El internacionalmente venerado cineasta y artista checo de 89 años Jan Švankmajer se despide del formato largometraje con este documental rodado durante la pandemia y en el que muestra la extensa colección de artefactos y objetos de arte que atesoran el artista checo y su esposa, la mayor parte en el castillo Horní Staňkov. La película se estructura en diversas partes, incluyendo: el arte de los pueblos naturales, el Art Brut, el principio ‘arcimboldiano’, la alquimia, y los productos de la naturaleza, con el nexo de unión basado en la magia y el surrealismo.
El internacionalmente venerado cineasta y artista checo de 89 años Jan Švankmajer se despide del formato largometraje con este documental rodado durante la pandemia y en el que muestra la extensa colección de artefactos y objetos de arte que atesoran el artista checo y su esposa, la mayor parte en el castillo Horní Staňkov. La película se estructura en diversas partes, incluyendo: el arte de los pueblos naturales, el Art Brut, el principio ‘arcimboldiano’, la alquimia, y los productos de la naturaleza, con el nexo de unión basado en la magia y el surrealismo.
El internacionalmente venerado cineasta y artista checo de 89 años Jan Švankmajer se despide del formato largometraje con este documental rodado durante la pandemia y en el que muestra la extensa colección de artefactos y objetos de arte que atesoran el artista checo y su esposa, la mayor parte en el castillo Horní Staňkov. La película se estructura en diversas partes, incluyendo: el arte de los pueblos naturales, el Art Brut, el principio ‘arcimboldiano’, la alquimia, y los productos de la naturaleza, con el nexo de unión basado en la magia y el surrealismo.
Jan Svankmajer, at 85 years of age, is one of the most prominent artists of European cinema. His work has inspired and guided generations of directors, and represents a sharp and merciless exploration of human nature which is entirely unique. When he decided to retire from filmmaking after "Insect" (2018), his producer suggested that the creative processes which ferment within their company Athanor should be preserved on film. Over three years, the directors of this documentary followed the life of Jan Svankmajer, elucidating his artistic principles, as well as his collaboration with old friend and producer Jaromír Kallista. The film is also haunted by the memory of Eva Svankmajerová, his wife and creative partner, muse and inseparable other half. Playful and poetic, candid and with a touch of Czech humour, it is an ode to creation and to companionship.
The Dung Beetle is late, the Parasite is asleep and Mrs Larva is more interested in her knitting than the director’s instructions. It’s clear: this amateur theatre company has a long way to go before they can perform their version of The Insect Play, a famous satirical work from 1922 by the brothers Karel and Josef Čapek which features insects with decidedly human traits: greed, egocentrism, jealousy.
The Dung Beetle is late, the Parasite is asleep and Mrs Larva is more interested in her knitting than the director’s instructions. It’s clear: this amateur theatre company has a long way to go before they can perform their version of The Insect Play, a famous satirical work from 1922 by the brothers Karel and Josef Čapek which features insects with decidedly human traits: greed, egocentrism, jealousy.
One of the best Czech composers of film soundtracks is often described as a genius of film scores. He was not afraid to experiment and the timelessness of his work is proven by the admiration of the world, including the generation who came to know his music only after his death.
Un tortuoso viaje, en compañía del pintor español Salvador Dalí, alrededor de la figura del enigmático y visionario poeta francés Raymond Roussel (1877-1933).
Eugene, an aging man, leads a double life – one real, the other in his dreams. He goes to see a psychoanalyst, who tries to interpret the meaning of his dreams. Eugene finds a way of entering his dream-world at will and finds out about his childhood and what really happened to his parents.
Eugene, an aging man, leads a double life – one real, the other in his dreams. He goes to see a psychoanalyst, who tries to interpret the meaning of his dreams. Eugene finds a way of entering his dream-world at will and finds out about his childhood and what really happened to his parents.
