(archive footage)
A narrative feature made from a collage of clips from various films around the world.
Self - Actor
"You will die six hours later." Keishi, a youth who proclaims himself a seer, suddenly says this to Mio, who is walking along the streets of Shibuya. At first, Mio scoffs at it as nonsense but ever since her acquaintance was murdered a few days ago, she realises that she has also become a victim of a stalker. Half believing it, she decides to hang around with Keishi. Later, with the help of Sawaki, a detective she knows, the stalker is identified. She thinks the case is closed but a totally unexpected person attacks her...
一之助がついに社長を勇退、会長に就任する。社員を集めた就任式の演説で言葉に詰まる。感無量となった伝助は、ついに皆の前で社長に向かって「スーさん!」と叫んでしまう。 ところが会長就任早々、一之助は謎の失踪をしてしまう。心配した妻の久江(奈良岡朋子)は、伝助に捜索を依頼する。わずかな手がかりをもとに岡山県に向かう伝助。美しい海を望む寺で、温子(星由里子)とその娘・珠恵(檀れい)の世話になっていた一之助と再会するが、この町では大きな問題となっているリゾート開発のゼネコンが鈴木建設と知って・・・
Koichi's father
Mortality and death seen through the eyes of a lonely student who has an morbid and albeit naive fascination with death. His teacher, Koichi is also grappling with the issue of mortality as he deals with the impending death of his ailing father, who has decided to spend his final days in the family home. As the story progresses, Koichi finds unexpected solace from his grief by letting his troubled student visit and meet with his father in the hopes that he will understand the meaning of life and death.
Documentary made by Toho for the Masterworks reissue of all of its Kurosawa films. This one focuses on "The Bad Sleep Well" (1960).
Documentary made by Toho for the Masterworks reissue of all of its Kurosawa films. This one focuses on "High and Low" (1963).
Documentary made by Toho for the Masterworks reissue of all of its Kurosawa films. This one focuses on "The Lower Depths" (1957).
Documentary made by Toho for the Masterworks reissue of all of its Kurosawa films. This one focuses on "The Hidden Fortress" (1958).
Zombie Cat (Voice)
Tamala is a cat living on Planet Cat Earth in the Feline Galaxy. In attempt to leave the Feline Galaxy, which is practically owned by a mega corporation called Catty & Co., she crashes on the violence-ridden Planet Q where she meets Michelangelo. Together they have fun, while Tamala seaches for her connections to Catty & Co. and her mysterious homeworld Orion
Managing Director Akiyama
Various individuals named Ichiro undergo life-changing events while being inspired by the baseball player Ichiro. A heartwarming movie about the people who root for the baseball player Ichiro, and their struggles to make their own dreams come true.
Takashi Kanzaki
Meet NIPPORI Ayumu, an 80 year-old man, who, due to a serious heart condition, has spent sixty years of his life confined to his house. One morning, he wakes up believing himself to be twenty again. In his mind, he has become the youthful young man that he once was. However, reality fails to keep up with his illusion, and everything around him seems to be quite different from what he is used to. So, he decides that he is simply dreaming. As his reality becomes his dream, his unhappy world turns into a life enriched with happiness and expectations for the future. Ayumu is now enjoying his life to the full again.
Set in the late 1950s, when geisha culture was threatened by moral crusades, it tells the story of Omacha (Miyamoto Maki), a young girl who sees the geisha life as a way to lift her poverty-stricken family from their hand-to-mouth existence. Through her eyes, we see the protocols and complex financial relationships which dictate the running of the geisha house. Fukasaku's film is a work of great delicacy with moments of hypnotic beauty, and his tender direction, often touched with a sense of wonder, fills the screen with lovingly constructed scenes. At its heart is the poignant situation of the women who must sacrifice their normal relationships to live an ambiguous life in which they are a key part of society while being kept, for the most part, on its periphery, like perpetual mistresses.
ときは江戸時代、ところは花のお江戸。呑気に釣りを楽しむ浪人・浜崎伝助が、ひょんなことから大店のご隠居と意気投合。釣りの指南をすることに。そのご隠居こそ、庄内藩江戸屋敷家老・鈴木一之助だった。 そうとも知らず伝助は、庄内藩に仕官が叶って、兄想いの妹・美津(酒井法子)や長屋のご隠居・甚兵衛(谷啓)は大喜び。ところが、やる事成す事マイペースな伝助に、上役たちは呆れ顔。ある日、伝助は、奥女中・小浪(黒木瞳)にひと目惚れしてしまう。
重役陣に嫌気が差した一之助が、なんと鈴木建設を退社、社長を辞めてしまう。ようやく念願の釣り三昧と洒落込むが、なぜか空しい。「仕事をすべき」という、伝助の薦めで、資格を生かしボイラーマンとして再就職を果たすが、派遣先はなんと鈴木建設本社! マスクで顔を隠し、仕事をする一之助を面白がる伝助。はたして一之助の運命やいかに?
