
Penda's Fen (1974)

I'm Nothing Pure

ジャンル : ファンタジー, ドラマ, テレビ映画, ホラー

上映時間 : 1時間 30分

演出 : Alan Clarke


Through a series of real and imagined encounters with angels, demons, and England's pagan past, a pastor's son begins to question his religion and politics, and comes to terms with his sexuality.


Spencer Banks
Spencer Banks
Stephen Franklin
John Atkinson
John Atkinson
Reverend J. Franklin
Georgine Anderson
Georgine Anderson
Mrs. Franklin
Ron Smerczak
Ron Smerczak
Ian Hogg
Ian Hogg
Jennie Heslewood
Jennie Heslewood
Mrs. Arne
Graham Leaman
Graham Leaman
Sir Edward Elgar
Christopher Douglas
Christopher Douglas
John Richmond
John Richmond
Ivor Roberts
Ivor Roberts


Alan Clarke
Alan Clarke
David Rudkin
David Rudkin
John Gilbert
John Gilbert
Sound Recordist
Dave Baumber
Dave Baumber
Sound Mixer
Cliff Culley
Cliff Culley
Special Effects
Jan Nethercot
Jan Nethercot
Makeup Artist
Henry Fowler
Henry Fowler
Michael Williams
Michael Williams
David Rose
David Rose
Michael Edwards
Michael Edwards
Production Design
Joyce Hawkins
Joyce Hawkins
Costume Design