Experimental documentary about Japanese experimental musician Otomo Yoshihide. Includes interviews with multiple musicians, artists, and writers as well as live footage.
A collection of short films by 16 European directors.
Featuring all 26 entries in the official filmography, this is the world's first complete DVD edition of the short films by the legendary Czech Surrealist filmmaker-animator Jan Švankmajer. Technically and conceptually astonishing in their own right, these films are also as remarkable for their philosophical consistency as for their frequently mind-boggling imagery. This package also includes a bonus short, Johanes Doktor Faust (1958), the longer cut of 'The Cabinet of Jan Švankmajer' with a new introduction by the Quay Brothers, the documentary Les Chimeres des Švankmajer (2001), interviews with Jan and Eva Švankmajer and examples of their work in other media. There's also a chance to see some Švankmajer special effects, created when he was banned from directing his own films.
A collection of short films by 16 European directors.
Production Design
Tras asistir al funeral de su madre, Jean Barlot emprende un viaje y se detiene a pasar la noche en una pensión. Durante el sueño causa destrozos en la habitación. A la mañana siguiente, averigua que un extraño marqués que se hospeda allí ha pagado los desperfectos y que, además, lo invita a pasar la noche en su castillo. Barlot acepta la invitación, pero sus fuertes convicciones morales y religiosas sufrirán un fuerte impacto al espíar al marqués y a sus amigos.
Tras asistir al funeral de su madre, Jean Barlot emprende un viaje y se detiene a pasar la noche en una pensión. Durante el sueño causa destrozos en la habitación. A la mañana siguiente, averigua que un extraño marqués que se hospeda allí ha pagado los desperfectos y que, además, lo invita a pasar la noche en su castillo. Barlot acepta la invitación, pero sus fuertes convicciones morales y religiosas sufrirán un fuerte impacto al espíar al marqués y a sus amigos.
Tras asistir al funeral de su madre, Jean Barlot emprende un viaje y se detiene a pasar la noche en una pensión. Durante el sueño causa destrozos en la habitación. A la mañana siguiente, averigua que un extraño marqués que se hospeda allí ha pagado los desperfectos y que, además, lo invita a pasar la noche en su castillo. Barlot acepta la invitación, pero sus fuertes convicciones morales y religiosas sufrirán un fuerte impacto al espíar al marqués y a sus amigos.
For the past 40 years, Jan Svankmajer (Faust, Conspirators of Pleasure) has been hailed as one of cinema's most consistently surprising, wildly imaginative, and remarkable surrealists of our time. Utilizing a delirious combination of puppets, humans, stop-motion animation, and live action, Svankmajer's films conjure up a dreamlike universe that is at once dark, macabre, witty, and perversely visceral. KimStim (and Kino) is proud to to offer this collection of remarkable short works from an artist that has mesmerized audiences the world over and has inspired filmmakers from the Brothers Quay to Tim Burton and Terry Gilliam.
Production Design
Cuando un matrimonio se entera de que no puede tener hijos, se sienten muy frustrados. Para paliar el dolor de su esposa, el marido recorta una raíz del jardín, dándole forma de niño. La mujer, en su desesperación, acepta la la raíz como si fuera realmente un bebé. Y, de repente, la raíz cobra vida.
Cuando un matrimonio se entera de que no puede tener hijos, se sienten muy frustrados. Para paliar el dolor de su esposa, el marido recorta una raíz del jardín, dándole forma de niño. La mujer, en su desesperación, acepta la la raíz como si fuera realmente un bebé. Y, de repente, la raíz cobra vida.
Costume Design
Cuando un matrimonio se entera de que no puede tener hijos, se sienten muy frustrados. Para paliar el dolor de su esposa, el marido recorta una raíz del jardín, dándole forma de niño. La mujer, en su desesperación, acepta la la raíz como si fuera realmente un bebé. Y, de repente, la raíz cobra vida.
