
哀しみのベラドンナ (1973)

愛にさすらう魂... 涙という樹液を流して咲く花ベラドンナーー

ジャンル : アニメーション, ドラマ, ファンタジー

上映時間 : 1時間 26分

演出 : Eiichi Yamamoto


中世フランスのとある村。ジャンとジャンヌの婚礼の日、領主は貢ぎ物の代わりにジャンヌを犯し、家来達に輪姦させた。村は飢饉だったが、悪魔の力を得たジャンヌは紡いだ糸を売って生計を立て、税金を取り立てる役人になる事ができた。だが、戦争の資金が調達できなかったジャンは左手首を切り落とされ、悪魔つきとして村人に追われる事に。ジャンにも見放されたジャンヌは、身も心も悪魔に委ねて、魔女となった。黒死病が村を襲い、人々は倒れていった。ジャンヌは毒草ベラドンナを使い、人々の病を治すのだが……。 『千夜一夜物語』『クレオパトラ』に続く大人のためのアニメーションの第3作ですが、スケールの大きな歴史絵巻であった前2作とは、ドラマも映像の作りも大きく異なっており、キャッチフレーズも「アニメラマ」から「アニメロマネスク」に変更さています。中世フランスの農村を舞台に、より強烈なエロティシズムと沈痛なリリシズムで、愛する夫のために悪魔に肉体を売った女性、ジャンヌの哀しき物語を描いています。中でも映画の中盤、ジャンヌが悪魔に身と心を委ねた後の、イメージが洪水のように溢れかえるシークエンスは圧巻。 原作は歴史学者ジュール・ミシュレの「魔女」。監督は「千夜一夜物語」「クレオパトラ」でも手塚治虫と組んだ虫プロの主力演出家、山本暎一。作画監督は、前2作も担当した才人、杉井ギサブロー。また挿絵画家の深井国をフューチャーしたイラストレーションは圧巻。セル画テイストを極力排し、静止画の多様、あるいはイラストを動かすといった実験的な手法から、かつてない実験色のアニメーションに仕上がっています。山本監督の情熱と才能が炸裂したフィルムであり、「作家集団」虫プロダクションの集大成です。 アートアニメーションが脚光を浴びている今だからこそ再評価されるべき作品でしょう。


Aiko Nagayama
Aiko Nagayama
Jeanne / Belladonna (voice)
Tatsuya Nakadai
Tatsuya Nakadai
The Devil (voice)
Takao Ito
Takao Ito
Jean (voice)
Masaya Takahashi
Masaya Takahashi
The Lord (voice)
Shigako Shimegi
Shigako Shimegi
The Lord's Mistress (voice)
Natsuka Yashiro
Natsuka Yashiro
The Witch (voice)
Masakane Yonekura
Masakane Yonekura
The Priest (voice)


Eiichi Yamamoto
Eiichi Yamamoto
Jules Michelet
Jules Michelet
Osamu Tezuka
Osamu Tezuka
Yoshiyuki Fukuda
Yoshiyuki Fukuda
Eiichi Yamamoto
Eiichi Yamamoto
Masahiko Satoh
Masahiko Satoh
Atsumi Tashiro
Atsumi Tashiro
Sound Director
Mitsuru Kashiwabara
Mitsuru Kashiwabara
Sound Effects
Masashi Furukawa
Masashi Furukawa
Kuni Fukai
Kuni Fukai
Art Direction
Hayao Nobe
Hayao Nobe
Key Animation
Shigeru Yamazaki
Shigeru Yamazaki
Kuni Fukai
Kuni Fukai
Production Design
Tadakatsu Yoshida
Tadakatsu Yoshida
Key Animation
Chikao Katsui
Chikao Katsui
Key Animation
Hirochika Mitsunobu
Hirochika Mitsunobu
Key Animation
Osamu Dezaki
Osamu Dezaki
Key Animation
Shin'ichi Tsuji
Shin'ichi Tsuji
Key Animation
Shirou Murata
Shirou Murata
Key Animation
Shuichi Seki
Shuichi Seki
Key Animation
Tsuneo Maeda
Tsuneo Maeda
Key Animation
Yukiyoshi Hane
Yukiyoshi Hane
Key Animation
Gisaburō Sugii
Gisaburō Sugii
Animation Director
Kiyomu Fukuda
Kiyomu Fukuda
Key Animation




