
The Man and the Beast (1973)

ジャンル : ホラー

上映時間 : 1時間 25分

演出 : Julián Soler


Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde, adapted once again.


Enrique Lizalde
Enrique Lizalde
Nancy Compare
Nancy Compare
Sasha Montenegro
Sasha Montenegro
Carlos López Moctezuma
Carlos López Moctezuma
Eduardo Noriega
Eduardo Noriega
Julián Pastor
Julián Pastor
Rebeca Silva
Rebeca Silva
Jorge Fegán
Jorge Fegán
Juan José Martínez Casado
Juan José Martínez Casado
Pedro Reguei
Pedro Reguei
Mauricio De Ferraris
Mauricio De Ferraris
José Luis Avendaño
José Luis Avendaño
Marcos E. Contreras
Marcos E. Contreras
Arturo Guzmán
Arturo Guzmán
Odila Dupeyron
Odila Dupeyron
Susana Álvarez
Susana Álvarez
Jorge Victoria
Jorge Victoria
Guillermo Segura
Guillermo Segura


Julián Soler
Julián Soler
Raúl Casso
Raúl Casso
Pedro Gómez
Pedro Gómez
Assistant Editor
Robert Louis Stevenson
Robert Louis Stevenson
Ricardo Sáinz
Ricardo Sáinz
Special Effects
Eduardo Mendoza
Eduardo Mendoza
Title Graphics
Consuelo Jaramillo
Consuelo Jaramillo
Recording Supervision
Ricardo Saldívar
Ricardo Saldívar
Sound Design Assistant
José Luis Nuñez
José Luis Nuñez
Sound Design Assistant
José Luis Nuñez
José Luis Nuñez
Production Manager
Daniel Bautista
Daniel Bautista
Production Manager
Fernando Durán Rojas
Fernando Durán Rojas
Assistant Director
Antonio Ramírez
Antonio Ramírez
Makeup Department Head
Virginia Campos
Virginia Campos
Hair Department Head
Pedro Moreno
Pedro Moreno
Lighting Manager
Jorge Cabrera
Jorge Cabrera
Casting Associate
José Legorreta
José Legorreta
Casting Associate
Guillermo Díaz Escamilla
Guillermo Díaz Escamilla
Alberto Arellanos Bustamante
Alberto Arellanos Bustamante
Camera Operator
Agustín Lara
Agustín Lara
Camera Operator
Mario Becerra
Mario Becerra
Camera Intern
Antonio Jiménez
Antonio Jiménez
Still Photographer
Alfredo Ruanova
Alfredo Ruanova
Executive Producer
Xavier Cruz
Xavier Cruz
Director of Photography
Alfredo Ruanova
Alfredo Ruanova
Raúl Mejía Barreto
Raúl Mejía Barreto
Script Supervisor
Jorge Mayorga
Jorge Mayorga
Sound Recordist
Ernesto Cortázar Jr.
Ernesto Cortázar Jr.
Original Music Composer