Cuando un matrimonio se entera de que no puede tener hijos, se sienten muy frustrados. Para paliar el dolor de su esposa, el marido recorta una raíz del jardín, dándole forma de niño. La mujer, en su desesperación, acepta la la raíz como si fuera realmente un bebé. Y, de repente, la raíz cobra vida.
Cuando un matrimonio se entera de que no puede tener hijos, se sienten muy frustrados. Para paliar el dolor de su esposa, el marido recorta una raíz del jardín, dándole forma de niño. La mujer, en su desesperación, acepta la la raíz como si fuera realmente un bebé. Y, de repente, la raíz cobra vida.
Cuando un matrimonio se entera de que no puede tener hijos, se sienten muy frustrados. Para paliar el dolor de su esposa, el marido recorta una raíz del jardín, dándole forma de niño. La mujer, en su desesperación, acepta la la raíz como si fuera realmente un bebé. Y, de repente, la raíz cobra vida.
Set Designer
Una serie de personajes dan rienda suelta a sus inimaginables placeres carnales haciendo referencia a Freud o El marqués de Sade, y haciendo uso de la masturbación, fetichismo, bestialismo, etc.
Art Direction
Una serie de personajes dan rienda suelta a sus inimaginables placeres carnales haciendo referencia a Freud o El marqués de Sade, y haciendo uso de la masturbación, fetichismo, bestialismo, etc.
Una serie de personajes dan rienda suelta a sus inimaginables placeres carnales haciendo referencia a Freud o El marqués de Sade, y haciendo uso de la masturbación, fetichismo, bestialismo, etc.
Una serie de personajes dan rienda suelta a sus inimaginables placeres carnales haciendo referencia a Freud o El marqués de Sade, y haciendo uso de la masturbación, fetichismo, bestialismo, etc.
Art Direction
Praga, año 1994. Un hombre camina hacia el trabajo cuando se le acercan dos extraños y le entregan un mapa con una sugerente inscripción. Por mucho que el hombre intenta quitarse el mapa de la cabeza, el enigma lo obsesiona hasta tal punto que se involucrará en un misterio del que probablemente no saldrá indemne. Libre adaptación del mito de Fausto en el que se mezclan animación e imágenes reales para reflexionar sobre el destino trágico del héroe y su proyección sobre los demás.
Production Design
Praga, año 1994. Un hombre camina hacia el trabajo cuando se le acercan dos extraños y le entregan un mapa con una sugerente inscripción. Por mucho que el hombre intenta quitarse el mapa de la cabeza, el enigma lo obsesiona hasta tal punto que se involucrará en un misterio del que probablemente no saldrá indemne. Libre adaptación del mito de Fausto en el que se mezclan animación e imágenes reales para reflexionar sobre el destino trágico del héroe y su proyección sobre los demás.
Praga, año 1994. Un hombre camina hacia el trabajo cuando se le acercan dos extraños y le entregan un mapa con una sugerente inscripción. Por mucho que el hombre intenta quitarse el mapa de la cabeza, el enigma lo obsesiona hasta tal punto que se involucrará en un misterio del que probablemente no saldrá indemne. Libre adaptación del mito de Fausto en el que se mezclan animación e imágenes reales para reflexionar sobre el destino trágico del héroe y su proyección sobre los demás.
Praga, año 1994. Un hombre camina hacia el trabajo cuando se le acercan dos extraños y le entregan un mapa con una sugerente inscripción. Por mucho que el hombre intenta quitarse el mapa de la cabeza, el enigma lo obsesiona hasta tal punto que se involucrará en un misterio del que probablemente no saldrá indemne. Libre adaptación del mito de Fausto en el que se mezclan animación e imágenes reales para reflexionar sobre el destino trágico del héroe y su proyección sobre los demás.
Švankmajer demonstrates the darkly humorous approach to life and politics which the Czech authorities at one time regarded as so subversive that they banned him from film-making for eight years.
