Andreas Sinanos


Director of Photography
Can witnesses a murder in a small town. The police don't allow him to leave after his testimony. On the other hand, a quarantine is declared due to rabid dogs. The whole town turns into purgatory with no exit is almost at the edge of insanity.
Derviş Zaim turns his camera into a tragedy in Syria this time and reminds once again the value of telling stories. Flash memory is from a true story; It is inspired by a Syrian military officer secretly taking out 11,000 photographs documenting the regime's violence against civilians and opponents. Losing his ability to speak as a result of an attack, Ahmet starts working in a unit where people who died in conflicts are photographed and recorded. He wants to announce what he sees to the world, and to give voice to stories stuck in war. He has to choose between protecting himself and his wife or fulfilling his responsibility to humanity.
Commitment Aslı
Asli, a young mother who is trying to find a nanny to get back to work, finally meets young Gulnihal. Gulnihal is also a mother. With Gulnihal coming into her life, Asli faces her secrets which she has been avoiding herself.
¿Quién mató a Lady Winsley?
Director of Photography
Lady Winsley, una novelista estadounidense, es asesinada en una pequeña isla turca. El famoso inspector Fergan llega desde Estambul para encargarse de la investigación. Pronto, tendrá que lidiar con los secretos bien guardados de este rincón del país donde hay muchos tabúes, lazos familiares, tradiciones ancestrales y una gran diversidad étnica.
Kilikis: The Town of Owls
Director of Photography
The Town of Owls is an isolated residential community situated in the High Atlas Mountains. It is inhabited by families and guards of a secret political prison camp, which remained out of history for a long time until the early 1990s. Guards spend their long days back and forth between the secret prison and the village, through a suspension bridge built upon a deep valley that connects the village with the fortress prison.
Director of Photography
The residents of a small town set between a stormy sea and an ominous forest are becoming insane. They are convinced that successive signs appearing in the town are indications of doomsday.
Still Burning
Director of Photography
Still Burning tells the unexpected reunion in Paris in June 1998 of André, a Lebanese filmmaker living and working in France, and Walid, the very close friend he has not seen for years. In their youth, in Beirut, during the civil war, they were both possessed by the same artistic vocation: Cinema, but also by the same woman: Amira. Their reunion, all night long, will not fail to awaken their old repressed demons for better or for worse.
I Am Not Him
Director of Photography
Nihat, an introverted employee in a hospital cafeteria, is confused by Ayşe, a mysterious woman who just started working there as a dishwasher. Her obvious seductive approaches embarrass Nihat and make him nervous at the same time. Despite the rumors about her husband having been sentenced to many years in jail, Nihat reluctantly accepts Ayşe’s invitation to dinner at her house. This is the beginning of a strange and dangerous liaison. When Nihat discovers a picture of the woman’s husband and realizes that he looks astoundingly like him, the relation becomes even more toxic.
El polvo del tiempo
Director of Photography
Un cineasta norteamericano de origen griego llamado A está rodando una película sobre sus padres, Eleni y Spiros. Una y otra vez, la historia de amor de estos dos inmigrantes griegos se ve condicionada por los acontecimientos históricos: durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945) tienen que separarse porque Spiros debe emigrar a Estados Unidos; al estallar la guerra civil en Grecia, Eleni emigra a la Unión Soviética por motivos políticos; A se ve obligado a huir a Canadá para evitar la guerra de Vietnam. La caída del muro de Berlín (1989) marca el comienzo de una nueva época en su vida.
A cada uno su cine (Chacun son cinéma)
Director of Photography
Reunión de 33 cortometrajes de unos tres minutos cada uno realizados por 35 directores con motivo del 60 aniversario del Festival de Cannes.
Director of Photography
Tras la entrada del Ejército Rojo en Odessa (1921), los refugiados griegos vuelven a su país. Comienza entonces la historia de amor entre Alexis y Eleni, que se criaron juntos. Pero el padre de Alexis, que se siente muy solo tras la muerte de su mujer, desaprueba ese amor porque él querría casarse con Eleni. Por esta razón, los dos jóvenes abandonan el pueblo para ir a Salónica, aunque acabarán vagando por toda Grecia sin rumbo fijo. Primera parte de la trilogía que Angelopoulos dedicó a la historia de Grecia en el siglo XX.
Anna's Summer
Director of Photography
A widow reminisces on her life after returning to her family home in Greece.
