
この子を残して (1983)

My children, and all the people in the future– may they never face that terrible tragedy again!

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 2時間 6分

演出 : Keisuke Kinoshita


August 9, 1945. An atomic bomb drops on Urakami, Nagasaki at 11:02am. The story of Dr. Nagai and his family.


Gō Katō
Gō Katō
Yukiyo Toake
Yukiyo Toake
Chikage Awashima
Chikage Awashima
Megumi Asaoka
Megumi Asaoka
Takeshi Katō
Takeshi Katō
Ai Kanzaki
Ai Kanzaki
Shinobu Otake
Shinobu Otake


Keisuke Kinoshita
Keisuke Kinoshita
Keisuke Kinoshita
Keisuke Kinoshita
Keisuke Kinoshita
Keisuke Kinoshita
Original Story
Taichi Yamada
Taichi Yamada
Kôzô Okazaki
Kôzô Okazaki
Director of Photography
Chūji Kinoshita
Chūji Kinoshita
Original Music Composer


Children of Nagasaki
August 9, 1945. An atomic bomb drops on Urakami, Nagasaki at 11:02am. The story of Dr. Nagai and his family.
The Day They Dropped The Bomb
On August 6 1945, one plane dropped one bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. In an instant, the city was destroyed and 80,000 people were dead. But the dropping of the Atomic bomb also launched the Nuclear age, shaping all of our lives and changing the world for ever. For this film we have tracked down people who made the bomb, people who dropped the bomb, and people who were in Hiroshima – some less than half a mile from ground zero -when the bomb fell on their city. Many of the witnesses are in their 90s and this will be the last time they will be able to tell their extraordinary stories. The Day They Dropped The Bomb is told through witness recollections, rare archive film and photographs shot at the time. The documentary will be broadcast for the 70th anniversary of Hiroshima next year by ITV and in America by the Smithsonian Channel.
Twice: The Extraordinary Life of Tsutomu Yamaguchi
Tsutomu Yamaguchi is a hibakusha. A survivor of both atomic bomb blasts in 1945. First at Hiroshima, then again at Nagasaki. Now nearing 90, Yamaguchi finally speaks out. Breaking taboos of shame and sorrow, he responds to a call to fight for a world without nuclear weapons by telling his story, so that no one else will ever have to tell one like it again. Twice reconstructs Yamaguchi’s experiences in 1945 Japan, interviews him on the after-effects of exposure and documents the last five years of the late-blooming activist’s life.
A Doctor's Sword
An Irish doctor survived the atomic bomb attack on Nagasaki and was given a Samurai sword for the lives he saved. 70 years later his family searches for the origin of their father's sword.
Matouqin Nocturne
A baby, John, who was abandoned in the church with a horse-headed koto on his side. His grandfather was once a Morin Khuur player and died in the atomic bombing of Nagasaki. The brilliantly colored images have an avant-garde charm while hiding the sadness of the war, and will grab the viewer's heart.
A short documentary that tells the story of the causes and effects of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Utilizing audio recreations and rare photographs and videos, including the use of U.S. Military training reels to visually display the bombing of Hiroshima, this story is told like you have never seen it before.
Searching for the Standing Boy of Nagasaki
October 1945. A young Japanese boy in the devastated city of Nagasaki, two months after the atomic bomb, carries on his back the lifeless body of his younger brother. An American military photographer, Joe O'Donnell, took a picture of the boy standing stoically near a cremation pit. No one knows the subject's name, but the photo has become an iconic image of the human tragedy of nuclear war. This documentary follows the continuing efforts to deepen understanding of the photograph, while exploring the fate of thousands of atomic-bomb orphans and their struggles to survive the aftermath of World War II.
Aldo Giannini:  Pacific Theater
The story of WWII U.S. Marine veteran Aldo Giannini who fought in the infamous Battle of Tarawa. Enduring a shrapnel injury and witnessing a staggering 3,250 U.S. casualties, Aldo reflects on a battle which gained the U.S. very little in the war.
Last Room
北ドイツ、カリガリ博士は眠り男ツェザーレの予言を看板にした見世物をカーニバルに出している。友人アランを連れ、その小屋を覗いたフランシス。友人は調子にのって自分がいつまで生きられるかを眠り男に尋ねるが、答えは“ 明日の朝まで!”。本当に彼は翌日には殺されており、フランシスは疑惑究明に乗り出すが……。
ゴッドファーザー PART II
ゴッドファーザー PART III
結婚17年目にして破局が訪れた夫婦。夫に我慢できずに離婚しようとする妻と、それを拒否し妻へいやがらせをする夫の闘いの行方は!? 離婚戦争をコミカル&ハイ・テンションに描いたブラック・コメディ。
温厚誠実な銀行員サム・ウィート(パトリック・スウェイジ)は、陶芸家として成功しつつある最愛の恋人モリー・ジェンセン(デミ・ムーア)と幸せな時間を過ごし、同僚の友人カール・ブルーナー(トニー・ゴールドウィン)とも良好な関係を維持しながら順調に仕事をこなし、平穏な日々を送っていた。 ある日、サムは勤め先の銀行で、コンピュータ内の口座データに異変があるのを発見した。カールが手伝おうとしたが、サムは断り残業して調べる…。 後日、サムとモリーが「マクベス」を観劇しての帰り道、モリーがサムに自分の心を打ち明けた。「貴方と結婚したい」。今まで、彼女が避けていた問題だったのでサムは驚く。悩むサムに、モリーはなぜ「愛してる」と言葉にしてくれないのかと問い詰める。「愛してる……」とモリーが言うと、サムは必ず「Ditto(同じく)」と答えていた。 しかしそのとき、暗がりから一人の暴漢がサムを襲った。そしてサムと暴漢は揉み合いになり、暴漢が持っていた拳銃が発砲された。そして暴漢は逃げ、それを追いかけるも取り逃がしたサムが諦めて戻ると、モリーが血だらけの自分を抱いていた。サムは死んでゴーストになってしまったのだ。