptically and delicately the small farming community that serves as the backdrop for the impossible relationships pursued by Laura and her brother.
Easy in Mind
A woman who only has a couple of months left to live decides to go on a final journey, crossing several countries.
La lectora
l'infirmière muette
Constance es una apasionada lectora. Después de leer todas las noches a su marido un libro en el que se habla de una joven que se ofrece como lectora a domicilio, decide dedicarse también a esa profesión.
Elvire Jouvet 40
The Jester
Dulce (voice)
Set four years after the Portuguese revolution and the simultaneous loss of the Portuguese empire in Africa, the story concerns a director who sells guns to finance his play.
Dominican friar Etienne de Bourbon visits a 13th-century French village in search of heretics for the Inquisition. Despite the opposition of the local priest and the indifference of the villagers, he finds a seemingly perfect suspect: a young woman who lives in a forest outside the village and cures people with herbs and folk remedies. In the process, he discovers the cult of the greyhound "Saint" Guinefort, and confronts his own troubled past.
In a specialized, hermetic drama about love won and lost, not necessarily by the same individuals, novice director Christine Laurent has focused on the backstage melodramas of an opera company. The conductor for an upcoming performance of the Marriage of Figaro has his mind and heart on other matters -- an entrancing diva who keeps him enraptured with her presence and voice. In the meantime, he finds fault with his cast members who cannot, of course, measure up to the woman of his dreams. As singers encounter one problem or another, it is clear that something has to be done about the conductor. Director Laurent designed costumes for both theater and opera, giving her some insight into the venue.
I'm Hungry, I'm Cold
Two teenage girls from Belgium run away to Paris and have to learn how to survive.
Paris Vu Par... 20 Years After
La première fugueuse (segment 1)
Film comprised of six vignettes each illustrating one aspect of life in the French capital, each set in a different area of the city.
Sílvia / Silvestre
A bewitching combinatory adaptation of the Bluebeard tale and a 15th century Portuguese fable of a damsel who disguises herself as a knight errant.
A Estrangeira
Ana as a Child
The shady side of an Italian textile trade in northern Germany is the subject of this slow-paced but atmospheric drama featuring Alberto Sordi as Totonno, a low-level, petty criminal anxious to move up a somewhat crooked ladder. Rising to the rank of the "dons" -- Don Raffaele (Carmine Ippolito) or Don Gennaro (Pasquale Cenammo) -- is not an easy task, as Totonno is about to find out. In the meantime, Paula (Belinda Lee) provides a romantic distraction, and another would-be entrepreneur opts for the straight and narrow. This uneven feature offers some colorful performances but the sum is less convincing than its parts.
In 1870, four different stories happen in four different places in the world.