La eternidad y un día
Director of Photography
Cuando a Alexander, un escritor griego, le quedan pocos días de vida, necesita resolver un dilema: morir como alguien ajeno a los demás o aprender a amarlos y a comprometerse con ellos. Elegida la segunda vía, lee las cartas de Anna, su esposa fallecida, y cierra su casa en la playa. Un día lluvioso, encuentra a alguien que le ofrece la oportunidad de cumplir su compromiso: un niño albanés al que ayuda a pasar la frontera mientras le cuenta la historia de un poeta griego que vivió en Italia y que, al regresar a Grecia, compraba las palabras olvidadas para escribir poemas en su lengua natal. Entonces el niño juega a buscar palabras para vendérselas.
La mirada de Ulises
Director of Photography
Un cineasta griego, exiliado en los Estados Unidos, regresa a su ciudad natal para emprender un apasionante viaje. De Albania a Macedonia, de Bucarest a Constanza (Rumanía), a través del Danubio hasta Belgrado y por fin a Sarajevo. En su camino se cruza con su propia historia, con el pasado de los Balcanes, con las mujeres que podría amar. Espera recobrar con estas imágenes olvidadas la inocencia de la primera mirada.
Girl With the Suitcases
Director of Photography
Michael falls in love with an American woman while borrowing his cousin's apartment, but the discovery of the contents of her suitcases gets them involved with the police, among other troubles.
Centres on two brothers, Stelios and Yannis. The impulsive Stelios skips their small town, deserts from the army, and is thought dead, until Yannis, now a city cop, recognizes his name on the papers of an illegal immigrant seaman. He begins a search for his lost brother, a search that takes him across many borders: between past and present, between Greece and its neighbouring countries, between one identity and another.
Up, Down and Sideways
Director of Photography
A prosperous widow with a gay son fallls for a young gym instructor in Athens.
Director of Photography
Hovering between the realms of poetry and history, this stunningly photographed, elegiac work – shot mostly in long takes – mixes cryptic metaphor and fantastic symbolism to tell the story of Avetik, an Armenian filmmaker exiled in Berlin. In sensuous, lyric styling, Askarian employs dreamlike images to reflect the history of his homeland, tranquil childhood memories, images inspired by erotic medieval poetry, and autobiographical shades of his own exile in Germany.
El paso suspendido de la cigüeña
Director of Photography
Aléxandros (Gregory Karr) es un periodista que viaja a la "Sala de espera", un lugar del norte de Grecia en la frontera con Albania, que se llama así porque allí se concentran refugiados kurdos, turcos, albaneses, polacos, rumanos o iraníes que esperan un permiso que les permita abandonar ese lugar. El periodista llega con un equipo de televisión para filmar la vida de estas gentes; en un momento dado, cree reconocer a alguien: un político griego (Marcello Mastroianni) que, diez años antes, desapareció misteriosamente.
The Crossing
Director of Photography
Two young people from the country, who have completed their military service, are trying to return home by hitchhiking. During their journey, they accidentally get involved in a fight in which one of them is killed. A strong and free-spirited truck driver woman comes to help of the young survivor. While the couple is on their way, the police are looking for the young man.
Director of Photography
In his film, Menelaos Karamaghiolis attempts to trace the evolution of the gypsy race in Europe, particularly in Greece, through four different points of view. These are expressed in the narrations of four people: the Teacher, the Photographer, Tamara, the old gypsy lady and the young girl Aima.
Happy Homecoming, Comrades
Director of Photography
Eighteen hundred Greek political refugees and their children return to Greece after 35 years of exile in the village of Beloiannisz, built near Budapest in 1950.
At Colonus
The history of the ancient neighborhood of Colonus in Athens, by a novelist and script writer who lives in modern-day Kolonos.
The Great Love Songs
A documentary about Greek music. Τhe Great Love Songs is series of ten poems by, among others, Sappho, Elytis, Myrtiotissa, Sarantari, and cavafy, put to music by Manos Hadjidakis. In the film, the camera lens illustrates the emotions stirred by the erotic atmosphere of the music. We follow the camera as it wanders through Athens; the nostalgic Athens of yesteryear; the big modern-day city; the Athens of lovers; the Athens of tourists. Our journey through the city is intercut with footage from the studio recordings of the songs, while there also scenes featuring the film crew. The film is a game between image and sound.