一之助の亡き親友の娘で外科医の和美(室井滋)によって、大腸がん検診を受けた一之助は、その御礼に和美を釣りに誘う。伝助の釣りの弟子で変わり者の学者・省平(柄本明)とともに、福島県いわき市で釣りを楽しむ四人。省平は和美に一目惚れ。和美もまた省平に心惹かれる。変わり者同士で意気投合、ついにゴールインをすることに。 二人の想い出のいわき市で行われた結婚式に出席した伝助と一之助は、待望の渓流釣りに出かけるが、折しも悪天候となり、山中で遭難してしまう!
岩手県釜石市で、一之助の市民大学の講演会にかこつけ釣りを楽しんだ“釣りバカ”コンビ。運転免許のない伝助の替わりに、車の運転をした一之助が、市の役員に運転手と間違えられ、伝助を社長に仕立てる。伝助は鈴木建設社長として講演会でワルノリ・スピーチをしてしまう。 一方、釜石の旅館の仲居・澄子(久野綾希子)の優しさにふれた一之助。そのまま運転手と偽って、遠野に渓流釣りデートと洒落込むが・・・
Yasuhiro Kokubu
A blind female assassin lives alone in a remote house; her superiors occasionally send her "clients" / targets that she shoots right after having sex with them in her completely darkened bedroom.
浜崎家に誕生した、待望の赤ちゃん・鯉太郎(上野友)の顔を見るため、伝助の母・たき(乙羽信子)が九州から上京。たまたま居合わせた一之助と、鯉太郎のオムツのことで大げんか。 ある日、みち子さんが同窓会に行くため、たきに鯉太郎を預けるが、生憎ギックリ腰となり、仕方なく伝助は息子を会社に連れてゆく。ところが、仕事中、好奇心旺盛な鯉太郎が鈴木建設本社で行方不明になってしまう・・・。
TV movie based on the novel "The Tale of Genji" by Murasaki Shikibu, which tells about the life of Prince Hikaru Genji, who was nicknamed "Shining" by people for his dazzling noble beauty. In 1991, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of TBS' founding, it was released with a total production value of around 1.2 billion yen and aired in two parts.
念願かなって、めでたく懐妊したみち子さん。定期検診につきそい出産に立ち合う伝助は、例によって仕事は二の次。また、伝助と一之助の良き仲間である太田丸の船長・太田八郎(中本賢)は、しっかり者の妹・町子(佐野量子)と幸せな日々を過ごしている。 ところが、鈴木建設営業三課に勤める一之助の甥・和彦(尾美としのり)は、仕事よりも趣味に生きる自由人の伝助に憧れ、浜崎家に出入りするうちに、町子と交際を始める。しかし、それが面白くない八郎は和彦と大ゲンカ。理解のない兄貴に反発した町子と和彦は、ついに駆け落ちしてしまうが・・・
The early days of the Tokugawa shogunate are brought to light in this exciting historical tale of broken vows and violent swordplay. In an ambush reminiscent of Miike’s 13 Assassins, although pre-dating that incident by 160 years, the heir to the shogun’s seat is brutally cut down by those who hope to install the emperor’s 5th son as military leader of the nation.
Assistant Inspector Senba
Based on the comic book by Tatsuo Kanai
Kohei Kashi
国際連盟を脱退し国際的に孤立していた日本は、国内でも政治不安、恐慌や経済不況が蔓延し国民の不満が高まっていた。 こうした状況を憂い憤っていた一部の帝国陸軍青年将校達はひそかに企てていた現政権を取り巻く元老、重臣を粛清し天皇陛下中心の国政を実現すべく昭和維新を実現すべく昭和8年2月21日ついにそれぞれの部隊を巻き込んで決起するが、国民を正義に導くはずの彼らの行動は次第にその思惑とはかけ離れた方向に陥っていく。
Chiaki Onoda a young assisstant sound mixer is unhappy with his job, but otherwise he is enjoying life. He loves his cat, his friends, hunting for girls and breakdancing in discos. A funeral forces him to return home and meet his familiy, which (espicially his father) disapprove of his lifestyle.
