Jean-Michel Noirey

Jean-Michel Noirey

Рождение : , Corbie, Somme, France


Jean-Michel Noirey


M. et Mme Toutlemonde
Director of Photography
One wanted to be an actress, she evokes her first love... The other seeks in the figure of the father-teacher, the origin of her vocation. A waitress in a bar knows that she is destined for a singing career. A peripatetic woman is still looking for an impossible love. A butcher's daughter learns to count while putting on her red tutu. A woman born in Meudon believes herself to be Italian. A young girl runs away from her mother who wanted a boy. An old girl inherits a house in the Somme Bay but she hates water. A young woman, in order to escape the violence that destroyed her family, has taken the path of exile from central Africa. Yet another woman discovers her responsibilities as a mother late in life. All of them will introduce themselves. Stories are told. The word gets out. The men are the direct witnesses, the counterpoints.
M. et Mme Toutlemonde
One wanted to be an actress, she evokes her first love... The other seeks in the figure of the father-teacher, the origin of her vocation. A waitress in a bar knows that she is destined for a singing career. A peripatetic woman is still looking for an impossible love. A butcher's daughter learns to count while putting on her red tutu. A woman born in Meudon believes herself to be Italian. A young girl runs away from her mother who wanted a boy. An old girl inherits a house in the Somme Bay but she hates water. A young woman, in order to escape the violence that destroyed her family, has taken the path of exile from central Africa. Yet another woman discovers her responsibilities as a mother late in life. All of them will introduce themselves. Stories are told. The word gets out. The men are the direct witnesses, the counterpoints.
M. et Mme Toutlemonde
One wanted to be an actress, she evokes her first love... The other seeks in the figure of the father-teacher, the origin of her vocation. A waitress in a bar knows that she is destined for a singing career. A peripatetic woman is still looking for an impossible love. A butcher's daughter learns to count while putting on her red tutu. A woman born in Meudon believes herself to be Italian. A young girl runs away from her mother who wanted a boy. An old girl inherits a house in the Somme Bay but she hates water. A young woman, in order to escape the violence that destroyed her family, has taken the path of exile from central Africa. Yet another woman discovers her responsibilities as a mother late in life. All of them will introduce themselves. Stories are told. The word gets out. The men are the direct witnesses, the counterpoints.
Maman a disparu
Les Mystères de la chorale
Thomas Schneider
Caroline Jeune, a gendarme captain, takes on her first murder. An 18-year-old Kurdish woman, Sabrya, was murdered on her way home from the choir she sang in.
Тайны Буа-Галан
Капитан полиции Эмма Телье проводит отпуск у своей матери, когда во время пробежки в лесу обнаруживает труп мужчины. Она хорошо знает регион и обитателей, поэтому ей поручено вести расследование этого дела вместе с капитанам местной жандармерии Адриеном Клевеком, с которым, как оказалось, она провела вместе предыдущую ночь... Вместе они должны выяснить: кто стрелял в жертву серебряными пулями и почему?
Тайна базилики
Philippe Delcourt
В своей мастерской был убит скульптор. На одной из находящихся там картин кровью сделана надпись на латыни, относящаяся к святому Мартину, покровителю города Тур. Майор полиции Луиз Шалан ведёт расследование с неожиданным коллегой - своим сыном Сильвеном, который стал священником.
Thirst for Life
Lisa, a mother of two, is gradually being consumed by her alcoholism while her husband Vincent is busy with his career and underestimates the gravity of the situation, simply avoiding the subject.
The tramp of the Somme
Philippe Bernier
The unidentified body of a homeless man was found on a dune of the Somme. Fatally shot shotgun ... shot in the back. Pure accident? Homicide concealed? Intentional killing otherwise called "murder"? The local Gendarmerie Brigade is in charge of the case, under the direction of the Substitute Aurore Debac. To investigate the death of Vagabond of the Somme Bay, Dawn relies on the persistence of Staff of the Gendarmerie, non-standard methods, BEAUJOUR Paul, newly arrived, who knows nothing about codes region ...
