
Monkey Business (1952)

It's some fun!

ジャンル : コメディ, ロマンス

上映時間 : 1時間 37分

演出 : Howard Hawks
脚本 : Ben Hecht, Charles Lederer, I. A. L. Diamond


Research chemist Barnaby Fulton works on a fountain of youth pill for a chemical company. One of the labs chimps gets loose in the laboratory and mixes chemicals, but then pours the mix into the water cooler. When trying one of his own samples, washed down with water from the cooler, Fulton begins to act just like a twenty-year-old and believes his potion is working. Soon his wife and boss are also behaving like children.


Cary Grant
Cary Grant
Barnaby Fulton
Ginger Rogers
Ginger Rogers
Edwina Fulton
Charles Coburn
Charles Coburn
Oliver Oxley
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe
Lois Laurel
Hugh Marlowe
Hugh Marlowe
Hank Entwhistle
Henri Letondal
Henri Letondal
Jerome Kitzel
Robert Cornthwaite
Robert Cornthwaite
Dr. Zoldeck
Larry Keating
Larry Keating
G.J. Culverly
Douglas Spencer
Douglas Spencer
Dr. Brunner
Esther Dale
Esther Dale
Mrs. Rhinelander
George Winslow
George Winslow
Little Indian
Kathleen Freeman
Kathleen Freeman
Mrs. Brannigan (uncredited)
Marjorie Holliday
Marjorie Holliday
Harry Carey, Jr.
Harry Carey, Jr.
Reporter (uncredited)


Howard Hawks
Howard Hawks
Ben Hecht
Ben Hecht
Charles Lederer
Charles Lederer
Sol C. Siegel
Sol C. Siegel
William B. Murphy
William B. Murphy
Milton Krasner
Milton Krasner
Director of Photography
I. A. L. Diamond
I. A. L. Diamond
Harry Segall
Harry Segall
George Patrick
George Patrick
Art Direction
Lyle R. Wheeler
Lyle R. Wheeler
Art Direction
Thomas Little
Thomas Little
Set Decoration
Walter M. Scott
Walter M. Scott
Set Decoration
Leigh Harline
Leigh Harline
Lionel Newman
Lionel Newman
Music Director
Charles Le Maire
Charles Le Maire
Costume Designer
Earle Hagen
Earle Hagen
Ben Nye
Ben Nye
Makeup Artist
Ray Kellogg
Ray Kellogg
Special Effects
W. D. Flick
W. D. Flick
Roger Heman Sr.
Roger Heman Sr.