Takeshi Suzuka
Odin centers around the novice crew of the laser sailing space schooner Starlight as they embark on an historic interstellar test flight. They are intercepted by what seems to be a wrecked spaceship only to find that it contains a lone survivor; a young woman named Sara Cyanbaker. Unknown to the crew at this time, a mechanized space fleet approaches Earth and a scout vessel from that fleet was responsible for the destruction of Sara's ship.
Yumechiyo, a geisha house madam recently diagnosed with a terminal illness, yearns to do something constructive with the little time she has left. Through her responsibility lies in taking care of her girls, she finds purpose in providing a man innocent of a false murder charge and in the process discovers love for the first time in his arms.
Koyota Hatakeyama
Kyusu Im
A film about the substantial population of Koreans living in Japan, and the love affair between Kayako, a Japanese girl, and Im, a Korean.
The melodramatic story of a pink crew’s tragi-comedic adventures on location. A fictionalized adaptation of set photographer Ichiro Tsuda's 1980 book The Location (Za Rokēshon), an illustrated 229-page document about the cameraman’s experiences with pink cast and crew on the sets of several films produced in the late 1970's.
Two young men are recruited into the Japanese air force just before outbreak of WW2 by the test pilot of Japans new super fighter - the Zero. The movie is told in reverse from the point of one of the young men who don't qualify for the pilot training and instead joins the ground crew. It chronicles the entire history of the famous fighter from the first prototype test flights all through the war.
Based on crime fiction novel written by Seicho Matsumoto.
The 21-year-old feudal on Sendai, Tsunamune Date, was prohibited to go out in the daytime for his misbehavior during his short stay in Edo. On the next day, his 4 attendants were killed one after another. Sakai Utanokamike, the Rozyu, is turned out to be involved in this scheme, and the aim is to destroy the Date family. Tsunamune's brother Munekatsu Date who is willing to take over the family doesn't know the real purpose of Utanokami and helps him. Munesuku Harada gets to know the whole picture of the incident and takes action alone for the sake of protecting the Date family, leaving his own family. His lonely fight continues for 10 years and he got in danger in Utanokamike's house, and...
August 9, 1945. An atomic bomb drops on Urakami, Nagasaki at 11:02am. The story of Dr. Nagai and his family.
Toyokichi Kuze
A woman fears for the safety of her fiance after his three brothers mysteriously disappear.
A police procedural surrounding murder at a bookstore and the private lives of the cops trying to solve the case.
Based on the comic book series of the same name by Yûsuke Aoyagi.
Chieko (Momoe Yamaguchi) has been raised as the only child of parents who run a dry goods store. When Chieko was a middle-school student, she learned that her parents are not her biological parents. Cheiko's mother told her that she was stolen while sleeping under a cherry tree in Gion, Kyoto, Japan, but Chieko doesn't believe that. Her relationship with her parents is very close. Chieko only tells her childhood friend Shinichi, but...
Inspector Todoroki
This extraordinarily complex film is not only a send-up of every samurai film ever made, it is also an extrapolation of the value of life. The Yamatai, represented by Prince Susano-O and elderly advisor Sumuke, hire Yumihiko of Matsuro to hunt the phoenix so that Queen Himiko, sister of Susano-O can have eteranal life.
Sen Rikyu is a ceremonial tea master who advises warlord Hideyoshi in sixteenth-century feudal Japan. His daughter, the beautiful Lady Ogin, has an unrequited love for Lord Ukon, who has angered Hideyoshi by becoming a Christian convert. Ogin's father Rikyu also displeases Hideyoshi by opposing the warlord's plan to invade China and Korea. When the animalistic Hideyoshi is rejected by Ogin, he threatens her and her father with arrest and worse.