A Level
After getting through the O/L Examination with outstanding results, Anuththara with his friends eagerly look forward to experience their final years in school as seniors in the A/L class. They befriend Ahinsa and the other new girls who join their school. Ahinsa draws everyone’s attention for her smartness as well as her cheerful yet mysterious behaviour. Her irregular school attendance and the rumours circulating about her, make the others suspect that there’s a hidden story behind her cheerfulness.
結婚17年目にして破局が訪れた夫婦。夫に我慢できずに離婚しようとする妻と、それを拒否し妻へいやがらせをする夫の闘いの行方は!? 離婚戦争をコミカル&ハイ・テンションに描いたブラック・コメディ。
A tragedy that tells the story of a romance between an "Afrikaaner" (An Afrikaans speaking South African) on the run for murder and a a recently widowed farm owner who has to build up her farm in the Koi San area. Interjected with the tale is the love story of a San Bushman boy and girl.
The Last Night
A young couple's last hours together before a trip that will separate them for a long time.
The tragic love story of two passionate teenagers, Emma and Rick. Featuring “Bleachless”, composed and performed by Elizabeth Grace.
Eternal Spring
In March 2002, a state TV signal in China gets hacked by members of the banned spiritual group Falun Gong. Their goal is to counter the government narrative about their practice. In the aftermath, police raids sweep Changchun City, and comic book illustrator Daxiong (Justice League, Star Wars), a Falun Gong practitioner, is forced to flee. He arrives in North America, blaming the hijacking for worsening an already violent repression. But his views are challenged when he meets the lone surviving participant to have escaped China, now living in Seoul, South Korea.
Every Waking Moment
Inspired by the true story of Benjamin Britten and Peter Pears, 'Every Waking Moment' is a snapshot in the lives of two musicians, a composer and a tenor, who must hide their forbidden love away from the eyes of the public.
A police detective falls in love with the woman whose murder he's investigating.
Black Cloaks
The great fadista, Amelia Rodrigues, made her screen debut in Capas Negras, which took its name from the black capes worn by the students in the university city of Coimbra, where the film is set. The action begins in a tavern where a group of former students are reminiscing about their time at the university. One of the students, Jose Duarte then breaks into song, performing an impromptu fado in the local Coimbra style. The tavern owner's niece, the aptly named Maria Lisboa promptly retaliates with a fado of the Lisbon variety. The melodramatic plot then centers on the frustrated romance between these two characters, and the soundtrack is essentially a musical duel between these two different styles of Portugal's national song.
ハリウッド最高峰のスタッフが坂口博信監督のもとに集結して完成させた、史上空前のフルCG作品。 西暦2065年の地球。かつて隕石とともに現れた謎の侵略者ファントムの襲来を受け、人類に未曾有の危機が訪れていた。どんな物質も透過して進み、あらゆる武器が効かず、触れただけで命を奪う無敵の存在達に、残った人類はバリアシティに暮らしながら、生命力を兵器に転用し、わずかな抵抗を続けていた。 そんな中、老科学者のシドと女性科学者アキはファントムを無力化させる融和波動を発見、これをもつ8つの生命体を探して人類を救おうとしていた。一方で政府は最終兵器を用い、ファントムの本拠、隕石を叩いて一気に戦争を終結させ地球を守ろうと計画を進めていた。やがて知る驚くべきファントムの正体と生命波動の関係。果たして地球の運命は……。
At 2:37, someone commits suicide in the school lavatory. The day is told up to that point from the viewpoint of six different students.
The Divine Woman
[For 9 minute surviving fragment] Lucian, a soldier in Paris, is to ship out for Algiers at 9 that evening. He stops by for a last meal with his love, Marianne. He may be worried that when he leaves she will find another soldier to love. They argue then embrace and, when the clock strikes midnight, he is still in her arms. Is desertion in the cards? Can the relationship survive the military demands and a soldier's obligations? A lost film.
Chopin: La Dame Aux Camélias
Ballet in a prologue and three acts based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas fils; music by Chopin. The passionate tale of Marguerite Gautier and Armand Duval unfolds ingeniously through a drama-within-a-drama as they meet at the theatre during a performance of Manon Lescaut. So begin their romantic adventures in Paris, brought to life by Neumeier’s intense and refined choreographic language. Chopin’s ravishing music highlights this exceptional neo-classical ballet, featuring the star dancers of the Paris Opéra Ballet. This lavish production, filmed live at the Palais Garnier in High Definition and full surround sound, is all about love, passion, danger and glorious dancing from one of the best ballet companies in the world. John Neumeier has created a ballet in which emotions go crescendo … Agnes Letestu, the great dramatic heroine, triumphs in this ballet danced to music by Chopin.
Buñuel in the Labyrinth of the Turtles
Paris, 1930. Luis Buñuel is penniless after the scandal surrounding the release of his last movie. Sculptor Ramón Acín, a good friend, buys a lottery ticket and promises Buñuel that he will pay for his next movie if he wins the prize.
Here and There
One summer evening in a small town in France, two teenage boys, Clarinet and Piano, say goodbye. For twelve years, they rejoin each other at irregular intervals in the same town, discussing their ambitions as they drift apart. Michaël Dacheux's 'Here and There' is a delicate exploration of the eager aspirations of two young men, wise beyond their years yet still innocent in their experience.
A lottery win of $5,000 forever changes the lives of a miner turned dentist and his wife.


