Jean-Michel Noirey

Jean-Michel Noirey

Nacimiento : , Corbie, Somme, France


Jean-Michel Noirey


M. et Mme Toutlemonde
Director of Photography
One wanted to be an actress, she evokes her first love... The other seeks in the figure of the father-teacher, the origin of her vocation. A waitress in a bar knows that she is destined for a singing career. A peripatetic woman is still looking for an impossible love. A butcher's daughter learns to count while putting on her red tutu. A woman born in Meudon believes herself to be Italian. A young girl runs away from her mother who wanted a boy. An old girl inherits a house in the Somme Bay but she hates water. A young woman, in order to escape the violence that destroyed her family, has taken the path of exile from central Africa. Yet another woman discovers her responsibilities as a mother late in life. All of them will introduce themselves. Stories are told. The word gets out. The men are the direct witnesses, the counterpoints.
M. et Mme Toutlemonde
One wanted to be an actress, she evokes her first love... The other seeks in the figure of the father-teacher, the origin of her vocation. A waitress in a bar knows that she is destined for a singing career. A peripatetic woman is still looking for an impossible love. A butcher's daughter learns to count while putting on her red tutu. A woman born in Meudon believes herself to be Italian. A young girl runs away from her mother who wanted a boy. An old girl inherits a house in the Somme Bay but she hates water. A young woman, in order to escape the violence that destroyed her family, has taken the path of exile from central Africa. Yet another woman discovers her responsibilities as a mother late in life. All of them will introduce themselves. Stories are told. The word gets out. The men are the direct witnesses, the counterpoints.
M. et Mme Toutlemonde
One wanted to be an actress, she evokes her first love... The other seeks in the figure of the father-teacher, the origin of her vocation. A waitress in a bar knows that she is destined for a singing career. A peripatetic woman is still looking for an impossible love. A butcher's daughter learns to count while putting on her red tutu. A woman born in Meudon believes herself to be Italian. A young girl runs away from her mother who wanted a boy. An old girl inherits a house in the Somme Bay but she hates water. A young woman, in order to escape the violence that destroyed her family, has taken the path of exile from central Africa. Yet another woman discovers her responsibilities as a mother late in life. All of them will introduce themselves. Stories are told. The word gets out. The men are the direct witnesses, the counterpoints.
Maman a disparu
Les Mystères de la chorale
Thomas Schneider
Caroline Jeune, una capitana de la gendarmería, asume su primer asesinato. Una mujer kurda de 18 años, Sabrya, fue asesinada cuando regresaba a casa desde el coro en el que cantaba.
Asesinato en Rochefort
Emma Thélier, una capitana de la policía, está de vacaciones en casa de su madre, cuando, al hacer jogging, cae sobre un hombre asesinado. A Emma, se le encomienda la investigación.
Asesinato en Tours
Philippe Delcourt
La jefa de Policía Louise , está investigando el asesinato de un controvertido escultor con la ayuda de su hijo Sylvain que es sacerdote. El crimen tiene relación con una reliquia de San Martin.
Ansia de vivir
La adicción al alcohol de Lisa le impide cuidar de sus hijos. Su marido se debate entre aceptar o no el ascenso al que ha sido propuesto por lo que implica tener que viajar y ausentarse de casa.
Asesinato en Somme
Philippe Bernier
Esta película trata de el hallazgo de un cuerpo de un vagabundo sobre una duna de la bahía de Somme, en el canal de la Mancha. El cuerpo tiene un disparo de escopeta en la espalda. ¿Se trata de un accidente, un homicidio o de un asesinato? El caso quedará en manos de la brigada local de la Gendarmería, bajo la dirección de Aurore Debac, la sustituta del fiscal. Para investigar sobre la muerte del vagabundo, Aurore tendrá la ayuda Paul Beaujour, un agente recién llegado que trabaja fuera de las normas, y que no conoce los códigos de la región.