In 1965, a young woman with dreams of becoming a writer has a son at the age of 15 and struggles to make things work with the drug-addicted father.
The Butcher
A tragic car accident in the middle of nowhere finds six stranded college students fighting for their lives after making a horrifying discovery in a remote farmhouse in director Edward Gorsuch's rural frightener. With no place to run and no police station for miles, these doomed students are about to discover that down home hospitality is the last thing on the minds of the murderous family who stalks them through the woods.
Having fathered an illegitimate child with his lover, Marie, feckless soldier Franz Woyzeck takes odd jobs around his small town to provide some extra money for them. One of them is volunteering for experiments conducted by a local doctor, who puts Woyzeck on a diet of peas. This serves to drive him close to madness, and the discovery that Marie is involved in an affair with the local drum major exacerbates the situation. Pushed too far, Woyzeck resorts to violence.
1事故。 10人の生存者。 文明から3,000マイル。 飛行機crash落事故からの生存者のグループは、ゴビ砂漠の真ん中で失われ、救われる可能性はありません。 彼らの唯一の希望は、「不可能」を達成することです。plane落した飛行機の残骸を使って新しいデバイスを構築し、砂漠から抜け出すことです。 貨物飛行機パイロットのフランクタウンズと彼の副操縦士AJがモンゴルのタンサグ盆地に派遣され、キャンセルされた炭化水素探査作業のスタッフを避難させたとき、それはすべて始まりました。 このふたりは、この日常的な使命が生死の闘争になり、人生に対するすべての見方を完全に変えるとは考えていません。
スポンジ・ボブ/スクエアパンツ ザ・ムービー
There's trouble brewing in Bikini Bottom. Someone has stolen King Neptune's crown, and it looks like Mr. Krab, SpongeBob's boss, is the culprit. Though he's just been passed over for the promotion of his dreams, SpongeBob stands by his boss, and along with his best pal Patrick, sets out on a treacherous mission to Shell City to reclaim the crown and save Mr. Krab's life.
At a prestigious all-male university, three friends seek love outside of the school grounds; at the same time, a newly-hired music teacher seeks to befriend and loosen up the militantly strict headmaster.
Serengeti Shall Not Die
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Just when you thought it was safe to sleep, Freddy Krueger returns in this sixth installment of the Nightmare on Elm Street films, as psychologist Maggie Burroughs, tormented by recurring nightmares, meets a patient with the same horrific dreams. Their quest for answers leads to a certain house on Elm Street -- where the nightmares become reality.
Engel & Joe
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Presumed dead after a shoot-out with the Haddonfield police, Michael Myers is secretly nursed back to health — and returns a year later to kill again and once more targets his young niece, Jamie. Jamie is now recovering in the local children's hospital after attacking her stepmother and losing her voice. Her mental link with her evil uncle may be the key to uprooting her family tree.
Alex, an intersexed 15-year-old, is living as a girl, but she and her family begin to wonder whether she's emotionally a boy when another teenager's sexual advances bring the issue to a head. As Alex faces a final decision regarding her gender, she meets both hostility and compassion.
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After Gordon Bombay's hockey comeback is cut short he is named coach of Team USA Hockey for the Junior Goodwill Games. Bombay reunites the Mighty Ducks and introduces a few new players, however, he finds himself distracted by his newfound fame and must regather if the Ducks are to defeat tournament favourites Iceland.
離婚調停中であり、娘の郁子の親権を夫邦夫と争っている淑美は生活を立て直そうと、郁子と一緒に新しいマンションに引っ越す。しかし、そこは雨漏りが酷い、水道水が不味い、上階の子供の足音がよく響くなど不具合が多く、また彼女は何か不穏なものを感じていた。 ある日、淑美は屋上で、赤い子供用バッグ(mimikoバッグ)を見つけ、それがきっかけで郁子と同じ幼稚園に通っていた少女・河合美津子が2年前から行方不明になっているのを知る。美津子は父と共に、淑美たちの真上の部屋に住んでいて、行方不明になったときには似たバッグをかけていた。 バッグは落とし物としてマンション管理人に届け、捨てられたことを確認するが、後日また屋上で同じものが見つかった。娘の郁子はバッグが気になるようで、また、見えない女の子と会話する奇行が見られるようになった。淑美は、美津子の霊が郁子を連れ去ろうとしているのではないかと恐慌に陥り、一度はマンションを出る決意する。
A story about a troubled boy growing up in England, set in 1983. He comes across a few skinheads on his way home from school, after a fight. They become his new best friends, even like family. Based on experiences of director Shane Meadows.
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Princess Farah refuses to marry Sinbad until Prince Kassim, her brother, is able to give his consent. However, the Prince's wicked stepmother, Queen Zenobia, has changed Kassim into a baboon in order to have her own son crowned as caliph. Sinbad, his crew, the Princess and the transformed Prince travel to a distant land, fighting every obstacle Zenobia places in their path, to seek the advice of a legendary wise man who can possibly tell how to end the spell.
Doll Graveyard
It's 1905 when 12 year old Sophia plays all by herself in her big, creepy house with only four handmade dolls as friends. When her abusive father has finally had enough, he forces her to bury them in the backyard. But, after she "slips" and breaks her neck, dad buries her right along with the dolls. 100 years later, the Fillbrook family moves into the very same house.
In the not too distant future, where by far the most precious commodity in the galaxy is water. The last surviving water planet was somehow removed to the unreachable centre of the galaxy at the end of the galactic trade wars. The galaxy is ruled by an evil emperor presiding over a trade oligarchy that controls all mining and sale of ice from asteroids and comets.
The story follows the adventures of Aang, a young successor to a long line of Avatars, who must put his childhood ways aside and stop the Fire Nation from enslaving the Water, Earth and Air nations.
シー・ノー・イーヴル 肉鉤のいけにえ
A group of delinquents are sent to clean the Blackwell Hotel but little do they know reclusive psychopath Jacob Goodnight has holed away in the rotting hotel. When one of the teens is captured, those who remain band together to survive against the brutal killer.


