Anna Maguire

Anna Maguire


Anna Maguire


Elderly inmates are dying mysteriously one after another in their prison cells.
The War Below
Jane Hawkin
During World War I, a group of British miners are recruited to tunnel underneath no man's land and set bombs from below the German front in hopes of breaking the deadly stalemate of the Battle of Messines.
TKG: The Kids of Grove
A group of office employees find themselves in a fight for survival against a ruthless local gang after a long week of work.
A troubled woman on the edge of divorce returns home to her younger sister after years apart. But when her sister and brother-in-law betray her trust, she embarks on a vicious crusade of revenge.
It's Nothing
A recent graduate is urged by an impossibly perfect woman to start digging a hole in a nearby park, setting in motion a chain of events that threaten her emotional balance and carefully maintained routines.
It's Nothing
A recent graduate is urged by an impossibly perfect woman to start digging a hole in a nearby park, setting in motion a chain of events that threaten her emotional balance and carefully maintained routines.
The Hummingbird Project
A pair of high-frequency traders go up against their old boss in an effort to make millions in a fiber-optic cable deal.
As a young woman realises her sexual needs have grown beyond her relationship with her boyfriend, a chance encounter allows her to take control of her fantasies.
As a young woman realises her sexual needs have grown beyond her relationship with her boyfriend, a chance encounter allows her to take control of her fantasies.
As a young woman realises her sexual needs have grown beyond her relationship with her boyfriend, a chance encounter allows her to take control of her fantasies.
Lesbian Argument
Our favourite femme is back but is having lady troubles.
Coming into the Station
Girlfriend (voice)
An eventful train journey arises into Pussy Willow. A resident is needing assistance to help his girlfriend - luckily his fellow train passengers are at hand to help.
Parents Chat
Down in Pussy Willow a challenging conversation is happening between two generations.
Your Mother and I
Johnna's dad changed the world. Or so he says. Whilst Johnna and her dad are talking, they can't seem to connect, each growing more and more frustrated with one another, revolving around one another in their own orbits.
Your Mother and I
Johnna's dad changed the world. Or so he says. Whilst Johnna and her dad are talking, they can't seem to connect, each growing more and more frustrated with one another, revolving around one another in their own orbits.
Those Who Make Revolution Halfway Only Dig Their Own Graves
Province of Quebec, Canada, the Maple Spring, 2012. Driven by frustration and the desire to find a new life, Klas Batalo, Ordine Nuovo, Tumulto and Giutizia form a counter-cultural group, a radical cell guided by a deep hostility to the established order that they manifest through terribly ambiguous political expressions, Molotov cocktails and guerrilla tactics, seeking to sow mayhem in Montreal as a prelude to the overthrow of the government.
He Took His Skin Off for Me
A simple, domestic love story about a man who takes his skin off for his girlfriend, and why it probably wasn't the best idea...
She would move the tree rather more to the middle
Having tried so hard to be close to the one she loves, Julia has become him. To return to herself she has to take him off, literally.
The King and Queen of Halloween
Some children discover the steep price for disrespecting the holiday.
The King and Queen of Halloween
Some children discover the steep price for disrespecting the holiday.
How (Not) to Rob a Train
Never forget how to play make believe games. Or tie your friend to (disused) railway tracks in the name of fun. Or plant (cardboard) explosives on said tracks to steal lots and lots of money from a (2D) train. Or save the boy you love from certain (?) death. Always remember how (not) to rob a train.
How (Not) to Rob a Train