Production Design
BREAKFAST: After eating breakfast, a man is transformed into an elaborate dumb-waiter-style breakfast dispenser - and the same fate befalls the man who obtains breakfast from him. LUNCH: After failing to catch the waiter's eye, two would-be diners end up eating everything within reach. DINNER: Portraits of various meals made up of human organs.
BREAKFAST: After eating breakfast, a man is transformed into an elaborate dumb-waiter-style breakfast dispenser - and the same fate befalls the man who obtains breakfast from him. LUNCH: After failing to catch the waiter's eye, two would-be diners end up eating everything within reach. DINNER: Portraits of various meals made up of human organs.
BREAKFAST: After eating breakfast, a man is transformed into an elaborate dumb-waiter-style breakfast dispenser - and the same fate befalls the man who obtains breakfast from him. LUNCH: After failing to catch the waiter's eye, two would-be diners end up eating everything within reach. DINNER: Portraits of various meals made up of human organs.
A bust of Stalin is cut open on an operating table, leading to an elaborate animated depiction of Czech history from 1948 (the Communist takeover) to 1989 (the Velvet Revolution). Some knowledge of the subject is essential in order to understand the film, which is entirely visual.
Production Design
A bust of Stalin is cut open on an operating table, leading to an elaborate animated depiction of Czech history from 1948 (the Communist takeover) to 1989 (the Velvet Revolution). Some knowledge of the subject is essential in order to understand the film, which is entirely visual.
A bust of Stalin is cut open on an operating table, leading to an elaborate animated depiction of Czech history from 1948 (the Communist takeover) to 1989 (the Velvet Revolution). Some knowledge of the subject is essential in order to understand the film, which is entirely visual.
This half-hour BBC documentary offers a revealing look at Svankmajer at work on "Death of Stalinism in Bohemia," and uses excerpts from his earlier films to trace the development of his unique sensibility.
An animated film compiled by David Ehrlich consisting of 27 animators from different countries all explaining themselves through their animation.
Art Direction
The story takes place entirely on a kitchen counter and sees two slices of raw meat as protagonists. The first slice is courted by the second and together they dance to the notes of a recording from the 1920s broadcast on the radio, after which the two slices find themselves playing and flirting on a plate full of flour, but the passion is abruptly interrupted by two skewers who fork the two slices and fry them in a pan.
The last moments of a creature made out of fruits and vegetables.
Un cuerpo humano se reconstruye gradualmente a medida que sus diversas partes componentes se amontonan en una pequeña habitación y, finalmente, después de mucha experimentación, deciden qué parte va a dónde.
The story takes place entirely on a kitchen counter and sees two slices of raw meat as protagonists. The first slice is courted by the second and together they dance to the notes of a recording from the 1920s broadcast on the radio, after which the two slices find themselves playing and flirting on a plate full of flour, but the passion is abruptly interrupted by two skewers who fork the two slices and fry them in a pan.
The last moments of a creature made out of fruits and vegetables.
Un cuerpo humano se reconstruye gradualmente a medida que sus diversas partes componentes se amontonan en una pequeña habitación y, finalmente, después de mucha experimentación, deciden qué parte va a dónde.
The story takes place entirely on a kitchen counter and sees two slices of raw meat as protagonists. The first slice is courted by the second and together they dance to the notes of a recording from the 1920s broadcast on the radio, after which the two slices find themselves playing and flirting on a plate full of flour, but the passion is abruptly interrupted by two skewers who fork the two slices and fry them in a pan.