Каникулы в Провансе
Лиа, Адриен и их от рождения глухой младший брат Тео отправляются на лето в Прованс к своему дедушке Полю, которого они никогда не видели раньше из-за старой семейной ссоры. Это совсем не то, о чём они мечтали. Особенно после того как их отец объявил вчера о том, что уходит из дома. Менее чем через двадцать четыре часа произойдёт столкновение разных поколений между подростками и дедушкой, которого они считали ненормальным. И ошибались. Бурное прошлое выйдет наружу, и все увидят Поля далёких 70-х. В течение одного лета обоим поколениям предстоит познать и понять друг друга.
Wild Strawberries
Le père
Violette lives in the country with her parents, wealthy Picardie land owners. Gabriel works as a cashier in a supermarket. On the face of it, both of these two young people appear to have led ordinary lives without incident, and yet they both have dark secrets and a yearning to escape from their stifling present reality. Their chance meeting will set them free, but with unexpected consequences...
El baile de San Juan
Viceroy's Counselor
It is the final decade of the 18th century in New Spain. We are in Mexico City, inhabited by local adventurers, native inhabitants and Europeans of every kind. In these surroundings, our characters, Jerónimo Marani, court choreographer, Giovanni, his mestizo son, and Victoria, the daughter of the most prominent family in the city, who is in love with Giovanni, live a life of love and aversion, court intrigue and popular grievances, Viceregal dogmas and dreams of freedom. Mexico´s war of independence is only a few years in the future.
Le pigeon
Gérard Masson
Стражи порядка
Саймон и Джулия — два офицера полиции, которых недавно обвинили в близких отношениях на рабочем месте. Их несправедливо обвиняют в убийстве человека, который был их коллегой по работе. Чтобы оправдать себя они решают накрыть банду наркодиллеров.
Pierre Laval
История трех еврейских семей, основанная на реальных фактах. Главные герои оказываются в самом эпицентре событий, произошедших 16 и 17 июля 1942 года, когда французские полицейские задержали более 12 тысяч евреев и держали их на стадионе Вель-д`Ив. Условия содержания были ужасные, около сотни узников покончили жизнь самоубийством, а каждого, кто пытался бежать, расстреливали на месте. После шести дней в Вель-д`Иве евреев депортировали во французские лагеря Дранси, Бон-ла-Роланд и Питивьер, откуда потом этапировали в немецкие лагеря смерти.
La loi de Murphy
Inspector Verlun
After four years in jail, Elias is doing his rehabilitation in an hospital as stretcher bearer. In five hours, his parole will be completed. He will make a fresh start and forget about his past. But that would be forgetting about Murphy's law and its string of problems.
Le piano oublié
Allons petits enfants
In 1915, in the atmosphere of a French village during the First World War, we follow a teen boy who discovers the reality of war and leaves for the front in order to restore the sullied honor of his father who was executed for desertion.
Les amants du bagne
Руби успевает спрятать награбленные деньги прежде, чем угодить в тюрьму, где знакомится верзилой Квентином. Теперь они вместе ломают голову над тем, как выбраться на волю и вытащить деньги из тайника... К тому же Руби мечтает отомстить своим бывшим компаньонам, ответственным за смерть его возлюбленной! Но вот как-то им все время не везет! Однако, не даром говорят, если долго мучиться...
Seaside takes place in a small coastal town on the Bay of Somme. The year-round inhabitants find ways to make their lives work; Paul, a lifeguard in the summer, works at the grocery all winter. His mother, Rose (Ogier) likes to play the slots just about anytime; his girlfriend Marie works in the local factory - the town's biggest business - but watching the summertime vacationers each year just makes her increasingly curious about what else might be out there. From these and several other stories, aided by close, revealing observations, we see a community perched between transition and stasis.