7 Minutes
Jean discovers his son Maxime and his boyfriend hanged in a hotel room. According to the post-mortem, Maxime died from an overdose of GHB exactly seven minutes after his boyfriend. Jean will start to investigate further to find out more details, ending up in an infamous club where he will meet Fabien, who will change his life forever.
Naoya and Katsuhiro are boyfriends, new in their relationship. Things are uneven at first—Naoya is open and free while Katsuhiro is cautious and closeted—but nothing compares to the chaos that arrives when Asako, a troubled woman with a history of psychiatric problems, abortions, and casual sex, asks Katsuhiro to conceive a child with her.
The Mudge Boy
Chronicling the troubled existence of Duncan Mudge, a 14-year-old misfit who—while vying for the attention of his vacant father—struggles to fill the void brought on by his mother's sudden death.
Otto; or, Up with Dead People
A young zombie named Otto appears on a remote highway. He has no idea where he came from or where he is going. After hitching a ride to Berlin and nesting in an abandoned amusement park, he begins to explore the city. Soon he is discovered by underground filmmaker Medea Yarn, who begins to make a documentary about him with the support of her girlfriend, Hella Bent, and her brother Adolf, who operates the camera. Meanwhile, Medea is still trying to finish Up with Dead People, the epic political-porno-zombie movie that she has been working on for years. She convinces its star, Fritz Fritze, to allow the vulnerable Otto to stay in his guest bedroom. When Otto discovers that he has a wallet that contains information about his past, before he was dead, he begins to remember details about his ex-boyfriend, Rudolf. He arranges to meet him at the schoolyard where they met, with devastating results.
Wild Reeds
As the Algerian War draws to a close, a teenager with a girlfriend starts feeling homosexual urges for two of his classmates: a country boy, and a French-Algerian intellectual.
The Human Condition
Paris, summer 2019. Marcio is a young Brazilian who recently moved to the French capital, hoping to find a better life there. However, reality catches up with him when he ends up broke and homeless. Without hope of integrating the working world, he survives by joining a pimping network, until a man, much more mature than him, decides to take him under his wing.
Two childhood friends, Denis and Nacho, meet again years after having an intense relationship as teenagers. Now with their respective partners, the couples grow close and end up fulfilling each other's needs while breaking rules to discover their truths in the process.
For a Lost Soldier
The story of a romantic relationship between a Canadian soldier and a child set in the Netherlands near the end of WWII. Told in flashback from the present day, the child, now a man, is still seeking his lost soldier.
Lan Yu
A love story between a country boy in Beijing to study and a wealthy businessman set against the backdrop of the 1989 Tiananmen Square incident.
Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters
物語は三島由紀夫最後の一日となる朝から始まり、『金閣寺』『鏡子の家』『奔馬』を劇中劇として見せながら三島の生涯を描いていく。 どもりを持つ学生・溝口は金閣寺はその美しさに見苦しい自分の姿を責め悩み、放火をしてしまう『金閣寺』。容姿端麗で華奢な美青年・治が、最後はマゾヒスティックな狂愛に溺れていく『鏡子の家』。剣道に励む青年が同じ学生仲間とクーデターを決起する『奔馬』。そして、三島由紀夫の最期の瞬間に至る…。
Free Fall
Three friends meet one summer at a skydiving center. Adventurous, they spend most of their time jumping - for thrills and to escape what haunts them. When his dream of becoming a pilot is shattered, Rafaël, a young daredevil of 20 years, puts his life in danger by pushing his limits as a parashooter. Her friend Charles, the older owner of the skydiving center, tries to make her understand reason while developing a love passion for Manu, a young woman who, at 20, has to deal with her mother's cancer. But Manu and Rafaël also develop a strong passion, which comes to compromise the strong bond between the three friends. Things don't work out when Rafaël, who has been forbidden to jump, comes to miss a particularly dangerous jump prepared by Charles.
Both original and incredibly romantic, Redwoods tells the story of an already-partnered man whose love is tested when a mysterious drifter passes through his small Northern California town.
Telstar: The Joe Meek Story
Set against a backdrop of early '60s London, Telstar is the story of the world's first independent record producer, Joe Meek. A maverick genius who enjoyed phenomenal success with Telstar – the biggest selling record of it's time – before bad luck, depression, heartbreak and paranoia led to his downfall.
Shanghai Panic
A glimpse into the lives of 4 Shanghai teenagers.
Fleeing by Night
Set in China in the 1930s, the film is about the unsettling relationship between three characters. Ing'er, the daughter of a theatre-owner, welcomes the return of Shao-dung, her fiancee and a fine cellist from America. Shao-dung soon finds himself captivated by the opera "Fleeing By Night" and its celebrated actor, Lin Chung, whose voice seems to articulate something within himself. While Shao-dung attempts to blend eastern and western music, Ing'er becomes torn between her affection for both men, and an awareness of the growing intimacy between them. - Written by Strand Releasing
A Stormy Night
When a heavy storm threatens the city of New York, two complete strangers –a cynical documentary filmmaker from Spain and an idealist app programmer– find themselves sharing shelter, questioning each other’s understanding of life, happiness and love.
A new homoerotic film from the makers of "Hombre". Lodi is Idol spelled backward. Franco is a maintenance man in a condo by day and service boy by night. He is obsessed with hearthrob, Brent. His obsession leads to fulfillment, but at what cost.
Fat People
"GORDOS" is a comedy about life's excesses and deficiencies; about our insecurities, phobias, obsessions, traumas, mistakes, fears, blame, desires, hopes, challenges, concessions, goals, relationships, love, sex, health, family... about survival in the widest and "largest" sense of the word. The movie is pizza, ice-cream, chocolate, sweets, calories, lot of calories. It is also guilt, desire, fear, hope, dreams, sex, family, love. But it is happy, optimistic, painful, tender, harsh, light, profound. A comedy. A drama. A collection of contradictions. It's life, the life of a gay actor presenting weight loss products who lose his job because he get fat and who starts dating a ... woman.
The Surrogate
Jess is thrilled to be the surrogate for her best friend and his husband, but when a prenatal test comes back, it creates a moral dilemma that threatens their friendship.