Production Design
Después de haber leído el cuento de Lewis Carroll, Alicia se queda dormida en su cuarto rodeada de sus juguetes, y en sueños es transportada al País de las Maravillas. A medida que persigue al escurridizo Conejo Blanco, vive peligrosas aventuras en las profundidades del Reino de la Niñez, que culminan con el juicio a que es sometida en la corte del Rey y la Reina de Corazones. (FILMAFFINITY)
Después de haber leído el cuento de Lewis Carroll, Alicia se queda dormida en su cuarto rodeada de sus juguetes, y en sueños es transportada al País de las Maravillas. A medida que persigue al escurridizo Conejo Blanco, vive peligrosas aventuras en las profundidades del Reino de la Niñez, que culminan con el juicio a que es sometida en la corte del Rey y la Reina de Corazones. (FILMAFFINITY)
Después de haber leído el cuento de Lewis Carroll, Alicia se queda dormida en su cuarto rodeada de sus juguetes, y en sueños es transportada al País de las Maravillas. A medida que persigue al escurridizo Conejo Blanco, vive peligrosas aventuras en las profundidades del Reino de la Niñez, que culminan con el juicio a que es sometida en la corte del Rey y la Reina de Corazones. (FILMAFFINITY)
Svankmajer's music video for Hugh Cornwell's "Another Kind of Love."
A man sits down to watch a football match, which seems to consist of the players being violently mutilated in various inventive ways. The players then leave the football pitch and invade the spectator's flat...
A man sits down to watch a football match, which seems to consist of the players being violently mutilated in various inventive ways. The players then leave the football pitch and invade the spectator's flat...
It is a story of three veterans released from the army. During one night spent camping in the country they one by one wake up and meet three elvish brothers. Each of the veterans is given a magic item - one gets magic harp that provides him with servants by wish, other one endless pouch of gold and the last one owns magic hat that can create all the staff excluding money and people.
Art Designer
La historia de una niña que trata de sobreponerse al miedo, cuando la envían al sótano a buscar patatas. En la oscuridad, el pánico es tan intenso, que la niña ve cómo los objetos empiezan a moverse a su alrededor, y huye, tirando las patatas. Pero su sentido del deber la impulsa a dominarse y trata de volver a bajar.
La historia de una niña que trata de sobreponerse al miedo, cuando la envían al sótano a buscar patatas. En la oscuridad, el pánico es tan intenso, que la niña ve cómo los objetos empiezan a moverse a su alrededor, y huye, tirando las patatas. Pero su sentido del deber la impulsa a dominarse y trata de volver a bajar.
La historia de una niña que trata de sobreponerse al miedo, cuando la envían al sótano a buscar patatas. En la oscuridad, el pánico es tan intenso, que la niña ve cómo los objetos empiezan a moverse a su alrededor, y huye, tirando las patatas. Pero su sentido del deber la impulsa a dominarse y trata de volver a bajar.
Production Design
A short film based on Edgar Allan Poe's "The Pit and the Pendulum" and Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam's "A Torture by Hope".
A short film based on Edgar Allan Poe's "The Pit and the Pendulum" and Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam's "A Torture by Hope".
A short film based on Edgar Allan Poe's "The Pit and the Pendulum" and Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam's "A Torture by Hope".
A three-part depiction of various forms of communication.
A three-part depiction of various forms of communication.
Adaptación del relato homónimo de Edgar Allan Poe. Cuando un viajero llega a la mansión Usher, se da cuenta de que sus moradores son víctimas de una misteriosa maldición familiar (FILMAFFINITY)
Adaptación del relato homónimo de Edgar Allan Poe. Cuando un viajero llega a la mansión Usher, se da cuenta de que sus moradores son víctimas de una misteriosa maldición familiar (FILMAFFINITY)
Title Designer
Martin, a poor student, volunteers to go on a quest to find a cure for the princess Adriana, who is stricken with a strange illness. Unknown to Martin or anyone else, the princess is actually under the spell of the powerful magician Andlobrandini, who is preparing a rejuvenating elixir made from the blood of nine men's hearts.
Art Direction
Martin, a poor student, volunteers to go on a quest to find a cure for the princess Adriana, who is stricken with a strange illness. Unknown to Martin or anyone else, the princess is actually under the spell of the powerful magician Andlobrandini, who is preparing a rejuvenating elixir made from the blood of nine men's hearts.