Detective Todoroki
「…彼女は女王蜂である。慕いよる男どもをかたっぱしから死にいたらしめる運命にある。…」 昭和26年、月琴島で育てられた大道寺智子は18歳になり、父・大道寺欣造の住む東京の屋敷に引き取られることになっていた。その欣造宛てに奇妙な手紙が届き、智子を呼び寄せてはいけないと警告していた。手紙は月琴島で19年前に起こった学生の事故死にも触れ、「あれは果たして過失であったか」と疑問を投げかける。不安を感じたらしい欣造は金田一耕助に調査を依頼。金田一は智子の後見人として月琴島に渡り、智子の東京行きに同行することになる。 一方、智子は、東京行きの直前のある日、椿の根元から開かずの間の鍵を見つけ出した。好奇心に駆られた彼女が、開かずの間の中で見たものは、血のついた月琴であった。 島を出て、伊豆のホテル松籟荘に着いた智子の前に、大道寺欣造、文彦らのほか、欣造の薦める3人の婿候補者(遊佐三郎、駒井泰次郎、三宅嘉文)と、謎の手紙で呼び出された多門連太郎が現れる。智子を巡る争いのうちに、惨劇の幕が開かれる。
Inspector Todoroki
友が託した鬼頭千万太の遺書を携え、金田一耕助は”獄門島”に降り立った。三人の義妹の行く末を案じながら死んだ鬼頭千万太の通夜の日に、第一の事件は起こった。末娘・花子が梅の古木に逆さ吊りにされ殺されていたのだ。続いて二番目の妹・雪枝が、寺の鐘の中で死体となって発見される。そして遂には……長女・月代までもが残酷な死に様を残した。いったい誰が、何のために? この猟奇的な事件を追う金田一は、千万太の父、嘉右衛門の残した三つの俳句の謎につきあたる。この見立て連続殺人の意味するところは──。そして、真犯人は?https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/371320
Inspector Tachibana
Mainly the story of Shinsuke and his stepmother, ranging from Shinsuke's infanthood to his mid-teens. Coal workers and the mines dominate nearly every aspect of the life of the characters. Shinsuke's father dies while bravely using dynamite to rescue a group of trapped Korean miners. Several older men attempt to help he and his mother cope, including a kind Korean and a Harley-riding yakuza.
Noburo Uchimoto
Noburo Uchimoto
Iwama Kakubei
In Part I we see the young would-be swordsman setting out to achieve greatness in war, achieving nothing because fighting on the losing side, & then beginning his long period of wandering & training, with the goal always in mind of his duel with Kojiro. Part II builds toward that great duel on Ganryu Island, with considerable focus on Musashi's planning & forethought as to how to gain an advantage.
The struggle of a young man and boys who try to create the environment where they can speak their minds freely.
Japanese youngsters enduring hard training in Recruit Camp and then going to Iwo Jima in the last days of World War II.
The plight of U.S. Army deserters from Vietnam on the run in Japan, centering on the culture clash between the troubled Americans and the Japanese who try to help him.
By going to the Philippines, Imamura comes to meet people living in an extreme poverty. He discovers very quickly that some communities are under the control of cruel & armed pirates. Imamura will come to meet those men in order to understand their position.
Based on the comic by George Akiyama
Tsutomu Yoshioka, a Tokyo office worker, is enaged to Mariko, the niece of his company's president. But Yoshioka has a crisis of consence when he remembers his former love Mitsu, a rural girl whom he met and later left while in college. Shimako, a former friend, persuades Yoshioka to meet with Mitsu while she plots to blackmail Yoshioka by photographing the meeting to break up Mariko and Yoshioka.
A timid salaryman is the subject of this black comedy.
Cabinet Chief Secretary Hisatsune Sakomizu
Japanese drama film.
Kiroku boards with a Roman Catholic family and falls for the daughter Michiko. He ignores his feelings, joins a gang, gets in fights and, eventually, becomes involved with the radical Kita Ikki group.
誤診という名の殺人! 人の命を救うはずのメスが、野望のためにみがかれる! 医学界の封建的な人間関係、派閥抗争などを、野望に燃える浪速大学医学部第一外科助教授、財前五郎を中心に描く。
When an only child is struck by a car and dies, the child's mother seeks vengeance against the driver in this thrilling drama. The car was driven by the wife of a company president who is having an affair. The woman's husband manages to buy silence about the incident, but the victim's mother discovers the identity of the driver. After she secures a job in the home of the company president and his philandering spouse, the woman plans to murder the couple's son when he reaches the age of her late son.
Legendary swordplay filmmaker Hideo Gosha's Sword of the Beast chronicles the flight of the low-level swordsman Gennosuke, who kills one of his ministers as part of a reform plot. His former comrades then turn on him, and this betrayal so shakes his sense of honor that he decides to live in the wild, like an animal. There he joins up with a motley group who are illegally mining the shogun’s gold, and, with the aid of another swordsman, gets a chance not just at survival but to recover his name and honor.
