Elderly inmates are dying mysteriously one after another in their prison cells.
Jane Hawkin
Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, un grupo de mineros británicos son reclutados para hacer un túnel debajo de la tierra de nadie y colocar bombas desde debajo del frente alemán con la esperanza de romper el mortal punto muerto de la Batalla de Messines.
Al terminar una larga semana de trabajo, los empleados luchan por sobrevivir contra una pandilla local que busca sangre, pero ¿quién está justificado? Una mirada emocionante a las consecuencias experimentadas al intentar hacer “lo correcto” por parte de la sociedad.
Una mujer con problemas al borde del divorcio regresa a casa con su hermana menor después de años de separación. Pero cuando su hermana y su cuñado traicionan su confianza, ella se embarca en una cruel cruzada de venganza.
A recent graduate is urged by an impossibly perfect woman to start digging a hole in a nearby park, setting in motion a chain of events that threaten her emotional balance and carefully maintained routines.
A recent graduate is urged by an impossibly perfect woman to start digging a hole in a nearby park, setting in motion a chain of events that threaten her emotional balance and carefully maintained routines.
Un hombre y su primo intentan hacerse millonarios mediante la construcción de un cable de fibra óptica entre Kansas y Nueva Jersey, mientras su antiguo jefe intenta evitar que lo consigan.
As a young woman realises her sexual needs have grown beyond her relationship with her boyfriend, a chance encounter allows her to take control of her fantasies.
As a young woman realises her sexual needs have grown beyond her relationship with her boyfriend, a chance encounter allows her to take control of her fantasies.
As a young woman realises her sexual needs have grown beyond her relationship with her boyfriend, a chance encounter allows her to take control of her fantasies.
Our favourite femme is back but is having lady troubles.
Girlfriend (voice)
An eventful train journey arises into Pussy Willow. A resident is needing assistance to help his girlfriend - luckily his fellow train passengers are at hand to help.
Down in Pussy Willow a challenging conversation is happening between two generations.
Johnna's dad changed the world. Or so he says. Whilst Johnna and her dad are talking, they can't seem to connect, each growing more and more frustrated with one another, revolving around one another in their own orbits.
Johnna's dad changed the world. Or so he says. Whilst Johnna and her dad are talking, they can't seem to connect, each growing more and more frustrated with one another, revolving around one another in their own orbits.
Klas Batalo, Giutizia, Ordine Nuovo y Tumulto son cuatro quebequenses de veintitantos años que han rechazado el mundo en el que viven. Incentivados por la apatía de la sociedad y movidos por los eventos del Maple Spring, el cuarteto inicia varias acciones que les acercan de forma cada vez más peligrosa al terrorismo.
A simple, domestic love story about a man who takes his skin off for his girlfriend, and why it probably wasn't the best idea...
Having tried so hard to be close to the one she loves, Julia has become him. To return to herself she has to take him off, literally.
Some children discover the steep price for disrespecting the holiday.
Some children discover the steep price for disrespecting the holiday.
Never forget how to play make believe games. Or tie your friend to (disused) railway tracks in the name of fun. Or plant (cardboard) explosives on said tracks to steal lots and lots of money from a (2D) train. Or save the boy you love from certain (?) death. Always remember how (not) to rob a train.
Never forget how to play make believe games. Or tie your friend to (disused) railway tracks in the name of fun. Or plant (cardboard) explosives on said tracks to steal lots and lots of money from a (2D) train. Or save the boy you love from certain (?) death. Always remember how (not) to rob a train.
Never forget how to play make believe games. Or tie your friend to (disused) railway tracks in the name of fun. Or plant (cardboard) explosives on said tracks to steal lots and lots of money from a (2D) train. Or save the boy you love from certain (?) death. Always remember how (not) to rob a train.
Never forget how to play make believe games. Or tie your friend to (disused) railway tracks in the name of fun. Or plant (cardboard) explosives on said tracks to steal lots and lots of money from a (2D) train. Or save the boy you love from certain (?) death. Always remember how (not) to rob a train.
Miniserie televisiva de 5 episodios. Inglaterra de principios del siglo XX. Christopher Tietjens es un aristócrata conservador, leal a su infiel y cínica esposa, a la que sigue unido en nombre del honor familiar y personal. Christopher se enamora de una joven sufragista, pero entonces el mundo entra en guerra y él es llamado a filas. Mientras Inglaterra se desmorona, Christopher descubre que la terrible vida en las trincheras y los crueles juegos de poder de la clase alta no son tan diferentes.
Summer Solstice is a collection of love stories about, and for, people of all different ages and generations. Each character's tale connects, weaving in and out of the others, mirroring and countering them so that, as the long hot summer draws to its close, each is forced to examine their lives and decide to whom their loyalties lie or else risk loosing everything they hold so dear.
Principios del siglo XX. En la región alemana de Turingia, un grupo de jóvenes de 16 años son educadas lejos del mundanal ruido, en medio de bosques impenetrables. Sometidas a una disciplina de hierro por la directora de la escuela (Jacqueline Bisset), se encuentran aterradas debido a la extraña desaparición de dos de ellas. Para investigar el caso, se desplaza hasta allí un inspector de policía (Enrico Lo Verso), que altera el mundo de las adolescentes.
Lucy Marchmont
When Elfrida Philips abandons London for a country village, she settles in quickly. She is very poor, but has a tiny cottage, her four-legged friend Horace, and friendships of good neighbors. Tragedy upsets her newfound tranquillity, and she takes refuge in a rambling house with a new gentleman friend in Corrydale. But the group proves to be greater than the sum of its ill-fitting parts, and as the solstice passes, and as Christmas approaches, the healing power of love, begins to work its magic. (Filmed at Dunrobin Castle, Golspie, Sutherland)
Joanne Elgin
La tragedia hace acto de presencia en la vida del prestigioso periodista Jack Elgin, un hombre inteligente e idealista, cuando su mujer y una de sus hijas son asesinadas ante sus propios ojos en un atentado terrorista. Horrorizado al comprobar cómo una política pusilánime impide que la justicia condene a los autores del crimen, Elgin se siente obligado a tomarse la justicia por su mano. Moviéndose en las altas esferas de la política y en los círculos de la mafia yugoslava, intentará atrapar a los asesinos.
Young Girl
Jeremías, hijo del sacerdote de Jerusalén y descendiente de Aarón, recibe desde su infancia señales de que ha sido elegido como profeta de la palabra. Sus primeras intervenciones chocan con el pensamiento del Rey Josías, quien le aparta de Jerusalén al ser acusado de no seguir las enseñanzas del Señor.
Young Danielle
Durante la Edad Media, la pequeña Danielle, huérfana de madre, ha encontrado en los libros y en el amor de su padre el refugio ideal, pero tras trágica muerte se convierte siendo una niña en la criada de su nueva madrastra. Por si fuera poco, sus dos hermanastras son realmente crueles con ella. Pero con el tiempo Danielle crece y se convierte en una damisela cuyo destino se cruzará fortuitamente con el príncipe Henry.
In an alternate world where hearts are made of objects and suppressing emotions is self-care, a lonely woman rips out her own heart for the man she loves, only to discover that he has run away with it.