Godzilla 1985
ゴジラシリーズ第29作。総監督・脚本に庵野秀明、監督・特技監督に樋口真嗣を迎え製作された完全新作。 東京湾アクアトンネルが崩落する事故が発生。首相官邸での緊急会議で内閣官房副長官・矢口蘭堂(長谷川博己)が、海中に潜む謎の生物が事故を起こした可能性を指摘する。その後、海上に巨大不明生物が出現。さらには蒲田に上陸し、街を破壊しながら突進していく。政府の緊急対策本部は自衛隊に対し防衛出動命令を下し、“ゴジラ”と名付けられた巨大不明生物に立ち向かうが……。
大怪獣決闘 ガメラ対バルゴン
ガメラシリーズ第2作。  前作「大怪獣ガメラ」から半年後。ガメラを宇宙に追放したZプランのロケットが隕石と衝突。自由の身となったガメラは地球に戻り黒部ダムを襲撃、電気エネルギーを吸収するとさらに別の熱エネルギーを求めて何処かへ去って行った。一方、ニューギニアの奥地にある禁忌の地「虹の谷」から日本に持ち帰られたオパールへ、不注意から赤外線が照射され続けたことにより、オパールの中から虹色の光線を出す伝説の怪獣バルゴンが出現。神戸港に上陸して港を破壊、大阪へと東進したバラゴンは冷凍液により大阪各地を破壊していく。  そこへ出現したガメラと激しい戦闘が繰り広げられるが、バラゴンによりガメラは凍結されてしまう。  水に弱いことが判明したバラゴンを琵琶湖へ誘導する作戦が開始されるが、あと一歩のとのところで作戦は失敗。しかし作戦の影響により凍結から復活したガメラが再度出現。二大怪獣による琵琶湖を挟んだ決闘が繰り広げられる…。
日本の「ゴジラ」(1954年)に、ハリウッドで追加撮影されたシーンを加えて再編集されたハリウッド上映版。 アメリカの新聞記者スティーブ・マーティン(レイモンド・バー)は、カイロへの取材に向かう途中に立ち寄った日本の東京で、ゴジラの上陸に遭遇する。スティーブの回想によって、ゴジラに蹂躙東京の惨状が描かれる。
A re-edited Italian-language dubbed version of Godzilla, using as a basis the U.S. version Godzilla, King of the Monsters! (1956), plus WWII newsreel footage and clips from other monster 1950's movies. The re-edited film was then colorized via a process called Spectrorama 70 consisting of applying various colored gels to the black and white footage. The film's opening and ending also features new music composed by musician Vince Tempera (under the pseudonym Magnetic System).
三大怪獣 地球最大の決戦
ガメラ 大怪獣空中決戦
平成ガメラシリーズ第1作。 監督に金子修介、脚本に伊藤和典、特撮監督に樋口真嗣を迎え、リアリティを徹底的に追求しつつ、新しい特撮表現に挑んだ意欲的な怪獣映画となった。 1995年。太平洋上に発見された謎の巨大漂流環礁が、黒潮に乗って日本に近づいていた。保険会社の草薙と海上保安庁の米森は環礁の調査に乗り出し、環礁の上で不思議な石版と大量の勾玉を発見。さらに、この環礁が生物であるということが明らかになる。 同じ頃、九州の五島列島・姫神島で、島民が「鳥!」という無線を最後に消息を絶つ事件が発生。調査に呼ばれた鳥類学者の長峰はそこで、島民を食らった巨大な怪鳥を発見する。 政府は怪鳥の捕獲を決定。長峰が中心となって福岡ドームに誘い込む作戦を決行するが、その内の1匹を取り逃がしてしまう。巣に向かって帰巣する1匹を自衛隊のヘリが追跡していた時、博多湾からあの環礁=巨大生物が出現。向かって来る怪鳥を平手打ちで石油コンビナートに吹き飛ばして倒し、そのまま博多へ上陸。周りの建物を破壊しながらドームに向かって行く。更に、予期せぬ事態に周囲は大混乱に陥り、その隙を突いた2匹の怪鳥は自らを閉じ込めていた鉄格子を強力な超音波で切断して脱出。巨大生物も円盤のような姿となって怪鳥を追って飛び去っていった。 「最後の希望・ガメラ、時の揺りかごに託す。災いの影・ギャオスと共に目覚めん。」 古代の石板に記された碑文から、政府は巨大生物をガメラ、怪鳥をギャオスと呼称する。政府はギャオスの捕獲にこだわる一方、ギャオスよりも体格的に大きいガメラを危険視し、ギャオスを追うガメラを攻撃する。 ガメラの妨害を逃れ短期間で巨大に成長を遂げたギャオスは、エサとなる人間を求め東京へと向かう。ここにきてようやく政府は捕獲を中止し、ギャオスに攻撃を行うが、ギャオスは自衛隊の発射したミサイルを巧みに誘導して東京タワーを破壊させ、真っ二つに折れた東京タワーに営巣する。しかしギャオスの産卵直後、突如大きな地震が起こり、次の瞬間、傷の癒えたガメラが地中から出現。東京タワーごと巣を破壊したものの、ギャオスを取り逃がしてしまう。急いで飛び上がるガメラ。 今ここに、東京の空を舞台とした、二大怪獣による空中決戦の火蓋が切られた。
大怪獣空中戦 ガメラ対ギャオス
ガメラ映画第3作。 富士火山帯の活動が活発化し、富士山が噴火した。その噴火に導かれてガメラが現れる。ガメラは溶岩を求めて火口の中に消えて行った。富士山噴火の調査団を乗せたヘリコプターが山中から発射された謎の光線によって墜落した。新聞記者とともに事故現場に行った英一は、コウモリのような翼を持った怪獣の出現に遭遇する。それは富士の噴火の影響によって二子山から目覚めた、超音波メス光線を発し高速で空を飛ぶ怪獣・ギャオスだった。防衛隊は夜行性のギャオスを強力照明弾で封じ込めるが、空腹となったギャオスは照明弾を潜り抜け、夜間の名古屋市へ襲来。新幹線の人々を捕食するなど、蹂躙を繰り広げる。 出現したガメラとの激しい戦いの最中、夜明けが近づくとギャオスは苦しみ出し、自らの足を超音波メスで切断し、二子山へと逃げ帰る。ガメラを呼び寄せるため、英一の祖父、金丸村長は自らの山に火を放つ。激しい山火事が発生し、それを消し止めようとするギャオスの元に、ガメラが出現。二大怪獣の最期の戦いが始まった…。
While shooting a documentary on the suspicious disappearances within the homeless community, a filmmaker and his crew go missing while uncovering a terrifying and vicious secret below the city's surface.
ガメラ2 レギオン襲来