A tale of three Yakuza gamblers who traveled Japan during the samurai era living by their wits and sword skills. Told in 3 separate vignettes, each part tells the story of a different drifter’s life. Part 1: A man is on the run after killing two Hasshu Officials to avenge his Boss. He must make a life or death decision as he is asked to protect a gang from attack. Part 2: A pair of gamblers chased out of a crooked game must fight not only their pursuers, but the ghosts of their pasts as well. Part 3: A wanderer who wants to live according to the Yakuza Code, but is not sure that he can do so when asked to save a town from an evil official.
Public prosecutor Tamura
Gisuke Hayashida is an illegal dentist during the day and a burglar by night. One night during a burglary he witnesses a train derailment. Some communists are found guilty of causing the incident, but he knows it wasn't them. He can save innocent people but for that he must confess his own crime.
Koheita Kadokura
Itinerant masseur and master swordsman, the blind Zatoichi, is near the village of his teacher, Hikonoichi, so he decides to visit. He learns of Hikonoichi's recent robbery and murder and the imprisonment of his virginal daughter, Osayo, in a brothel. Through friendship with Denroku, a local dice thrower and devoted father, Ichi uncovers an unholy alliance between the governor and the area strongman: among their scams is falsifying tax records to put farmers in debt, then forcing their daughters into prostitution at the boss's brothel. With help from Denroku's daughter, Otsuru, Ichi comforts Osayo until he can provoke showdowns with the villains and their henchmen.
Sgt. Tamura
American and Japanese soldiers, stranded on a tiny Pacific island during World War II, must make a temporary truce and cooperate to survive various tribulations. Told through the eyes of the American and Japanese unit commanders, who must deal with an atmosphere of growing distrust and tension between their men.
Long John Silver (voice)
This was the first episode of Mushi Pro Land, a unique series of 60-minute animated programs. It was also Japan's first 60-minute animated TV program. However, the series never materialized and only this episode was actually aired. The story follows Stevenson's "Treasure Island," featuring characters in the form of animals. For example, the pirate Silver is illustrated as a wolf, where the main character Jim is changed into a rabbit. This has, therefore, nothing to do with the "New Treasure Island," Tezuka's masterpiece Manga.
Keisuke Munakata
A hunchbacked caretaker presides over a forlorn mansion inhabited by the ghosts of his previous masters. An unbelieving trio (a doctor, his assistant and his niece) fail to heed the caretaker's warnings and are slaughtered horribly by the jealous occupants.
The last judgment.
Second part of the series where sex magic skills of female and Iga ninjas clash over enourmous treasure of the Toyotomi family, discovered in connection with the plot to overthrow the shogunate.
During the war a university professor meets a girl and marries her. Very soon however, it is apparent that their needs are not matched. He would much rather be translating Shakespeare than attending to her, and she has a secret in her past - one that results in her sleeping with a great number of men.
Makoto Misugi
An early ninkyo film from before the genre had truly established its form. Koji Tsuruta plays an honourable outlaw who saves an older man from an ambush. It turns out the man is the head of a hard working clan appointed to a railway construction project. A ruthless yakuza gang is also trying to get their share of the project and attempts to sabotage the work. After the old man dies, his son (Sonny Chiba) and daughter (Junko Fuji) try to complete the project. Tsuruta joins them while also falling in love with a local woman working in a bar (after all, Tsuruta always was more of a lover than his stoic colleague Takakura).
Mayumi Ogawa stars in the tale of a Turkey miss—basically a prostitute who services men in Turkish baths—whose plans to get rich in the stock market, open a beauty salon, and marry her sweetie are turned upside down by the arrival of her boyfriend-stealing half sister Mako Midori. - Pulpinternational
Yuka's sugar-daddy
横浜の外国人客が多い上流ナイトクラブでは、今日もユカと呼ばれる18歳の女の子が人気を集めていた。さまざまな伝説を身のまわりに撒きちらす女、平気で男と寝て、教会にもかよう。彼女にとっては当り前の生活も、人からみれば異様にうつった。横浜のユカのアパートで、ユカがパパと呼んでいる船荷会社の社長は、初老の男だがユカにとってはパパ を幸福にしてあげたいという気持でいっぱいだ。ある日曜日、ユカがボーイフレンドの修と街を歩いていた時、ショウウィンドウをのぞいて素晴しい人形を、その娘に買ってやっている嬉しそうなパパをみた時から、ユカもそんな風にパパを喜ばせたいと思った。ユカの目的は男をよろこばすだけだったから...。
One summer day, the chief monk of the Hojuin Temple dies. Harumichi rushes back to town hearing about his brother's death and requests for a grand funeral. He had been unwilling to take over the family business and had chosen a life as a middle school teacher far away from home, but considering the circumstances, he changes his mind. As the new chief of Hojuin, Harumichi scrambles around day after day for donations. He has kept strictly to the straight and narrow, until he passes a bicycle race track where the sounds of cheering fans induce him into a new way of life...
