Roberto Forza

Roberto Forza

Nacimiento : 1957-09-26, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Roberto Forza


Un matrimonio mostruoso
Director of Photography
Vladimiro and Brunilde are grappling with the disappearance of Nando, the head of the family. The sad event brought together the human family of Luna, daughter of Nando, and the monstrous one of her husband Adalberto. Humans, vampires, witches, werewolves and ghosts will find themselves in the throes of a new monstrous marriage...
A Monstrous Family
Director of Photography
Students Adalberto and Luna meet and fall in love. Far from home, they can't get to know each other's family. This has to change once Luna gets pregnant. Adalberto first paints such an unflattering portrait of them that Luna says: "you talk as if they were monsters ". Little does she know.
Crazy for Football - Matti per il calcio
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
El asesinato de Yara Gambirasio, de 13 años, conmociona la pequeña ciudad de Brembate di Sopra, Italia. Para llevar al culpable ante la justicia, la fiscal Letizia Ruggeri solo tiene una pista tenue: un poco de ADN que no es de mucha ayuda sin una base de datos con la que compararlo. Basado en una historia real.
Director of Photography
Sara y Nicola esperan su segundo hijo. A través de la mirada aguda del difunto Mattia Torre, todas las alegrías y tristezas de ser padre en la Italia moderna se desvelan de una manera absolutamente brillante e ingeniosa.
Cetto c'è, senzadubbiamente
Director of Photography
Cetto la Qualunque, having set aside all political ambition, is now nothing more than an entrepreneur. But the news of the worsening condition of his aunt leads him to return to Italy, where something from his past will be revealed and, “doubtlessly,” all of our lives will be forever changed.
Uno di famiglia
Director of Photography
Luca, a diction teacher, saves the life of a student which is the offspring of the famous "Serranò" criminal family. Out of nowhere, members of the Serranò family burst into Luca's life to repay him without accepting a "no" as an answer.
Director of Photography
Mario Cavallaro is 50 and lives in the same district of always in Milano and fears changes until arrives Oba, a Senegalese seller of socks so he decides to kidnap Oba and take him back to Senegal.
Little Tito and the Aliens
Director of Photography
Professor Biondi is a depressed scientist. After his wife's death, he lives isolated from the world in the Nevada desert, near Area 51. He supposedly works on a top-secret project for the US government, but in actuality, he spends his days on the couch, listening to the sound of the Universe. His only contact with the outside world is Stella, who organizes alien-themed weddings for tourists on the prowl for extra-terrestrials. One day the Professor receives a message from Naples: his dying brother is entrusting him with his two children, so that they may live with him in America.
Director of Photography
A broke mechanic turns a bank loan denial into an impromptu robbery that puts him on the run with his best friend and a starlet they hold hostage.
Christmas Dinner
Director of Photography
Secuela de "Io che amo solo te", basada en el best seller "La cena di Natale" de Luca Bianchini. En la espléndida Polignano a Mare, emblanquecida por la nieve, están más agitados que de costumbre: entre histerias, tests de embarazo, ansiolíticos, ascensores bloqueados, anillos desaparecidos, reencuentros y golpes de escenas, sucederá de todo.
Amor a la siciliana
Director of Photography
Ambientada en la época de la llegada de los americanos a Sicilia durante la II Guerra Mundial, el personaje principal de la película, Arturo, tendrá que enlistarse en el ejército de Estados Unidos si quiere ganarse el corazón de su amada Flora.
Solo te quiero a ti
Director of Photography
Ninella es una mujer de cincuenta años que tuvo un gran amor, don Mimì, con quien nunca se pudo casar. Pero el destino le hará un regalo inesperado: su hija Chiara mantiene una relación con Damiano, el hijo de su hombre soñado. Ambos deciden entonces casarse. La boda de Chiara y Damiano se transforma, de este modo, en un verdadero acontecimiento en Polignano a Mare, pueblo situado en uno de los ángulos más mágicos de la región de Apulia.
Director of Photography
The life of Italian journalist and writer Oriana Fallaci.
Let's Go to the Country
Director of Photography
Valentino and Salvo, unemployed and in search of fortune and recommendation, leave Palermo for Valentino’s home town, Monteforte, where they will try to survive the Italian crisis by opening some sort of hospice.
Arance & martello
Director of Photography
A 'period' piece set in the hot summer of 2011, in the midst of the Berlusconi era. The life of a quiet corner market is shaken when the mayor decides to close it down. The only political organization people can turn to is the local section of the Democratic Party, which is separated from the market by a concrete wall, built to allow the construction of the subway.
La mafia solo mata en verano
Director of Photography
Palermo, 1969. Arturo es concebido mientras en esa misma calle un grupo de mafiosos lleva a cabo una de las matanzas más sangrientas de la Cosa Nostra. A partir de ese momento, la vida de Arturo se cruzará con la de mafiosos, policías y jueces en una especie de Forrest Gump a la siciliana.
Everything Everything Nothing Nothing
Director of Photography
Cetto and its city council were arrested, but in prison the conspiratorial former mayor makes no earning name as the gratitude of the powerful secretary. These decide to replace some MPs mysteriously killed precisely with Cetto and two other characters: Rodolfo Favaretto and Frengo Stop
Escort in Love
Director of Photography
35 year old Alice has a husband and a son. Her life seems a beautiful dream, but it soon turns out to be a nightmare. Her husband dies in a car accident and her lawyer tells her that she is on her uppers. The only way she finds to earn money in short time is to do the oldest job in history.