On the Edge of Terror
Fernando Almada is 'El Griego' a world famous ventriloquist now on the brink of madness. Because he can no longer find an audience for his show, his strange personality makes him abuse the puppets he works with. But they seem to have a life of their own. Now Fernando is swep into a world of terror as the puppets seek their revenge!
Neutron Traps the Invisible Killers
Masked hero El enmascarado de oro faces a criminal that turns invisible.
Narcotráfico: Sentencia De Muerte
It’s the Feds vs. the Cartel as both sides of the law race through the desert to snag a hidden dope stash in New Drug City.
La Araucana is a Chilean film based on an epic poem in Spanish about the Spanish conquest of Chile, by Alonso de Ercilla; it is also known in English as The Araucaniad. It is considered the national epic of the Kingdom of Chile and one of the most important works of the Spanish Golden Age
Kiss from Beyond the Grave
A newlywed couple find themselves broke when the woman's father dies deeply in debt. Forced to sell their belongings, they move into a rundown house from which they get very bad vibes. It's not long before some very strange and disturbing people begin showing up at the house.
The House Is Empty
This beautiful, atmospheric Chilean movie (made by an Argentinian director) was unfortunately "cannibalized" by Jerry Warren, who kept about a third of the original footage, together with another third of "La dama de la muerte" (another superb Chilean movie of the same period, made by Argentinian director Carlos Hugo Christensen), then added his own senseless "additional sequences" with John Carradine and Katherine Victor, the final result being the atrocious CURSE OF THE STONE HAND.
Lola the Truck Driver
Lola finds herself into the world of violence and drug trafficking when her father is murdered for refusing to put his truck to the service of a powerful cartel, with protections at high police levels. Knowing the local officials will not serve out justice, she takes matters into her own hands. Armed with a machine gun, she'll attempt to get revenge by her own hands - but the enemy has more firepower than her.
Dr. Satan
Dr. Satan, a mad scientist and sorceror, plans to take over the world. In order to do so, he wakes up three zombie slaves from the dead and attempts to make a deal with the devil. He sends his zombie servants to do harm to anyone who stands in his way. Will anyone be able to stop him?
A graceful prince of a far away planet is forced to abandon his reign in order to escape from the perfidious Nitron, "the vampire interplanetary" that means to conquer the universe. When damage forces the spaceship in which he is traveling to the Earth, a girl aboard his craft confronts two generous champions of freedom and autonomy, "Mysterious El" and "El Volador", who are Masked Wrestlers from Bolivia. They take great care that she is familiarized with the land habits of earthlings, including making love and drinking beer. The prince learns from his new friends all the secrets of a galaxy ring, which can destroy all evil as well as burn rocks. Fearing that they will be attacked by the enemy, the girl decides to hide herself behind the identity of the earth singer Larossa, who had died a year previous.
The Ship of Monsters
A singing cowboy falls foul of alien invaders and beautiful women from Venus.
Utopia: The Scattered Body and the World Upside Down
Two salesmen in Honduras are looking everywhere for their lost pal.
Mysteries of Black Magic
Six hundred year old witch butts heads with a scholar over the possession of a rare ancient grimoire and then discovers that his daughter's fiance is the reincarnation of her first boyfriend.
Si Adelita se fuera con otro
Young couple run off to join the Mexican Revolution, in part because she has a crush on Francisco Villa.
Into the Darkness
Some new age UFO lovers groups have announced that the Earth will be without energy and sunlight for three days. Three dark days of galactic cleaning by superior light brothers. Behind this apocalyptic resource is a depraved alien plan to start an invasion and supplant humankind leaders.
Escuela de placer
Heirs of a bankrupt relative decide that the only way they can avoid sacrificing their inherited property to pay debts is by opening a brothel.
The Shame of the Sabine Women
The Sabine tribe battles Romulus in the early days of Rome after Romans seize their women as unwilling brides.
By Hook or By Crook
Rafael Inclan plays the campy hero in the Mexican By Hook or Crook. Known as the "Super-Mexican", detective Inclan is in his own way as dangerous as France's Inspector Clouseau. A series of murders have occured in the uppermost circles of society. Inclan vows to solve the killings, or die trying (which is a strong possibility). There's a belly-laugh a minute in this silly confection, which since its 1985 release has popped up with regularity on the various Spanish-language TV cable services.
Scientists do an investigation on sharks as they believe they can cure deadly diseases.
Dialogues of the Exiles
Chilean exiles in Paris discuss the problems facing them. They kidnap and attempt to re-educate a touring singer from their fatherland.
357 Magnum
Two detectives infiltrate a smuggling gang to take revenge for the murder of their brother and his family.