Our Summer in Provence
Lea, Adrian, and their little brother Theo, born deaf, go on holiday in Provence with their grandfather, Paul "Oliveron" they never met because of a family quarrel. It is not the holidays they dreamed, especially their father announced yesterday that he was leaving the house. In less than 24 hours, it is the clash of generations between teenagers and a grandfather they believe psycho. A wrong. Because the turbulent past will resurface and Paul Seventies will land deep in the Alpilles. During this summer tormented both generations will be processed one by the other.
Wild Strawberries
Le père
Violette lives in the country with her parents, wealthy Picardie land owners. Gabriel works as a cashier in a supermarket. On the face of it, both of these two young people appear to have led ordinary lives without incident, and yet they both have dark secrets and a yearning to escape from their stifling present reality. Their chance meeting will set them free, but with unexpected consequences...
El baile de San Juan
Viceroy's Counselor
Es la década final del siglo XVIII en Nueva España. Estamos en Ciudad de México, habitada por aventureros locales, habitantes natales y europeos de cada clase. En estos alrededores, nuestros personajes, Jerónimo Marani, el coreógrafo del tribunal, Giovanni, su hijo del mestizo, y Victoria, la hija de la familia más prominente en la ciudad, que está enamorada de Giovanni, viva una vida de amor y aversión, intriga del tribunal y agravios populares, dogmas Viceregios y sueños con la libertad. La guerra de Mexico de la independencia es sólo unos años en el futuro.
Le pigeon
Gérard Masson
Gardiens de l'ordre
Durante una patrulla nocturna de rutina, los agentes de policía Julie (Cécile De France) y Simon (Fred Testot) accidentalmente hieren al hijo de un diputado que, estando en estado de shock, ha matado violentamente a uno de sus compañeros. Injustamente acusados de brutalidad policial, la pareja, para probar su inocencia, decide investigar sobre la droga responsable de la locura pasajera de su agresor. (FILMAFFINITY)
La redada
Pierre Laval
En la noche del 16 de julio de 1942, 4.500 gendarmes del gobierno colaboracionista del Mariscal Pétain, que había firmado un pacto con Hitler y aceptado la ocupación de Francia por el ejército alemán, procedieron en París a una gigantesca redada, en la que 13.152 judíos fueron arrestados y posteriormente encerrados, en condiciones infrahumanas, en el Velódromo de invierno. Estaba previsto detener a 27.391 judíos, pero, aunque la mayoría de los franceses fueron colaboracionistas, una minoría participó en la Resistencia, tanto pasiva como activa, frente al invasor. La desobediencia civil de muchos ciudadanos y de algunos funcionarios permitió escapar a buena parte de los que habían sido previamente fichados y marcados con la estrella amarilla.
La loi de Murphy
Inspector Verlun
After four years in jail, Elias is doing his rehabilitation in an hospital as stretcher bearer. In five hours, his parole will be completed. He will make a fresh start and forget about his past. But that would be forgetting about Murphy's law and its string of problems.
Le piano oublié
Allons petits enfants
In 1915, in the atmosphere of a French village during the First World War, we follow a teen boy who discovers the reality of war and leaves for the front in order to restore the sullied honor of his father who was executed for desertion.
Les amants du bagne
¡Que te calles!
Quentin, un tonto que vuelve loco a todo el mundo con su parloteo incesante, es detenido después de un atraco y acaba compartiendo celda con Ruby, un duro ladrón que se niega a hablar con los demás. Antes de que le detuvieran, Ruby consiguió esconder una enorme cantidad de dinero que robó a Vogel, un peligroso criminal que mató a Sandra, la amante de Ruby. A pesar de que Ruby no quiere saber nada de Quentin, éste intenta ser su amigo. Ruby consigue que le trasladen al pabellón psiquiátrico y Quentin le sigue. Allí organiza una torpe pero exitosa huida. La misión del solitario Ruby es matar a Vogel y así vengar la muerte de Sandra.
Seaside takes place in a small coastal town on the Bay of Somme. The year-round inhabitants find ways to make their lives work; Paul, a lifeguard in the summer, works at the grocery all winter. His mother, Rose (Ogier) likes to play the slots just about anytime; his girlfriend Marie works in the local factory - the town's biggest business - but watching the summertime vacationers each year just makes her increasingly curious about what else might be out there. From these and several other stories, aided by close, revealing observations, we see a community perched between transition and stasis.