Benoît Collet
160 килограммов веса, упрямство быка и поразительная интуиция делают комиссара Селену грозным защитником закона и порядка на улицах Марселя. Но есть тайный враг, против которого этот гений сыска бессилен — неудержимое чревоугодничество… Расследуя убийство влиятельного судовладельца, Селена влюбляется в Эльзу, юную племянницу убитого. Поняв, что в преступлении повинна именно она, Селена предлагает ей странную сделку — он скроет улики, если она каждый вечер в течение года будет делить с Селеной трапезу в его доме. Не имея иного выбора, Эльза с омерзением наблюдает за обжорством толстяка, но проницательному детективу удается расположить ее к себе. Теперь он ведет следствие в своей гостиной, и вскоре оно даст неожиданные результаты…
Agathe et le grand magasin
A bygone symbol of the luxury of yesteryear and a true institution in a provincial town, the "Grand Magasin" is living its last hours. Indeed, the management, which can no longer afford the establishment, is preparing to sell the store to a large distribution group. Agathe, a saleswoman in the men's department for more than 25 years, is shocked to discover that all the staff will be laid off. Feeling both betrayed and responsible for the future of the "Grand Magasin", she becomes a passionaria, leading her colleagues to revolt, a true leader. The operation finally seems to bear fruit when the sale is cancelled and a new director is appointed.
The lieutenant
Modern Comforts
Irene is an ordinary married woman living in Amiens, in the North of France. She works in a bank where, one day, she finds herself duty-bound to strip a client of her credit card and check book for ten years. Later on, while walking in a park Irene notices a mysterious homeless woman wearing a yellow coat. At a time she witnesses her shoplifting in a store. One night, on her way back home, she is attacked by the mysterious woman.
Death in Therapy
Antoine Rivière, a highly-reputed psychoanalyst, is visited by a new patient, Edouard Berg. When Berg claims to have killed his own wife, the doctor suspects he is a compulsive liar. How could he know that he has been caught in a trap and it's already too late for escape?
One, Two, Three, Freeze
Maurice Le Garrec
A provocative, seemingly absurd patchwork movie which sends a worthwhile message about hope against all odds, love, children and human understanding. Schoolgirl Victorine has an insane mother and an alcoholic father who can never find his way home in their maze of slum apartment blocks. Aggressive, sexually threatening boys of all ages are everywhere, and while the teacher eventually relents to a gang of adolescent rapists, Victorine gives herself to a rowdy gang of older layabouts, eventually winning the heart of burglar Paul.
Picture Perfect
Le garde du corps (as Jean-Michel Noiret)
The American photography student Josh gets involved in a mysterious and deadly intrigue, when he takes pictures during an attempt on the top model Francesca's life.
L'oncle de Betty
Бетти красива, чувственна, сексапильна и… глубоко несчастна. Неудовлетворенность жизнью вынуждает ее пить, менять любовников, заставляет блуждать по ночному городу, уставшую от калейдоскопа мутных глаз, потных рук и липких объятий, в поисках ускользающей судьбы…
Rouget le braconnier
Louis Rouget
The adventurous and dangerous life of a nineteenth-century Anjou poacher hunted by the local justice system for several years. Betrayed by the woman who loved him, he is arrested and sentenced to deportation to Cayenne.
Женское дело
Marcel Carmaillon
Франция, Вторая мировая война. Чтобы как-то свести концы с концами, мать двух детей Мари Латур делает подпольные аборты и сдаёт комнату знакомой проститутке. На вернувшегося с войны из-за ранения домой мужа она не обращает никакого внимания и живёт своей жизнью. Аборты постепенно начинают приносить неплохой доход, а скуку можно легко развеять заведя молодого любовника…
Two Bastards in Saint-Tropez
Paul (as Jean-Michel Noiret)
A funny comedy about the adventures of two criminal friends in Saint-Tropez.