Ezequiel Romero


The Wound is Where the Light Enters
15 children born of war in the LRA and Kormojong conflicts in Northern Uganda come together to create a performance based on their memories.
The Wound is Where the Light Enters
15 children born of war in the LRA and Kormojong conflicts in Northern Uganda come together to create a performance based on their memories.
Camera Operator
Un pez gordo clandestino se ve obligado a luchar contra su pasado cuando regresa a Londres, activando una cadena de sucesos que termina en venganza y asesinato.
Desenterrando Sad Hill
Largometraje documental sobre la reconstrucción del cementerio construido en España hace 50 años para la secuencia final de la película "El bueno, el feo y el malo".
Director of Photography
Delphyne (meaning ‘womb’) discusses the stigma around menstruation. Addressing shame and acceptance, taboos around menstrual blood are told through a fabric-themed metaphor, and the conflict between a mother-daughter relationship; to find a shared unity and language to beat the conflict which projects itself in the shame metaphor that they’ve unwound and removed from their life. The historical connotations of staining, feminine purity and the divide between private and public space as well as ownership of the body come into play. The coming of age theme is reflected in reference to her struggle with the self (alter-ego), struggle with the ‘other’ (male influence) and struggle with the home (her Mother).