After a salary-man's fiancée attempts suicide, he recounts his gruesome family history which saw generations of his ancestors suffer and sacrifice themselves for the sake of their cruel lords.
Detective Nakao
Warlord Oda Nobunaga seeks to unite a fractured Japan. A young man trained in the arts of ninjitsu is manipulated by a ninja master into attempting to assassinate the warlord before he completes his task.
Considered one of the finest late Naruses and a model of film biography, A Wanderer’s Notebook features remarkable performances by Hideko Takamine – Phillip Lopate calls it “probably her greatest performance” – and Kinuyo Tanaka as mother and daughter living from hand to mouth in Twenties Tokyo. Based on the life and career of Fumiko Hayashi, the novelist whose work Naruse adapted to the screen several times, A Wanderer’s Notebook traces her bitter struggle for literary recognition in the first half of the twentieth century – her affairs with feckless men, the jobs she took to survive (peddler, waitress, bar maid), and her arduous, often humiliating attempts to get published in a male-dominated culture.
The action takes place in a city where you can live on only 100 yen a day. The "General", who indulged in gambling with his henchmen all day, he was running his business and hitting him with a taxi turned out to be a trifle for him. A unique work, filled with tears and laughter, praising the beautiful human love that blooms at the bottom of life, focused on the genius “General” who lives in the troubled city of Kamagasaki.
Mr. Noda
中学3年の石黒ジュン(吉永小百合)は、鋳物工場の直立炉(キューポラ)が立ち並ぶ埼玉県川口市の鋳物職人の長女である。何事にも前向きで、高校進学を目指すジュンだが、父・辰五郎(東野英治郎)が工場を解雇されたため、家計は火の車で、修学旅行に行くことも諦めていた。 自力で高校の入学費用を貯めようと、パチンコ屋でアルバイトを始めるジュン。担任教師の助力で修学旅行にも行けることになった。しかし、ようやく再就職した父親は、待遇が不満で仕事をやめてしまった。絶望したジュンは女友達と遊び歩き、危うく不良少年たちに乱暴されかけた。 全日制の高校進学を取りやめて、就職を決断するジュン。北朝鮮への帰還問題で苦悩する朝鮮人の一家や、貧しくとも力強く生きる人々との交流を通じて、ジュンは、自立して働きながら定時制で学び続けることに意義を見出したのだった。
1962 Japanese movie
Ronin Kobuhachi
The story is of two people. One is deaf, the other deaf and mute. They marry after meeting at a school reunion, and the film follows their trials and tribulations ... and joys.
Two outsiders start a relationship in a mining town.
When Yumiko Tsuyama, a potter by profession, comes inquiring about a room for rent in an old mansion overlooking Osaka, she finds a bizarre collection of characters already living there. The unlikely leader of this menagerie is Yoda Goro, who speaks four languages fluently, is an expert in cabbage rolls, and has written how-to books encompassing every aspect of human existence.
Fleeing, bloody samurai (uncredited)
Brutal yakuza
Set in post-war Japan, a group of five, four men and one woman, gathers in the basement of a butcher shop to dig up a cache of morphine buried during the war. A grimly humorous tale of twisted relationships as one by one each of the group is eliminated.
Narrator (uncredited)
Guard killed by Washizu
A group of rank-and-file Japanese soldiers are jailed for crimes against humanity, themselves victims of a nation refusing to bear its burdens as a whole.
Samurai Wandering through Town (uncredited)
Three short tales from stories by Ichiyo Higuchi. In one, a young woman is degraded by her family after an arranged marriage. Another deals with the troubles heaped upon a young servant by her family and the wealthy people who employ her. The final story tells of a prostitute and her hopes of finding a new, respectable life.
Ten years into a marriage, the wife is disappointed by the husband's lack of financial success, meaning she has to work and can't treat herself and the husband finds the wife slovenly and mean-spirited: she neither cooks not cleans particularly well and is generally disagreeable. In turn, he alternately ignores her and treats her as a servant. Neither is particularly happy, not helped by their unsatisfactory lodgers. The husband is easily seduced by an ex-colleague, a widow with a small child who needs some security, and considers leaving his wife.