Two friends on a road trip pass through a town where aliens are landing and feeding upon the some of the civilians.
主人公のサムたちは会社の研修旅行の中、工事が続いている巨大な吊り橋をバスで渡ろうとしていた。 その瞬間、サムは自然災害により突如として橋が崩れ落ち、同僚や上司が次々と死んでいく凄惨な予知夢を見る。 パニックに陥ったサムは周りに危険を知らせると、恋人モリーを連れ橋から避難、彼らを含め8人の社員が奇跡的に事故から生き延びる。 ところが、それは新たな惨劇の始まりであった・・・。
中世フランスのとある村。ジャンとジャンヌの婚礼の日、領主は貢ぎ物の代わりにジャンヌを犯し、家来達に輪姦させた。村は飢饉だったが、悪魔の力を得たジャンヌは紡いだ糸を売って生計を立て、税金を取り立てる役人になる事ができた。だが、戦争の資金が調達できなかったジャンは左手首を切り落とされ、悪魔つきとして村人に追われる事に。ジャンにも見放されたジャンヌは、身も心も悪魔に委ねて、魔女となった。黒死病が村を襲い、人々は倒れていった。ジャンヌは毒草ベラドンナを使い、人々の病を治すのだが……。 『千夜一夜物語』『クレオパトラ』に続く大人のためのアニメーションの第3作ですが、スケールの大きな歴史絵巻であった前2作とは、ドラマも映像の作りも大きく異なっており、キャッチフレーズも「アニメラマ」から「アニメロマネスク」に変更さています。中世フランスの農村を舞台に、より強烈なエロティシズムと沈痛なリリシズムで、愛する夫のために悪魔に肉体を売った女性、ジャンヌの哀しき物語を描いています。中でも映画の中盤、ジャンヌが悪魔に身と心を委ねた後の、イメージが洪水のように溢れかえるシークエンスは圧巻。 原作は歴史学者ジュール・ミシュレの「魔女」。監督は「千夜一夜物語」「クレオパトラ」でも手塚治虫と組んだ虫プロの主力演出家、山本暎一。作画監督は、前2作も担当した才人、杉井ギサブロー。また挿絵画家の深井国をフューチャーしたイラストレーションは圧巻。セル画テイストを極力排し、静止画の多様、あるいはイラストを動かすといった実験的な手法から、かつてない実験色のアニメーションに仕上がっています。山本監督の情熱と才能が炸裂したフィルムであり、「作家集団」虫プロダクションの集大成です。 アートアニメーションが脚光を浴びている今だからこそ再評価されるべき作品でしょう。
Living with her snobby family on the brink of bankruptcy, Anne Elliot is an unconforming woman with modern sensibilities. When Frederick Wentworth - the dashing one she once sent away - crashes back into her life, Anne must choose between putting the past behind her or listening to her heart when it comes to second chances.
Powerful, uncompromising drama about two boys' struggle for survival in the nightmare world of Britain's notorious Borstal Reformatory. [This is the feature film version Alan Clarke made after the BBC banned the original before its scheduled TV broadcast (see Scum (1977)].
Orpheus is a rock star who composes love songs for Eurydice, who designs his album covers. As he wrestles with his additional love for Calaïs, his sound engineer, Orpheus finds that Eurydice had died of a drug overdose, so he descends into the Underworld to try and make a deal with Hades.
パラサイト 半地下の家族
過去に度々事業に失敗、計画性も仕事もないが楽天的な父キム・ギテク。そんな甲斐性なしの夫に強くあたる母チュンスク。大学受験に落ち続け、若さも能力も持て余している息子ギウ。美大を目指すが上手くいかず、予備校に通うお金もない娘ギジョンは、“ 半地下住宅”で 暮らす貧しい4人家族だ。“半地下”の家は、暮らしにくい。窓を開ければ、路上で散布される消毒剤が入ってくる。電波が悪い。Wi-Fiも弱い。水圧が低いからトイレが家の一番高い位置に鎮座している。家族全員、ただただ“普通の暮らし”がしたい。受験経験は豊富だが学歴のないギウは、ある時、エリート大学生の友人から留学中の代打を頼まれる。ギウが向かった先は、IT企業の社長パク・ドンイク一家が暮らす高台の大豪邸だった。
「アベンジャーズ」シリーズをはじめとしたマーベル・シネマティック・ユニバース(MCU)の各作品で活躍した、スカーレット・ヨハンソン演じるブラック・ウィドウが単独で主役を務めた作品で、孤高の暗殺者だったブラック・ウィドウがなぜアベンジャーズになったのか、知られざる物語が明らかにされる。物語の時代設定は「シビル・ウォー キャプテン・アメリカ」と「アベンジャーズ インフィニティ・ウォー」の間で、ブラック・ウィドウがアベンジャーズから離れていた時期に起こった出来事を描く。ブラック・ウィドウの前に突如現れた、“妹”エレーナ。姉妹は、自分たちを暗殺者に育てたスパイ組織「レッドルーム」の秘密を知ったことで命を狙われる。唯一の味方は、かつて組織が作り出した“偽りの家族”だけだった。しかし、その家族の再会によってレッドルームの恐るべき陰謀が動き出す。エレーナ役は「ストーリー・オブ・マイライフ わたしの若草物語」でアカデミー助演女優賞にノミネートされたフローレンス・ピュー。監督は、「ベルリン・シンドローム」のケイト・ショートランド。2021年7月8日から劇場公開され、7月9日からDisney+でも配信(追加料金が必要なプレミアアクセスで公開)。
ラスト サムライ
THE BATMAN-ザ・バットマン-
タイラー・レイク -命の奪還-