Anna Maguire

Anna Maguire

프로필 사진

Anna Maguire

참여 작품

Elderly inmates are dying mysteriously one after another in their prison cells.
워 빌로우
Jane Hawkin
세계대전 최대의 폭발 실화! 지상 최대의 폭발이 지하에서 시작된다! 세계대전 중, 독일군의 진격을 막기 위해 영국군은 독일 전초기지 지하에 터널을 뚫어 폭발물을 매설하는 사상 최초의 작전을 계획한다. 주어진 기한은 한 달. 대우받지 못하던 광부들이 대규모 참전하며 지상과 지하를 넘나드는 최대 작전이 시작되는데… 지상의 전투와 지하 폭탄 매설 양동작전을 확인하라!
T.K.G 저스티스
도시의 개발을 위해 철거지역을 철거하려는 부동산 개발회사와 이를 저지하려는 원주민과의 투쟁을 그린 영화
죄의 근원
결혼 생활이 무너질 위기에 처하자 미리엄은 여동생 집에서 쉬면서 지친 마음을 달래려고 고향에 돌아온다. 하지만 작은 사건으로 신뢰가 무너지고 미리엄은 충격과 함께 분노를 느낀다. 미리엄은 동생을 구하기 위해 복수에 나서야 한다고 생각하는데, 그 대가는 예상보다 너무 크다.
It's Nothing
A recent graduate is urged by an impossibly perfect woman to start digging a hole in a nearby park, setting in motion a chain of events that threaten her emotional balance and carefully maintained routines.
It's Nothing
A recent graduate is urged by an impossibly perfect woman to start digging a hole in a nearby park, setting in motion a chain of events that threaten her emotional balance and carefully maintained routines.
벌새 프로젝트
뉴욕 출신으로 사촌 관계인 빈센트와 안톤은 주식시장에서 백만 분의 일초 차이로 승부가 갈리는 고위험 초단타 매매 게임의 플레이어들이다. 그들의 꿈은? 그들을 백만장자로 만들어줄 광케이블을 캔자스와 뉴저지 사이에 직선으로 설치하는 것이다. 그러나 장점보단 단점이 많은 허술한 이 둘에게 간단한 것은 아무것도 없다. 안톤은 브레인이고 빈센트는 사기꾼으로, 자신들의 목적을 이루고자 주변의 모든 이들을 비현실적인 모험의 세계로 밀어붙인다. 여기에 이들의 목적을 저지하기 위해 수단과 방법을 가리지 않는 전 직장 상사인 에바 토레스가 가세하면서 그들의 계획은 차질을 빚게 된다. 하지만, 광케이블로 미 대륙을 관통하려는 빈센트와 안톤의 결심은 확고하다.
As a young woman realises her sexual needs have grown beyond her relationship with her boyfriend, a chance encounter allows her to take control of her fantasies.
As a young woman realises her sexual needs have grown beyond her relationship with her boyfriend, a chance encounter allows her to take control of her fantasies.
As a young woman realises her sexual needs have grown beyond her relationship with her boyfriend, a chance encounter allows her to take control of her fantasies.
Lesbian Argument
Our favourite femme is back but is having lady troubles.
Coming into the Station
Girlfriend (voice)
An eventful train journey arises into Pussy Willow. A resident is needing assistance to help his girlfriend - luckily his fellow train passengers are at hand to help.
Parents Chat
Down in Pussy Willow a challenging conversation is happening between two generations.
Your Mother and I
Johnna's dad changed the world. Or so he says. Whilst Johnna and her dad are talking, they can't seem to connect, each growing more and more frustrated with one another, revolving around one another in their own orbits.
Your Mother and I
Johnna's dad changed the world. Or so he says. Whilst Johnna and her dad are talking, they can't seem to connect, each growing more and more frustrated with one another, revolving around one another in their own orbits.
Those Who Make Revolution Halfway Only Dig Their Own Graves
Province of Quebec, Canada, the Maple Spring, 2012. Driven by frustration and the desire to find a new life, Klas Batalo, Ordine Nuovo, Tumulto and Giutizia form a counter-cultural group, a radical cell guided by a deep hostility to the established order that they manifest through terribly ambiguous political expressions, Molotov cocktails and guerrilla tactics, seeking to sow mayhem in Montreal as a prelude to the overthrow of the government.
He Took His Skin Off for Me
A simple, domestic love story about a man who takes his skin off for his girlfriend, and why it probably wasn't the best idea...
She would move the tree rather more to the middle
Having tried so hard to be close to the one she loves, Julia has become him. To return to herself she has to take him off, literally.
The King and Queen of Halloween
Some children discover the steep price for disrespecting the holiday.
The King and Queen of Halloween
Some children discover the steep price for disrespecting the holiday.
How (Not) to Rob a Train
Never forget how to play make believe games. Or tie your friend to (disused) railway tracks in the name of fun. Or plant (cardboard) explosives on said tracks to steal lots and lots of money from a (2D) train. Or save the boy you love from certain (?) death. Always remember how (not) to rob a train.