The Overeater
Benoît Collet
Séléna is chief of the Marseille police. Respected and feared by his men, his sole enemy seems to be himself, along with his 300 pounds. Strangled by the bursting straight-jacket of his body, tortured by his past, he leads a solitary life in a large isolated house. Séléna is the only person who knows that Elsa was guilty of the murder of her uncle, a wealthy shipowner. Fascinated by the young woman’s beauty, he offers her a strange deal: in exchange for his silence, he demands that she dines with him every night for a year.
Agathe et le grand magasin
A bygone symbol of the luxury of yesteryear and a true institution in a provincial town, the "Grand Magasin" is living its last hours. Indeed, the management, which can no longer afford the establishment, is preparing to sell the store to a large distribution group. Agathe, a saleswoman in the men's department for more than 25 years, is shocked to discover that all the staff will be laid off. Feeling both betrayed and responsible for the future of the "Grand Magasin", she becomes a passionaria, leading her colleagues to revolt, a true leader. The operation finally seems to bear fruit when the sale is cancelled and a new director is appointed.
The lieutenant
Modern Comforts
Irene is an ordinary married woman living in Amiens, in the North of France. She works in a bank where, one day, she finds herself duty-bound to strip a client of her credit card and check book for ten years. Later on, while walking in a park Irene notices a mysterious homeless woman wearing a yellow coat. At a time she witnesses her shoplifting in a store. One night, on her way back home, she is attacked by the mysterious woman.
Death in Therapy
Antoine Rivière, a highly-reputed psychoanalyst, is visited by a new patient, Edouard Berg. When Berg claims to have killed his own wife, the doctor suspects he is a compulsive liar. How could he know that he has been caught in a trap and it's already too late for escape?
One, Two, Three, Freeze
Maurice Le Garrec
Victorine (Grinberg) vive en los suburbios de Marsella y lleva una vida rutinaria y sombría. Sueña con vivir y amar, con que su madre deje de hacer tonterías, con que su padre alcohólico (Marcello Mastroianni) deje de beber. Paul (Oliver Martinez), su primer amor, muere asesinado. Cuando encuentra a Maurice, enseguida tiene dos hijos. Y la vida continúa igual para Victorine.
Picture Perfect
Le garde du corps (as Jean-Michel Noiret)
The American photography student Josh gets involved in a mysterious and deadly intrigue, when he takes pictures during an attempt on the top model Francesca's life.
L'oncle de Betty
París. Betty (Marie Trintignant) se refugia en la bebida tras ser abandonada por su marido. Después de una tarde de borrachera acude a un restaurante para refugiarse de la lluvia, y allí conoce a una burguesa llamada Laure (Stéphane Audran). Betty, debido a su embriaguez pierde el conocimiento, y su nueva amiga la lleva a su hotel donde las dos hablan de sus desafortunadas vidas.
Rouget le braconnier
Louis Rouget
The adventurous and dangerous life of a nineteenth-century Anjou poacher hunted by the local justice system for several years. Betrayed by the woman who loved him, he is arrested and sentenced to deportation to Cayenne.
Asunto de mujeres
Marcel Carmaillon
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). La vida en la Francia ocupada es muy difícil. Marie Latour, una mujer casada, decide ayudar a una vecina a interrumpir un embarazo no deseado. Poco a poco empiezan a requerir sus servicios otras mujeres encintas, bien porque han sido violadas, bien porque sus maridos están en el frente. Mientras tanto, el marido de Marie, que permanece en casa debido a una herida de guerra, contempla sorprendido cómo mejora la economía familiar.
Dos bastardos en Saint-Tropez
Paul (as Jean-Michel Noiret)
Julius lleva a su mejor amigo Paul, recién salido de la prisión, al sur de Francia para unas vacaciones. Pero nuevas chicas, viejas llamas, mentiras y un par de estatuillas robadas les esperan.