「リング」の貞子と「呪怨」の伽椰子というJホラーを代表する恐怖の2大キャラクターの共演が実現した作品。「戦慄怪奇ファイル コワすぎ!」シリーズや「ノロイ」「オカルト」などホラー作品を多数手がける白石晃士監督がメガホンをとり、山本美月が主演、玉城ティナ、安藤政信らが共演する。その映像を見ると貞子から電話がかかってきて2日後に必ず死んでしまうという「呪いの動画」を見てしまった女子大生の有里。そして、入ったら行方不明になるという「呪いの家」に足を踏み入れてしまった女子高生の鈴香。共に呪いをかけられた2人を救うために立ち上がった霊媒師の経蔵は、貞子と伽椰子を戦わせるという秘策に打って出る。
A City of Sadness
The story of a family embroiled in the "White Terror", mainland China's political repression that was wrought on the Taiwanese people by the Kuomintang government in the late 1940s.
state. is an exploration of liminal spaces, physical and emotional, from the perspective of a teenager. Unravelling through a desktop screen, the film navigates between different states: physical and digital, reality and whimsicality, and childhood and adulthood.
Sad Hill Unearthed
Film fans work to restore the set of the climatic graveyard scene from the iconic spaghetti western “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly,” directed by Sergio Leone in 1966.
The Search
The young architect Severin Sereda receives a telegram with a message about his father’s serious illness. But he does not intend to go. Zhenya, his beloved girl, is outraged by such callousness, however, Severin explains that he gave the word to his deceased mother to never see his father who left her. Nevertheless, Zhenya manages to persuade Severin. He goes, but he doesn’t catch his father alive ...
Soon after newlyweds Olga and Michel set foot on the grounds of a notorious women's prison, they're arrested by topless guards and ushered behind bars where the warden quickly dismisses Michel but demands that Olga do a little time.
Set in the mid sixties and shot with more black than white, ‘SAD?’ is a dark ten minute film that explores the time that we spend alone watching television, and the good and sad effects it can have on you. The film has a timeless, forgotten feel about it, a study of a world and time detached from the norm, a life filled with both laughter and loneliness, escapism and escapees...
Modern dance is an evocative narrative tool in Georgia Parris' debut, which investigates a young woman's identity and the complex relationship she has with her mother and sister.
Howlings in Favour of De Sade
Debord directed his first film, "Hurlements en faveur de Sade" in 1952 with the voices of Michele Bernstein and Gil Holman. The film has no actual images; instead, it shows bright white when there is speaking and black when there is not. Long silences separate speaking parts. The film ends with 24 minutes of black silence.
Based on real-life events, this erotic thriller tells the sad and sadistic tale of a Japanese geisha whose behavior spiraled out of control.
Madame de Sade
A theatre production of Yukio Mishima's play, filmed for Swedish television. It begins in France in 1772. Six Women, one of them Madame de Sade, discuss their views and feelings of the notorious sadist and sodomist Marquis de Sade.
Tall in the Saddle
When Rocklin arrives in a western town he finds that the rancher who hired him as a foreman has been murdered. He is out to solve the murder and thwart the scheming to take the ranch from its rightful owner.
Sade: Bring Me Home - Live 2011
Recorded on Sade’s first tour in a decade, Bring Me Home: Live 2011 features 22 classic hits in concert, from “Smooth Operator” to “By Your Side,” as well as tunes from the band’s best-selling 2010 album Soldier of Love.
Bunka Ichijo is a graduate student with an IQ of 200 who tries to investigate the strange deaths happening nationwide after people supposedly watched a cursed video and her younger sister also did the same out of curiosity.
Sadece Sen
The passionate love between a former boxer and a beautiful blind woman.
Goodbye Stranger
An all-too-ambitious playlist curator at a major music streaming company finds himself on a soul-searching summer day’s odyssey across his adopted Amsterdam.
Ambivalence of the word State is used as an art concept and media performance. The change of state suggests the melting of ice in time and space. The symbolic value of dice, colors and the interpretations of the word 'state' (as in 'national state') relates to the changes and consequences it has in our society and in our time.
ジャッキー・チェン カンフーマスター