Takao Ito
出生 : 1937-01-31, Iwate Prefecture, Japan
Present Day Toshihiko
Kunio Ohno
Sakai Nobunari an Elder in 'Honmaru' (or the main enclosure) and Mizuno Tadakuni an Elder in 'Nishinomaru' (or the south-east enclosure) have been at odds behind the scenes over the marriage of Tokugawa Ieyoshi, heir to the Shogunate. Kyoshiro, who has come back in Edo after 3 years is involved in it against his will. It's because he gets to know Lady Mihoyo who is a spy for Sakai and looks exactly like his late mother. As she couldn't complete her mission she has nowhere to go. Kyoshiro shelters her from both parties that seek her life. The original story is from "Nemuri Kyoshiro Burai Hikae" written by Shibata Renzaburo. Not only is one of Japan's greatest legends kept alive, but some secrets of Kyoshiro's past are finally revealed for the first time.
Tetsuro Kataoka
「砂の器」の名コンビである松本清張(原作・脚色)と野村芳太郎監督のコンビによる、推理サスペンス・ドラマ。桃井かおりと岩下志麻を主役に迎え、自動車事故で死亡した富山の財閥と、その夫人に着せられた保険金殺人の疑惑を辣腕女弁護士が解明してみせる。富豪の後妻に桃井かおりが扮し、その独特のエロキューションや、悪女と呼ばれる女のふてぶてしさ、可愛らしさを見事に表現。対する女弁護士には岩下志麻が扮し、終始毅然とした“理性の女”ぶりを発揮。そのクールな表情は、時としてホラー映画さながらの冷徹さを見せるほど。 この“理と情”のシンボルとも言えるふたりの女を、野村監督の演出は見事な対比で描いて見せ、事件の概要をも彼女らの言動を通して観客がすんなり理解出来るあたりの手腕はさすが。また桃井の後妻は過去に関する描写にウエイトを置いている一方、岩下の弁護士は離婚歴があり、夫側にいる娘とのやりとりを通してしか、「なぜ、彼女がそういう女になったか?」について言及していない、この描きわけが面白い。観客としては当然、桃井の悪女のほうに感情移入しがちなのだが、その彼女の窮状を救うのが、岩下の冷静な判断力と推理であるあたりの皮肉とカタルシスが、爽快な後味を与えている。ただし判決確定後、ふたりの女が交わす本音のやりとりは、両女優の演技合戦という意味も含めて、世の男性諸氏を恐怖のどん底にたたき落とすほどの壮絶さ。ご注意を。
The president of the Japanese National Railways is found dead during a period in which train service is plagued by numerous layoffs, strikes and shutdowns. The government says that the president was murdered; the police claim it was a suicide. A quizzical reporter follows the case for years, but the basic question remains unanswered: was the victim killed by members of the burgeoning Communist movement in Japan, or was the death stage-managed by the authorities in hopes of discrediting the Communists?
When a broadcasting company takes away its financial support from a symphony orchestra, some of the members refuse to admit defeat. The first violinist returns to his home and manages to get the orchestra back together for a grandiose performance, saved at the last minute by their original conductor -- and boding well for the future of the die-hard musicians.
Sen Rikyu is a ceremonial tea master who advises warlord Hideyoshi in sixteenth-century feudal Japan. His daughter, the beautiful Lady Ogin, has an unrequited love for Lord Ukon, who has angered Hideyoshi by becoming a Christian convert. Ogin's father Rikyu also displeases Hideyoshi by opposing the warlord's plan to invade China and Korea. When the animalistic Hideyoshi is rejected by Ogin, he threatens her and her father with arrest and worse.