Art Designer
Nick Carter, consumado artista del disfraz y detective que aparte de sus condiciones físicas ya utilizaba el método deductivo para solucionar los casos criminales, se traslada a Praga, donde investiga la misteriosa desaparición de un perro propiedad de una duquesa. El perro no ha sido sino una víctima para probar la capacidad de Adela, la nueva arma secreta de «El Botánico», viejo enemigo de Nick Carter.
Nick Carter, consumado artista del disfraz y detective que aparte de sus condiciones físicas ya utilizaba el método deductivo para solucionar los casos criminales, se traslada a Praga, donde investiga la misteriosa desaparición de un perro propiedad de una duquesa. El perro no ha sido sino una víctima para probar la capacidad de Adela, la nueva arma secreta de «El Botánico», viejo enemigo de Nick Carter.
"The Castle of Otranto" is animation/short/mockumentary based on "The Castle of Otranto", a 1764 novel by Horace Walpole, the first Gothic novel. The novel takes place in Otranto in southern Italy. In Jan Svankmajer's mocumentary, the amateur archaeologist Dr Vozáb has set to prove that the supernatural ghost love story takes place not in Italy but in Otranto Castle near Nachod in Czechoslovakia.
"The Castle of Otranto" is animation/short/mockumentary based on "The Castle of Otranto", a 1764 novel by Horace Walpole, the first Gothic novel. The novel takes place in Otranto in southern Italy. In Jan Svankmajer's mocumentary, the amateur archaeologist Dr Vozáb has set to prove that the supernatural ghost love story takes place not in Italy but in Otranto Castle near Nachod in Czechoslovakia.
Animated drawings inspired by Leonardo da Vinci are intercut with seemingly unrelated (but in fact strangely similar) live-action scenes.
Animated drawings inspired by Leonardo da Vinci are intercut with seemingly unrelated (but in fact strangely similar) live-action scenes.
Art Direction
Animated drawings inspired by Leonardo da Vinci are intercut with seemingly unrelated (but in fact strangely similar) live-action scenes.
Mientras una niña lee en "off" el poema de Lewis Carroll, un armario deja ver en su interior todo un mundo de juguetes antiguos que "actúan" ante la cámara.
Mientras una niña lee en "off" el poema de Lewis Carroll, un armario deja ver en su interior todo un mundo de juguetes antiguos que "actúan" ante la cámara.
A non-narrative voyage round Sedlec Ossuary, which has been constructed from over 50,000 human skeletons (victims of the Black Death).
A non-narrative voyage round Sedlec Ossuary, which has been constructed from over 50,000 human skeletons (victims of the Black Death).
A non-narrative voyage round Sedlec Ossuary, which has been constructed from over 50,000 human skeletons (victims of the Black Death).
The age-old story of Don Juan, played by giant puppets.
A man, apparently on the run, takes shelter in a dilapidated house. Every day, he drills a hole through a wall and looks into one of the rooms, each time seeing a different surreal vision...
The age-old story of Don Juan, played by giant puppets.
A man, apparently on the run, takes shelter in a dilapidated house. Every day, he drills a hole through a wall and looks into one of the rooms, each time seeing a different surreal vision...
Frank visits his friend Josef, who introduces him to his pedigree rabbits and his wife Mary. Frank is more interested in the slightly unsettling fact that Josef and Mary's garden fence is entirely made up of living people holding hands. Finally, Frank asks Josef how he manages to keep the fence together..
Frank visits his friend Josef, who introduces him to his pedigree rabbits and his wife Mary. Frank is more interested in the slightly unsettling fact that Josef and Mary's garden fence is entirely made up of living people holding hands. Finally, Frank asks Josef how he manages to keep the fence together..
In one of Jan Svankmajer's many mind-blowing, deliberately weird short films, a picnic consists of a suit sunbathing, a phonograph playing records, a shovel digging holes, and a camera taking pictures.
