Sylvain Brault


Agenda oculta
Director of Photography
Jason Price se gana la vida haciendo desaparecer a las personas. Sus recursos tecnológicos son tan perfectos y eficaces que las principales agencias gubernamentales recurren a él cuando se trata de eliminar cualquier pista para encontrar a alguien. Durante diez años jamás ha perdido a un cliente. Sin embargo, cuando un mafioso le pide que le ayude a quitarse de en medio, la situación toma un giro inesperado. Un legendario asesino a sueldo, conocido como El Limpiador, se infiltra en el sistema dejando un reguero de sangre tras de sí.
2001: Despega como puedas
Director of Photography
Cuando una fuente oficial da la extraña noticia de que el presidente de los Estados Unidos está retenido en una base lunar internacional llamada Vegan, y que hay un clon que ha usurpado su lugar en la Tierra, la policía de los Estados Unidos no duda en enviar a su "mejor" agente, el experimentado Richard "Dick" Dix, para investigar. Tan gallito como inepto, Dix se ve inmerso en una intriga que podría acabar con todos los ideales en los que cree, aunque nunca haya llegado a entenderlos: la Verdad, la Justicia y el Modo de Vida Americano. Después de recibir instrucciones urgentes de su jefe, el secretario Osgood, y de una seductora enviada de Vegan, Cassandra Menage, Dix emprende vuelo a la Luna en un transbordador espacial.
The Long Winter
Director of Photography
In 1838, Francois-Xavier Bouchard (Francis Reddy) fights beside his Quebec countrymen and the English minority.
The Boys
Every Monday evening, at the arena, eleven men get together to lovingly put on the jersey of the Boys, the hockey team of a "garage" league to which they belong. As Stan, their revered trainer, would affectionately say, they have the "puck" tattooed on their hearts. It doesn't matter if they are lawyers, policemen, mechanics or unemployed, as soon as they enter the locker room, everyone forgets their age, their work and their problems.
Llamada salvaje
Director of Photography
Adaptación de la famosa novela del norteamericano Jack London “The Call of the Wild”, sobre un perro llamado Buck cuyas aventuras han deleitado a pequeños y mayores durante casi un siglo. Buck es la querida y mimada mascota del Rancho del Juez Miller en California. Un día, Buck es robado por un trabajador y vendido para pagar una deuda de juego. Apaleado y llevado a Yukon, Buck será adiestrado como perro de trineo bajo la ley de: matar o morir; comido o ser comido. Le seguiremos al corazón de la oscuridad ártica, donde se encontrará con John Thornton (Rutger Hauer) que tras una azarosa pelea consigue liberarlo y juntos comienzan una nueva y apasionante aventura en busca de un preciado tesoro. Buck consigue devolver el favor a Thornton salvando su vida en una reyerta pero ahora ha llegado el momento de elegir entre la fidelidad que siente hacia su amo y la llamada de sus raices salvajes que es cada vez más fuerte. (FILMAFFINITY)
Mon amie Max
Director of Photography
Catherine, a concert pianist, is surprised one night by the arrival of her best friend from childhood, Marie-Alexandrine (Max), whom she hasn't seen for 25 years. Catherine and Max were Québec's most promising young pianists in the mid-1960's when the adventurous Max gets pregnant. She wants to keep the child, but her mother forces her to give him up for adoption; afterwards, Max leaves Québec and music. Now, years later, she returns, obsessed with finding her son. She locates the adoption records, and social services contacts her son to ask if he wants to see her. He refuses, but she keeps trying. Is a relationship with him possible? And what about her musical talent?
Why Havel?
Director of Photography
The first part of the block will be dedicated to the monograph Vojtěch Jasný: The Film Poet in Exile (2020) authored by the film historian Jiří Voráč. The monograph is centered on the legendary director’s life and career after his emigration to Western Europe and to the US after 1968, which have so far received little attention. In exile, Jasný established himself as a film director (he authored over thirty cinema and TV films and documentaries), stage director, photographer, and film studies lecturer. The first part will be followed by the screening of Jasný’s documentary Why Havel? co-produced by himself and Miloš Forman in Canada and Czechoslovakia in 1991. As remarkable as this reflection of the paradoxical transformation of a dissident into a president in the carnival-like atmosphere of the euphoric post-revolution period with the first question marks already appearing may be, it did not meet the expectations of the head of state.