Jean (voice)
中世フランスのとある村。ジャンとジャンヌの婚礼の日、領主は貢ぎ物の代わりにジャンヌを犯し、家来達に輪姦させた。村は飢饉だったが、悪魔の力を得たジャンヌは紡いだ糸を売って生計を立て、税金を取り立てる役人になる事ができた。だが、戦争の資金が調達できなかったジャンは左手首を切り落とされ、悪魔つきとして村人に追われる事に。ジャンにも見放されたジャンヌは、身も心も悪魔に委ねて、魔女となった。黒死病が村を襲い、人々は倒れていった。ジャンヌは毒草ベラドンナを使い、人々の病を治すのだが……。 『千夜一夜物語』『クレオパトラ』に続く大人のためのアニメーションの第3作ですが、スケールの大きな歴史絵巻であった前2作とは、ドラマも映像の作りも大きく異なっており、キャッチフレーズも「アニメラマ」から「アニメロマネスク」に変更さています。中世フランスの農村を舞台に、より強烈なエロティシズムと沈痛なリリシズムで、愛する夫のために悪魔に肉体を売った女性、ジャンヌの哀しき物語を描いています。中でも映画の中盤、ジャンヌが悪魔に身と心を委ねた後の、イメージが洪水のように溢れかえるシークエンスは圧巻。 原作は歴史学者ジュール・ミシュレの「魔女」。監督は「千夜一夜物語」「クレオパトラ」でも手塚治虫と組んだ虫プロの主力演出家、山本暎一。作画監督は、前2作も担当した才人、杉井ギサブロー。また挿絵画家の深井国をフューチャーしたイラストレーションは圧巻。セル画テイストを極力排し、静止画の多様、あるいはイラストを動かすといった実験的な手法から、かつてない実験色のアニメーションに仕上がっています。山本監督の情熱と才能が炸裂したフィルムであり、「作家集団」虫プロダクションの集大成です。 アートアニメーションが脚光を浴びている今だからこそ再評価されるべき作品でしょう。
The struggle of a young man and boys who try to create the environment where they can speak their minds freely.
Keisuke Godai, head of the upstart Godai family conglomerate, plans to strengthen ties with the hardliners in the Kwantung Army as they plan military expansion into Manchuria.
Japanese crime movie.
Michi's first encounter with Nobuyuki Ishida, secretary to the chairman of a private school, takes place in the drawing room, when she attempts to swindle him out of two million yen for alleged rape by his son. Akie (Kyoko Kishida), Ishida's wife and the chairman's daughter, offers her a million, but he gives her what she demands. Now Michi is not only satisfied, but she has a mad desire for Ishida and calls him every day asking for a date. His sympathy for her gradually evolves into love, and he soon allows her insatiable passion to strip him of his decency.
A ronin desperately seeks a way out of financial straits; he allies with the Tosa clan under the ruthless leader Takechi, who quickly takes advantage.
Fifth film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
Ex-jazz pianist turned promoter finds he is successful, but empty. When an entrepreneur sends him to Moscow with a jazz combo, he falls in with the dissident youth of the city, and again finds life empty.
After a random encounter at a bar, two couples collide. Two men, two women, embroiled in a love-and-hate drama that threatens to engulf them. The sexual anxiety between the interwoven couples tautens right up to the nearly unbearable tension of the climax...
From a novel by Mishima Yukio
An original warrior directed by Toshio Takagi, directed by Eisuke Takizawa of “Kiriko's Tango” by Toshio Yasumi, a comedy, cheerful widow. The photo was taken by Minoru Yokoyama from “Asakusa no Toko Odoriko Monogatari”
Heijiro Yokota
The intense selfishness of a man brings him fame and fortune but not happiness.
A detective sets out on a manhunt to catch a murderer before the crime's statue of limitations runs out.
Kengo Hidaka
Asada Keiko and Kurokawa Saburo are two young college students. When Keiko visits Saburo's house, she meets his father Kokichi and his mother Motoko. Motoko is a famous hair dresser, who openly flaunts her lover. When Kokichi and Motoko fight, which they do a lot, he routinely threatens to leave but never quite does. A relationship develops between Saburo and Keiko, but Saburo is shaken when his mother tells Keiko the truth about Saburo's past and the secret of his birth.
Ikuo Kawashima
After witnessing a murder, a married woman and a student agree not to meet and see each other out of fear of exposing their affair.