Never forget how to play make believe games. Or tie your friend to (disused) railway tracks in the name of fun. Or plant (cardboard) explosives on said tracks to steal lots and lots of money from a (2D) train. Or save the boy you love from certain (?) death. Always remember how (not) to rob a train.
How (Not) to Rob a Train
Never forget how to play make believe games. Or tie your friend to (disused) railway tracks in the name of fun. Or plant (cardboard) explosives on said tracks to steal lots and lots of money from a (2D) train. Or save the boy you love from certain (?) death. Always remember how (not) to rob a train.
How (Not) to Rob a Train
Never forget how to play make believe games. Or tie your friend to (disused) railway tracks in the name of fun. Or plant (cardboard) explosives on said tracks to steal lots and lots of money from a (2D) train. Or save the boy you love from certain (?) death. Always remember how (not) to rob a train.
Parade's End
In the years before the First World War, three Britons are drawn into fraught and ultimately tragic relations: Anglican Christopher Tietjens, second son of the lord of the manor of Groby, Yorkshire, who is a disconsolate, Tory statistician in London; Catholic Sylvia Satterthwaite, his promiscuous and self-centered socialite wife who has married him only to hide the fact that their son is not really his; and freethinking Valentine Wannop, a young suffragette and daughter of a lady novelist, who is torn between her idealism and her attraction to "Chrissy". As the war works a profound change on Europe, and Chrissy is badly wounded in France, the conflict shatters and rearranges the lives of all three principals, as well as virtually everyone else in their elite circle.
Summer Solstice
Summer Solstice is a collection of love stories about, and for, people of all different ages and generations. Each character's tale connects, weaving in and out of the others, mirroring and countering them so that, as the long hot summer draws to its close, each is forced to examine their lives and decide to whom their loyalties lie or else risk loosing everything they hold so dear.
ミネハハ 秘密の森の少女たち
『エコール』の原作、フランク・ヴェデキント「ミネハハ」を再び映画化! 少女たちが紡ぐ美しく、ミステリアスで、哀しい物語――。 原作はドイツ表現主義の先駆者である、劇作家フランク・ヴェデキント。 彼が書いた中篇小説「ミネハハ」は、昨年映画『エコール』として映像化され、大きな話題を呼んだ。 監督は『ロビン・フッド』や『戦争の犬たち』などの作品を残している名匠ジョン・アーヴィン。 美しさと残酷さが共存する瞬間を見事に捉えている。 <あらすじ> 街外れの美しく奥深い森に佇む洋館。そこへ幼女たちが運ばれて来る。 厳しい規則に縛られ、隔離された世界で育てられる穢れを知らない少女たちは、やがて学園に潜む謎に気づき始める。 好奇心の強いヴェラに連れられて、秘密の部屋に忍び込んだヒダラとイレーネは、迫る足音に怯え逃げ出すが、ヴェラは部屋に閉じ込められてしまう。次の日、ヴェラは学園から消えてしまった。そんな中、学園の後援者である伯爵を迎えて、バレエを披露することになり、ヒダラはプリマに抜擢される。ヒダラを愛するイレーネは共に喜ぶ。 しかし訪れた公演当日、学園の本当の目的が明らかになり、少女たちは悲劇的な結末を迎えるのだった……。
Winter Solstice
Lucy Marchmont
When Elfrida Philips abandons London for a country village, she settles in quickly. She is very poor, but has a tiny cottage, her four-legged friend Horace, and friendships of good neighbors. Tragedy upsets her newfound tranquillity, and she takes refuge in a rambling house with a new gentleman friend in Corrydale. But the group proves to be greater than the sum of its ill-fitting parts, and as the solstice passes, and as Christmas approaches, the healing power of love, begins to work its magic. (Filmed at Dunrobin Castle, Golspie, Sutherland)
Joanne Elgin
Workaholic reporter, Jack Elgin takes his family on a working trip to India, but their aircraft is hijacked in Cyprus by a previously-unknown terrorist movement, and his wife and daughter are among the slaughtered. With western governments suppressing key facts and unwilling to go after the terrorists, Jack uses his contacts and snooping skill to seek the truth himself.
Young Girl
The young Jeremiah grows up in a priest's family in the village of Anathoth, near Jerusalem. God appears to Jeremiah in different human guises on several occasions, and makes it clear to him that he has been selected to announce God's message to the people of Jerusalem
Young Danielle
With Love and a Major Organ
In an alternate world where hearts are made of objects and suppressing emotions is self-care, a lonely woman rips out her own heart for the man she loves, only to discover that he has run away with it.