Lorelei Lee is a beautiful showgirl engaged to be married to the wealthy Gus Esmond, much to the disapproval of Gus' rich father, Esmond Sr., who thinks that Lorelei is just after his money. When Lorelei goes on a cruise accompanied only by her best friend, Dorothy Shaw, Esmond Sr. hires Ernie Malone, a private detective, to follow her and report any questionable behavior that would disqualify her from the marriage.
Mortimer Brewster, a newspaper drama critic, playwright, and author known for his diatribes against marriage, suddenly falls in love and gets married; but when he makes a quick trip home to tell his two maiden aunts, he finds out his aunts' hobby - killing lonely old men and burying them in the cellar!
オードリー・ヘプバーンによるロマンチックコメディー。名匠ビリー・ワイルダーがサミュエル・テイラーの戯曲「サブリナ・フェア」を映画化した。大富豪の兄弟と、美しく変身したお抱え運転手の娘との恋を描く。 大富豪ララビー家のお抱え運転手の娘サブリナ(オードリー・ヘプバーン)が、主の次男デイヴィッド(ウィリアム・ホールデン)に恋心を抱くも、彼女の父は身分違いの恋を忘れさせるため娘をパリへ送り出す。2年後、洗練された淑女に変身した彼女が帰国すると、デイヴィッドはすっかり夢中に。婚約中の弟を案じる長男ライナス(ハンフリー・ボガート)は、やがて自分はサブリナが好きなことに気付き……。
J・ウェイン、D・マーティン共演、町の実力者の弟を逮捕した保安官チャンスが、わずかな手勢で一味の勢力に立ち向かう、ハワード・ホークス監督の傑作娯楽ウエスタン。 メキシコ国境の町リオ・ブラボー。保安官チャンスは、酒場のゴタゴタから人を殺したジョーという男を逮捕した。ジョーの兄ネイサンは手下を集め、釈放を求めてチャンスを脅迫する。チャンスはわずかな手勢で、ネイサン一派を迎え撃つが……。
An advertising executive dreams of getting out of the city and building a perfect home in the country, only to find the transition fraught with problems.
アリアーヌは、探偵である父の調査書を盗み見て、フラナガンというハンサムな男性に憧れを抱く。彼女は、素性を隠してフラナガンに接近。彼が愛人の夫に殺されそうになるところを助け、そのことをきっかけに憧れが本気の恋に発展。フラナガンもチャーミングなアリアーヌを忘れられなくなる。 パリを舞台にしたオードリー・ヘップバーンとゲーリー・クーパー共演作。好奇心旺盛なアリアーヌを演じるオードリーは可憐な魅力を振りまき、その魅力を惜しみなく発揮している。憧れの人と恋に落ちても、自分の正体を知られたくないアリアーヌと彼女のことを知りたいフラナガンの恋の駆け引きもスリリングで見応え十分。テンポよくイキな演出はビリー・ワイルダー。1957年のモノクロ映画だが、いつ観ても色あせないスイートなラブストーリーだ。
A couple falls in love and agrees to meet in six months at the Empire State Building - but will it happen?
1959年、12月。従業員31,259名を擁するニューヨークの保険会社。19階の大部屋に勤める C. C. バクスター(ジャック・レモン)。勤続3年10カ月、礼儀正しく、数字に強く、押しに弱い"バド"の週給は94ドル70セント。 セントラルパーク近くの家賃月額85ドルの (くつろげて、独身向き) アパートに暮らすバドは、なし崩し的に続いている「バドの部屋のまた貸し」を当てにし私生活に割り込んでくる課長ら上司の、色恋の絡む、あってないような空き予約をなかなか断り切れずにいた。
サスペンスの巨匠アルフレッド・ヒッチコック監督の最高傑作のひとつ。美女の自殺の裏に隠された巧妙なトリックを、謎めいたロマンスとともに描いたミステリー。 とある悲惨な事件をきっかけに、高所恐怖症となり、警察を退職したジョンのもとに、旧友から情緒不安定な自分の妻マデリンを尾行してほしいとの依頼が入った。断り切れなかったジョンは、その日の夜から尾行を開始。やがてマデリンを愛するようになってしまったジョンの目の前で彼女は身を投げた…。失意に暮れるジョンは、町をさまよううちにマデリンそっくりの女性と出会う。