In one of Jan Svankmajer's many mind-blowing, deliberately weird short films, a picnic consists of a suit sunbathing, a phonograph playing records, a shovel digging holes, and a camera taking pictures.
In one of Jan Svankmajer's many mind-blowing, deliberately weird short films, a picnic consists of a suit sunbathing, a phonograph playing records, a shovel digging holes, and a camera taking pictures.
A nondescript man is trapped in a sinister flat, where nothing seems to obey the laws of nature.
A nondescript man is trapped in a sinister flat, where nothing seems to obey the laws of nature.
A nondescript man is trapped in a sinister flat, where nothing seems to obey the laws of nature.
Sátira sobre la técnica moderna.
Sátira sobre la técnica moderna.
Sátira sobre la técnica moderna.
Sátira sobre la técnica moderna.
Art Direction
An eight-part animated portrait of various species, accompanied by a different style of music. The various parts are: Aquatilia (foxtrot), Hexapoda (bolero), Pisces (blues), Reptilia (tarantella), Aves (tango), Mammalia (minuet), Simiae (polka) and Homo (waltz). Each animation mixes drawings, pictures, real animals and animated skeletons.
An eight-part animated portrait of various species, accompanied by a different style of music. The various parts are: Aquatilia (foxtrot), Hexapoda (bolero), Pisces (blues), Reptilia (tarantella), Aves (tango), Mammalia (minuet), Simiae (polka) and Homo (waltz). Each animation mixes drawings, pictures, real animals and animated skeletons.
Art Direction
A small, animated figure learns how to use a whip, a pair of wings and a house.
A small, animated figure learns how to use a whip, a pair of wings and a house.
An eight-part animated portrait of various species, accompanied by a different style of music. The various parts are: Aquatilia (foxtrot), Hexapoda (bolero), Pisces (blues), Reptilia (tarantella), Aves (tango), Mammalia (minuet), Simiae (polka) and Homo (waltz). Each animation mixes drawings, pictures, real animals and animated skeletons.
A small, animated figure learns how to use a whip, a pair of wings and a house.
Art Direction
Two puppets, Punch and Judy, do battle to the death over the custody of a live guinea pig.
Two puppets, Punch and Judy, do battle to the death over the custody of a live guinea pig.
Two puppets, Punch and Judy, do battle to the death over the custody of a live guinea pig.
In this early stop-motion film by Czech surrealist Jan Svankmajer, a device consisting of a clock, a pendulum, a faucet and a bucket enacts a series of events whenever the clock chimes.
In this early stop-motion film by Czech surrealist Jan Svankmajer, a device consisting of a clock, a pendulum, a faucet and a bucket enacts a series of events whenever the clock chimes.
Art Direction
A man plays the Bach piece of the title on the organ, accompanied by images of stone walls with cracks and holes that grow and shrink, intercut with images of doors and wire-meshed windows.
A man plays the Bach piece of the title on the organ, accompanied by images of stone walls with cracks and holes that grow and shrink, intercut with images of doors and wire-meshed windows.
A man plays the Bach piece of the title on the organ, accompanied by images of stone walls with cracks and holes that grow and shrink, intercut with images of doors and wire-meshed windows.
A man plays the Bach piece of the title on the organ, accompanied by images of stone walls with cracks and holes that grow and shrink, intercut with images of doors and wire-meshed windows.
Art Direction
Two magicians, Mr.Schwarzwald and Mr.Edgar, try to outdo each other in performing elaborate magic tricks, leading to a violent ending.
Two magicians, Mr.Schwarzwald and Mr.Edgar, try to outdo each other in performing elaborate magic tricks, leading to a violent ending.
Two magicians, Mr.Schwarzwald and Mr.Edgar, try to outdo each other in performing elaborate magic tricks, leading to a violent ending.
Two magicians, Mr.Schwarzwald and Mr.Edgar, try to outdo each other in performing elaborate magic tricks, leading to a violent ending.