How (Not) to Rob a Train
Never forget how to play make believe games. Or tie your friend to (disused) railway tracks in the name of fun. Or plant (cardboard) explosives on said tracks to steal lots and lots of money from a (2D) train. Or save the boy you love from certain (?) death. Always remember how (not) to rob a train.
How (Not) to Rob a Train
Never forget how to play make believe games. Or tie your friend to (disused) railway tracks in the name of fun. Or plant (cardboard) explosives on said tracks to steal lots and lots of money from a (2D) train. Or save the boy you love from certain (?) death. Always remember how (not) to rob a train.
How (Not) to Rob a Train
Never forget how to play make believe games. Or tie your friend to (disused) railway tracks in the name of fun. Or plant (cardboard) explosives on said tracks to steal lots and lots of money from a (2D) train. Or save the boy you love from certain (?) death. Always remember how (not) to rob a train.
퍼레이즈 엔드
부유한 지주 가문 출신 통계학자 크리스토퍼 팃젠스는 사교계의 명사 실비아와 결혼한다. 하지만 실비아는 아버지를 모르는 아이를 임신한다. 팃젠스는 이를 눈감아주고 아내를 믿기로 하지만 젊은 여성 운동가 발렌타인 와놉을 만난 뒤 마음을 빼앗기게 되는데...
Summer Solstice
Summer Solstice is a collection of love stories about, and for, people of all different ages and generations. Each character's tale connects, weaving in and out of the others, mirroring and countering them so that, as the long hot summer draws to its close, each is forced to examine their lives and decide to whom their loyalties lie or else risk loosing everything they hold so dear.
The Fine Art of Love: Mine Ha-Ha
A group of young girls are brought up in a college within dark forests and gloomy lakes. Young Hidalla and her friends Irene, Vera, Blanka, Melusine and Rain are brought up in an isolated world: the girls don't know anything about live outside the college's high walls. At the age of 16, some of them start asking questions about their origins, their parents and the true purposes of the Headmistresses strict rules. When two of them disappear mysteriously, the initial fairytale atmosphere grows more and more eerie...
Winter Solstice
Lucy Marchmont
When Elfrida Philips abandons London for a country village, she settles in quickly. She is very poor, but has a tiny cottage, her four-legged friend Horace, and friendships of good neighbors. Tragedy upsets her newfound tranquillity, and she takes refuge in a rambling house with a new gentleman friend in Corrydale. But the group proves to be greater than the sum of its ill-fitting parts, and as the solstice passes, and as Christmas approaches, the healing power of love, begins to work its magic. (Filmed at Dunrobin Castle, Golspie, Sutherland)
The Fourth Angel
Joanne Elgin
Workaholic reporter, Jack Elgin takes his family on a working trip to India, but their aircraft is hijacked in Cyprus by a previously-unknown terrorist movement, and his wife and daughter are among the slaughtered. With western governments suppressing key facts and unwilling to go after the terrorists, Jack uses his contacts and snooping skill to seek the truth himself.
Young Girl
제사장 가문의 아들인 예레미야가 유다 백성들의 간절한 회개심판을 촉구하며, 유다의 멸망 직전에 활동하여 유다와 예루살렘에 나타날 심판(멸망)만을 전했기 때문에 많은 핍박을 당한다. 유다의 멸망 이후에는 이집트로 건너가 지속적으로 유다 백성과 이집트에 대한 심판을 예언하다 순교한다.
에버 애프터
Young Danielle
다니엘(드류 배리모어)은 8살 짜리 소녀이다. 어머니를 여의고 아버지의 사랑 속에 자라던 다니엘 앞에 새 엄마 로드밀라(안젤리카 휴스턴)와 그녀의 두 딸이 나타난다. 그러나 다니엘이 새로운 식구들과 함께 행복을 느끼기도 전에 아버지는 갑자기 심장마비로 세상을 떠난다. 그 후 다니엘은 하녀 취급을 당하며 자라게 된다. 그러던 어느날, 다니엘은 우연히 아버지의 말을 도둑질하는 범인을 발견하고 사과를 던져 말에서 떨어뜨리게 되는데 이로써 다니엘은 왕자와의 운명적인 첫 만남을 갖는다. 얼마 후 새 엄마가 시종 모리스를 늙었다는 이유로 팔아버리자 다니엘은 그를 구하기 위해 왕궁으로 가서 우연히 왕자를 다시 만나게 된다. 이때 헨리 왕자는 스페인 공주와의 정략 결혼 문제로 괴로워하고 있었기 때문에, 자신의 하인을 구하는 다니엘의 당당한 모습에 반하게 된다.
With Love and a Major Organ
In an alternate world where hearts are made of objects and suppressing emotions is self-care, a lonely woman rips out her own heart for the man she loves, only to discover that he has run away with it.