Director of Photography
Corrupt and sleazy entrepreneur Cetto La Qualunque comes back to Italy and "jumps into politics" lest his law-abiding opponent, Giovanni De Santis, is elected as mayor.
La matassa
Director of Photography
Two cousins haven't spoken for almost twenty years, thanks to the enmity that their fathers feel toward one another. But an accident suddenly brings the cousins back together and thrusts them deep into the heart of the mafia.
We Can Do That
Director of Photography
The film follows Nello, the recently hired director of a newly developed work cooperative of former mental patients. After the closure of state psychiatric hospitals and asylums in Italy under the Basaglia Law many former patients were left with few resources and little hope of reintegrating into society. With the intention of actually improving the lives of his pupils, rather than just sedating them, Nello encourages them to expand their individual abilities and explore the wider world around them although, regardless of intention, there is sometimes a price to pushing boundaries too quickly.
Wild Blood
Director of Photography
The story of two renowned actors of Fascist cinema, Luisa Ferida and Osvaldo Valenti, who were supporters of the regime until the very end. Accused of collaborationism and torture, they were summarily executed by Partisans during the Liberation.
Maria Montessori: una vida dedicada a los niños
Director of Photography
El drama, filmado en Turín, cuenta la historia de María Montessori, educadora italiana famosa inventora del método que lleva su nombre, siendo conocida y aplicada en todo el mundo. Hasta que llega a una situación particular incómoda: la paradoja de una mujer que crece y educa a miles de niños con pasión, pero no puede hacerse cargo del suyo propio.
7 and 8
Director of Photography
6th January 1975, in an infant nursery in Palermo (Italy), for a mysterious reason, a male nurse exchanges the labels of baby number 7 and 8. Thirty-one years later Tommaso (7) and Daniele (8) meet each other by accident.
Once You're Born You Can No Longer Hide
Director of Photography
The life of a Northern Italian middle-class family is turned upside down after their 12-year-old son falls overboard during a sea trip, only to be picked up by a boat of illegal immigrants.
Director of Photography
A psychological thriller about psychically linked, depressed siblings.
La mejor juventud
Director of Photography
Historia de una familia italiana desde los años 60 hasta nuestros días. Dos hermanos, Nicola (Luigi Lo Cascio) y Matteo (Alessio Boni), comparten las mismas esperanzas, los mismos sueños; disfrutan de los mismos libros y de los mismos amigos hasta que conocen a una chica desequilibrada, Giorgia (Jasmine Trinca), que perturba su destino. Mientras Nicola ejerce como psicólogo, Matteo abandona sus estudios e ingresa en el cuerpo de policía.
Nati stanchi
Director of Photography
Salvo and Valentino are two happy Sicilian friends, who do not want to work, because they know that if they find a permanent job, their girlfriends will ask them to marry them.
Los cien pasos
Director of Photography
Sicilia, años 50. Cinisi es un pueblo de la provincia de Palermo, conocido por el aeropuerto de Punta Raisi, que los jefes de la mafia local utilizan para sus negocios. Aquí vive el pequeño Peppino Impastato, a cien pasos de la casa del boss Tano Badalamenti, con el que su familia mantiene una estrecha relación, marcada por la ley del silencio. Peppino agobia a su padre con continuas preguntas acerca de la actividad del mafioso, pero a cambio sólo obtiene silencio. En 1968, ya adolescente, comparte los ideales sociales y políticos de su generación y participa en una manifestación contra la ampliación del aeropuerto, que les quitaría las tierras a los campesinos. En los años siguientes, funda un periódico local y una emisora independiente ("Radio Out") en la que se mofa de la mafia y de los que la protegen, llegando a suscitar la ira de Badalamenti (Tano Seduto) y la reprobación de su familia.
Tanti Auguri
Camera Operator
A Donatello award nominated short drama about a young woman who returns home on her thirtieth birthday to some answer-phone messages that lead her to reminisce.
Fuochi d'artificio
Director of Photography
Ottone, a professional dog sitter who's uncertain about most things in life, asks an analyst if he made the right decision love-wise while recounting the significant relationships he had with four women.
Il ciclone
Director of Photography
The everyday life of accountant Levante, his family and the other people of a small town in the Tuscan countryside is taken by storm by the serendipitous arrival of five beautiful flamenco dancers from Spain.
Silenzio... si nasce
Director of Photography
Two dizygotic twins in the womb become aware of their existence in a series of surrealistic situations.
Follow Your Heart
Director of Photography
The complicated travails of several generations of Italian women provide the basis for this drama that is based on a novel by Susanna Tamaro. It begins with the peaceful death of Olga, the elderly family matriarch. Marta, her granddaughter returns from the US to attend the funeral and once in Olga's villa in Trieste, begins reading her grandmother's diary. Olga's story unfolds via flashback. As a young woman, Oldga had to marry Antonio a man she didn't love. Later she became passionately involved with a handsome doctor at the local spa. He impregnates her and shortly thereafter dies in a terrible car wreck. The result of their love is Illaria, who grows up to be terribly neurotic. She bears Marta and then she too dies in an automobile accident, leaving Marta to be raised by Olga.
Esercizi di stile
Director of Photography
The end of a love story, told in fourteen different styles: from comedy to western, from noir to thriller, silent movie and so on.